The man looked at her and held the body of’ Long Ze’ with a frown.

"You lied to me!" Na Lanqing’s exquisite facial features have lost their vitality and everything to the world. Destruction … Destruction … Destruction …
"Come on, come home with me and you will forget everything and remember that you are my wife!" A man’s voice is gentle but cold to the bone.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha … wife?" Na Lanqing suddenly burst into madness and laughed. Her eyes were full of hatred, loss of nostalgia for the world, and her profound destruction.
Holding the body of’ Long Ze’, she slowly walked to the side of the rockery and at the same time pressed a huge fireworks on a certain day …
Colorful fireworks are looked at by people from all directions to illuminate the night color with devastating disaster.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ….. you shouldn’t move Long Ze … Long Ze is a shackle for me … it happened that you should be so stupid to destroy my shackles … congratulations, the world will be destroyed … ha ha ha ha ha ….." The wind made her laugh like a devil may cry.
Colorful fireworks signal sent out, she laughed bitterly.
"Three hundred thousand flame militarization death warrant undead the whole China will be a bloodbath …"
The man’s pupil shrinks. "You …"
The man heard a sharp sound boom before he said it … A loud noise was not thunder, but …
Gunpowder bombing rang in this capital, which is a signal to start work …
She wants to turn this city into a sea of blood to pay homage to Long Ze’s death …
"Ha ha ha ha ….. it seems that your barracks had an accident …" Na Lanqing will lean on the body of’ Long Ze’ to bend down and draw a fuse from the rockery to burn the sound …
"Slow down by the Sanchuan River and I’ll come to you!" Na Lanqing bowed their heads and kissed’ Long Ze’ on the forehead, listening to the burning sound of the lead, and she hooked her lips happily.
Boom … Boom … Boom, boom, boom …
"Don’t!" In the distance, Long Ze wanted to rush in, but in front of him, a flame made him approach …
Want to rush into the fire, but to the ability …
Through the firelight, you can see that she kissed the sleeping’ Long Ze’ face, and her eyes were gentle and her face was lightly pressed against his face. At this moment, she smiled from the heart.
Can burn all the flames swept through the two figures …
Long Ze’s heart is sour, but when he comes to pick up his mood, his eyes turn …
The capital was destroyed by flames, and the lives of millions of people in the imperial city were turned into iron fighters, and the blood of the dead merged into a sea of blood to form a hell.
An ancient country with a history of thousands of years, the capital has no place for chickens and dogs, and there are bloody corpses and limbs everywhere …
The only living thing is the army that has lost its faith and wandered like the undead.
Monsters are not people …
A magic weapon turned into a magic blade and vowed to pay tribute to the death of their master with the blood of all the people in the world.
They are Nalanqing crazy soldiers. Losing their master means losing their meaning. It’s enough to sacrifice magic soldiers or magic soldiers.
The army covered in blood in the scorching sun has long been unable to tell whether it is the enemy or itself.
They cut off the last person and looked at the soldiers who died everywhere. They smiled, "Go slow!"
The sword stood in front of the neck and fell to the ground …
Long Ze lips his reddish eyes.
Will you mourn these soldiers? Once again, the whole continent was shocked by the destruction of China. Take troops into China to see and finally determine the destruction of China … However, it is also from this time that plague infections appeared in the armies of various countries and spread rapidly throughout the world …
Gunpowder was inherited by Nalanqing, and people all over the world paid for it …
The world is in chaos.
People know that all this is just a series of reactions caused by Nalan’s death. She is a demon who destroys love when she is tired and protects it when she likes it.
Long Ze’ is a shackle, indicating that she is still human.
Chains are destroyed and she hates everything. She will destroy everything, including the world!
People know what the post-destruction world is … It’s a kind of imaginary picture, but Long Ze saw it with his own eyes.
Maybe this is just a dream, a picture imagined by his subconscious mind, but this scene is accepted by other methods.
Dead bones are everywhere, carrion-eating beasts are rampant, and everything is full of despair …
The earth was dark, and a figure appeared faintly. At the end of the day, the red figure came step by step towards Long Ze. "This is the future for you and him. You should wake up!"
In the sight of a twisted Long Ze lost his mind …
Suddenly sat up, Long Ze sat by the bed and listened to the thunder. He consciously reached out and stroked his face.
Kuai flashed out from the dark … Long Ze looked at her eyes calmly, and a distorted and violent look appeared in her eyes. She covered her eyes with one hand. "Ha ha ha … so it is … ha ha ha …"
A faint smile seems to be heady in the middle of the night. Just listening to it makes you feel numb and cold.
"So … I came back …"
While listening to Long Ze calling himself "I", he looked slightly heavy and stared at Long Ze seriously.

"Do you dare to marry me if you know my name and surname?" The rotten woman speaks amazingly

Su Jing had to shake his head, but Lang Lang Xian didn’t stop "shaking his head? Dare not marry? But don’t think I deserve you? "
Su Jing continued to shake his head. "First, I’ve got a lover to accompany me and then ask for it;" Even if you take a step back, you are not living. "
Her eyes blinked, and her eyes were clear, and she giggled. She also knew that she was not a Japanese, and she said, "Are you a Moyer, too?"
If you know your name, you have to marry me; You can’t give your name and life until you get married. Although you are different, it is similar. No wonder that willy will ask this question. Langxian waved his hand. "Moye, I have never been to that place. I heard that there are all women who build houses and men have children."
The former Langlang Fairy has already talked about a "key" place. She said that the Three Corpses are not Su Jing’s two places at once. It is necessary to know that there is no such thing as "three places at once" in this world. At this moment, she makes Moyer’s things as if they were two places at once. Where did she come from?
"What’s your name?" Pick flowers and ask questions, and marry whoever you tell your name. The one who is afraid of her! After asking, he stressed, "Where are you from?"
"My name is Mao, even if I haven’t thought about it yet." What should the girl do? "Marry or not" is rooted in her joke that she didn’t come from the square corpse group and went to the bee overseas. She held out a pair of hands that were almost rotten and bone-broken.
Bee Qiao was born in a famous family, but his face did not change color and smiled. "What?"
"I like your beautiful sister." There was some envy in her tone, which was even worse. When she spoke, a tooth fell from her mouth, and the ugly fairy looked at her tooth falling to the ground. Suddenly, it turned into dust, and her eyes were slightly dark with the wind. But soon, she got up again and hugged her arms again. "But I like you better. You are beautiful and you smile so brightly."
If you don’t listen, it’s a charming girl. "Come and see us often if you like us."
"Then you should learn to cook with Master Su quickly." Little Yuan Shen’s secret language can’t hide from Fairy Waves, but Fairy Waves is ugly, but it can’t make people dislike her. Then she turned to Su Jing. "I like you the most because you can get along with the authentic practice of refining corpses." Talking, stepping and looking at your arms before is to give Su Jing a big hug, but when you get to the front, she stops. "Can’t men and women give and receive?"
Words are the place where words can control people. How can there be such Chinese ethics words?
I like this one more, and I like the one who likes to give and receive waves and waves. The head of the fairy city turned around a little, and when it floated up, it was as thin as a leaf. I waved my hand and smiled, "I have to come and see you after I left!"
Suddenly, she remembered another thing when she was about to leave. She turned around and pointed to Su Jing’s sword. "Are you good at fencing, too?"
When I first came here, Fairy was arrogant and listened to Su Jing pour out. Wouldn’t it be nice if she led these sugar people to rob the corpse directly and left?
At that time, djinn Sizhao, an ink in the sea, saw at a glance that the terrible wave fairy of "Zhang Yi" was much stronger than that black monster. How could he not see the sword king’s anger and biting!
From calm when meeting to relaxed when betting, and finally when everyone is talking and laughing, their hearts are at ease. On emotional expressions such as changes, Su Jing, a god, is always firmly concerned about the change of fire. No big deal, Lohan’s baguette is gone, and he has his own life. Who is Su Jing afraid of?
Maybe the wave fairy is not afraid of Zhang Yi, but she knows where Excalibur is fierce and will touch this bad head again, but when it comes to contact, it will be a little longer, as she said … I think they are quite close.
"I’m a cripple because my meridians are damaged."
Can Lang Lang Xian see through Su Jing’s details? That’s her eyes and things. Su Jing insisted on her "attitude" and then asked, "You said that I am good at fencing, so I came here?"
Is there any other sword repair in this world? Su Jing is a little tempted. Organic conversation must be seen.
"Well, it’s very good to see individual swordsmanship a while ago, but it’s a fool … he doesn’t have much strength to fight against Armageddon with swordsmanship, don’t say it’s still good."
"Can you see what he looks like?" Su Jing asked
"At that time, I was in a hurry to catch a glimpse of it, but I didn’t see it clearly … I was dead." When the last sentence fell, the clouds were driving away and the waves had already disappeared.
Chapter seven hundred and eleven Run over the city
In summer, the hills of Baitouqiu stretch one after another for 600 miles, a lair of "Fanrenman".
This time, there were a large number of people, and many of them were well-versed in fierce lawyers. But not long ago, they went to Qingliang Mountain to kill senior officials of the ancients, but they came out of nowhere. Without a word of nonsense, a group of sugar men directly killed many people. The leader of the Wu Zhong School suffered heavy casualties, and the defeated soldiers fled back to their lair in a hurry from the secret path.
The new leader who has just escaped into the escape road of Baitouqiu hasn’t come to breathe a sigh of relief yet. Suddenly, in the mountains ahead, his relatives screamed. The leader was surprised and quickly ordered people to explore what had happened.
Soon to explore the people back … Head back.
Among the people whose heads are pulled out of sugar
The blue clothes are almost indistinguishable from the color, a deep scar on the left cheek is carried out, and the body is seriously injured. It is necessary to rely on the support of the sword in your hand to stabilize the sugar man.
A plump head was thrown at the foot of Fan Tou. The sugar man in Tsing Yi looked pale and weak, but his eyes were calm. "A woman sent a spiritual message here six months ago. Where is she?"
It’s Sugar Man’s leader’s anger again. The other party is so hurt that even a gust of wind can blow down his leader. It’s no meeting to roar with his nonsense mouth. All hands around him are rushing forward … The sword light in the hands of Tsing Yi Sugar Man is bursting!
People are wise, but their language is too simple to educate them. How does Scarface Sugar Man display his swordsmanship?
In just half a meal, all the people died, leaving the leader trampled by the sugar man.
The sugar man is short of breath and his face is getting paler and paler. His breath is slightly red because he is too injured. The heart, lungs, blood and essence turn into fine fog as he breathes.
Scar-faced person can’t breathe well, and the problem in her mouth is the same. "She … Where is she?"
Su Jing in Linling City exhaled a long breath.
Enemies and friends are inexplicable and surprisingly fierce. Anyone who faces such a strong person will be nervous, and Su Jingzi is no exception.
Wait a moment to see each other is really gone. Su Jing doesn’t comment on the waves and immortals slowly, but tells his companions about the refining of corpses. "Like the realm of repairing homes, the corpses are divided into twelve calls and twelve towers, because it is said that the ranks of the corpses in the towers where the four big corpses lived in ancient times are also commensurate with the towers."
When it comes to the origin of "several towers of corpses", the topic naturally turns to the four ancient corpses.
The corpse can’t have a specific name or be commensurate with the code names such as Ada and Ah Er, the fierce generals. Or, for example, Su Jingshou’s "Twelve Commanders of Liuhe Qinglong" generally said that this was a funeral ceremony. If the dead had no life, there would be no name to walk in the Yangshi, but the non-Yangshi people were not allowed to be named Guan, but the four corpse immortals did not. They each had their own surnames, one was Bai and the other was Mo.
On the origin, Bai and Mo are "disciples". The same person with the white surname refines the white corpse. After the master recreates the Tao of grace, he inherits the master’s surname and loyally protects the blood of the master’s descendants for several years. Ink evil spirit is the opposite. I don’t know how to hate the master after I became a Taoist. Since the man’s surname is Bai, he will be surnamed Mo. It also took several efforts to do everything possible to kill the descendants of the White House.
This story has never been heard by the three corpses, one by one. "Are the two corpses fighting?"
Su scenic spot nodded "They are enemies"
It is said that the first two, the other two, the other two resin immortals, and their masters are not their own chances and nature. In ancient times, there were two places in Middle-earth that were famous for burying and refining corpses. The two resin immortals came from these two places respectively, and their surnames were crowned by place names.
"It’s like the East Mountain Tiger can’t see the West Mountain Tiger. Both resin fairies feel that their place of origin is the first day of mourning, and they are not friends."
Flowers hey hey smile "let’s SangGuMen several ancestors are not very harmonious."
"That’s true," Su Jingxiao said. "Those two places, one in Hunan, one in Mao, two dead immortals, one surnamed Xiang and one surnamed Mao."
Red eyes narrowed his red eyes. "Lang Lang Xian is also surnamed Mao … and her body is either rotten eyes or rotten body … and she is also a corpse?"
Thunder hissed in his mouth and gasped, "I’m one of the four resin immortals in Middle-earth with thirteen towers and waves?"
Everything is still a guess, and there is no way to determine what Su Jing laughs. "I’ll ask you carefully after meeting you."
At this time, the fierce storm at the zenith has converged, and it is "quite lucky" to see that those blocking horses have been blown away long ago, and there is a pool of white ginseng and lotus hands around Linling City.

Although she didn’t shake her hand in his face, she also saw Fenling’s eyebrows twisted together because of anger.

"He was bitten by a snake because he saved me. His leg is swollen like that. Is he wrong?"
Ling stared at her not to talk.
Yan Yan cleared his throat and said, "Ling, we haven’t known each other long. I admit that some things about you make me very moved. I like what you do. I promised to associate with you. I also know that you are. I am really moved to come all the way here."
"What are you trying to say?"
Ling, it’s not good to see her look like this. She strode towards her and put her arm around her shoulder. "I know you feel guilty. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that about you."
Although his chest was burning, he decided to press it.
Yan Yan emerged from his arms. "I’m sorry, Ling is my own problem. I need to think about it. Give me some time."
Ling hooked her hand and raised her eyelids and asked her, "What do you mean?"
This aggressive gesture made Yan Yan bite his lip. "Miss us, miss me and Yan Yuan!"
Ling immediately smiled at her words.
It seems that in a place he doesn’t know, that little bastard doesn’t know what tricks he played.
Vent boredom, put people in your arms and put your lips to her ear. "Yan Yan, we can’t decide from the moment you nod."
He gave her enough freedom and respect, but everything came first.
Yan Yan stared at her eyes. When did Ling want to do it? When the other party was already loose, she turned and left.
Yan Yan rubbed his nose and started to follow behind. It was really terrible, just like he couldn’t help holding her down that day, and he had been enduring something.
But she wanted to say when he let go again, and the words naturally swallowed back.
Is Ling really getting over it? Of course not.
Even he doesn’t know what Yan Yan is thinking.
Section 222
Until we get back to camp.
Yan Yan slowed him down a few steps, and he was already sitting in front of her tent.
Yan Yuan was silent and pulled the flame, and both of them didn’t speak.
"What happened?"
Yan Yan smoked his hand and went to see his leg.
"Much better"
Yan Yuan said faintly
"Well, it’s not that scary."
Although it is still swollen, the color has changed from deep purple to light purple.
"Would you like something to eat?"
Yan Yuan tried to get up and sat for so long that his legs were numb.
Yan Yan tried to help him, but she was dragged by the silent Ling beside her. She looked at Yan Yuan and said, "She is not strong enough. Shall I help you?"
Yan Yuan picked his eyebrows. "No, I can."
Yan Yan’s embarrassment in the back diverted the line of sight.
It was at this moment that she finally understood what Ling was going to do.
After such a while, whenever she wants to get close to Yan Yuan, Ling will stretch out a hand to carry her lightly, so it’s over. Of course, it’s not when Yan Yan wants to find a tent again. Ling’s face sinks and directly presses her into the tent.
The hand that imprison her kissed her.
Until now, the jealousy that he forced finally broke out.
"Well, you are crazy!"
Yan Yan was stuck with his lips and struggled to push with his hands!

The voice of the Tao cat came. "Not only is he an idiot, but he is also a color embryo. What the world calls a stupid pig may be you."

"Bah!" Luo Pengfei cursed. "You are a hypocrite, but you are full of thieves and prostitutes. I will do what I like and watch what I like, unlike you who pretend to deceive yourself."
Tao Tianji: "Look, I think you can’t see anything when you look at a hammer now. Do you want to show you a beautiful woman?"
Luo Pengfei "This can be"
After a long time in Sumeru’s tower spirit room, Sun Hao stroked the satin skin of the jade man in his arms and said softly, "I still think you can’t get smaller and it will eventually be as big as a mountain?"
Xuanyuanhong was lazy and sly. "What will you do if you really can’t get smaller?"
Sun Hao hugged Jade Man tightly and whispered in her ear, "You can’t get smaller, then I will get bigger, but then we need to find a more spacious place, and the movement is absolutely earth-shattering. It may not be as simple as a shrug of Sumeru’s tower."
Xuanyuangong Xi Xi laughed. "That must be fun. Let’s find a chance to give it a try."
Sun Hao.
After lying in Sun Hao’s arms for half a ring, Xuanyuanhong asked softly, "The light rain should have soared. Have you seen her?"
Sun Hao touched her nose and sighed, "I’ve only seen it once. I’m afraid to go back after being hunted in our world. The Terran is still wandering outside."
XuanYuanGong slightly one leng light said "bitter you ah light rain must hate me now? I really want to have someone outside who can accompany you. There are some things that I have to bear when I am the boss. "
Sun Hao gently clasped his arms in his mouth and said, "Xiaohong, you and I know each other, but it is my life’s happiness. With you, I feel that I have the most stable rear."
XuanYuanGong little head Sun Haoshen arch move a few mouth said, "where is your magical double cultivation? I not only benefited a lot from my physical body, but also felt spiritually blended and relaxed. Xiaohao, you have definitely studied with people. "
Sun Hao’s heart bowed his head to her ear and said softly, "That year I seized a tombstone and accidentally found that it could help me adjust my body yin and yang, so I practiced with the tombstone …"
I heard XuanYuanHong giggling halfway. "It’s killing me. It’s killing me. You’re still a thousand-year-old monster. Ouch! Ouch! It’s killing me."
In the eyes of Friar Sumeru and mortals, the real woman is the statue as tall as a god and as powerful as Leng Yan, but who would have thought that at this moment, the real woman is giggling like a little girl, with a look, a shape and a specific person.
Sun Hao will talk to XuanYuanHong.
A red light flashed outside the sumeru condenser tower, and Luo Mei appeared, floating and standing half-aimed at the tall and shouting, "Come out, little loach."
Qinglong poked its head out of the cloud. "What is it?"
Los incarnations shouted, "How can you be the patron saint of the world when the Sumeru tower vibrates endlessly? Do you know that there are earthquakes in many places? You are seriously dereliction of duty. Do you understand that I will bring you to justice …"
Chapter DiYiJiuYi Goodbye old friends
Day tsing lung their head shrank back out of the huge sound "you go to Suzaku today she turns"
Luo Mei turned to the other direction and shouted, "Little sparrow, little sparrow, come out and ask if you will have an earthquake?"
Zhu Ling did not appear in the clouds and said leisurely, "This is the latest change of Sumeru Tower. Lord Luo, you need to learn to adapt to the latest living environment and be healthier."
Los incarnate roar loud "why do you guard the four spirits to eat incredibly regardless? I’m going to sue you. I’m going to bring you to justice … "
Spirit room XuanYuanHong after hearing Corleone’s story, his face flushed and he said softly, "Xiaohao’s double cultivation method is very good, and I have to …"
The Sumeru Tower shook again.
Close to the tower, Luo Mei suddenly felt that she was at the core of the earthquake, and her body was staggering. It was a slippery day for The Hunger’s adult to be affected by the earthquake.
Face upwards a LiXiaoLuo incarnate mouth a loud roar "take charge of the old niang out"
Chi Chi smiled bitterly and whispered in front of Luo Mei, "Charm, can you stop doing things with Creator?"
"What can I do for you? Who is the creator god? You give the old niang I clear point … "
"That incarnate son, let’s go back and I’ll show you to make sure you come over."
Los incarnate track mouth muttering to follow behind wisdom delusion to sumeru condensate tower went in. After half a ring, the tower exclaimed, "You fool lied to me again. You want to die a natural death all day and watch the old niang wring your waist …"
When Sun Hao came out of Sumeru Condensing Tower, Xuanyuanhong asked Sun Hao to meet his friends on the pretext of poor health.
After thousands of years, Sun Hao’s gods moved again and truly joined the Sumeru Tower. The huge information poured in, and Sun Hao’s ability to bear the gods felt a little dizzy. It can be seen that the evolution of Sumeru Tower has reached a considerable level at this time.
Tower some situation also instantly appeared in my mind.
Sun Hao’s face gradually emerged with a faint and warm smile.
The development of the tower is beyond Sun Hao’s imagination. Over the years, he has invested a lot of resources and added some resources to the library of Sumitomo Tower. The world of Sumitomo Tower has surpassed Sun Hao’s witch clan. The huge tower has completely evolved into a new small world.
It has automatically generated a multi-ethnic Terran, and the world pattern, each race thrives and has its own territory, showing a prosperous scene.
What makes Sun Hao feel very interesting is that the fear of the human race has become the second in the world and is closely attached to a branch of the Terran adult race, and the patron saint of the fear of the human race is suddenly his former friend "Easy Road Lights"
When Sun Hao’s knowledge spread all over the tower world, this guy was hugging two delicate beauties and enjoying the happiness of Qi Ren.
A little heart Sun Hao suddenly found that one of these two beautiful women is a pure Terran and the other is a mixed-race person.
Easy road lights are full of pride, so Sun Hao can’t help but smile slightly
Sun Haoshen is the owner of Sumeru Tower, and Sumeru Tower also cultivates Sun Haodan’s list of spirits in Tanaka’s spirit room. In a sense, those spirits are the first-class gods of the tower.
The Four Spirits, the Intellectual Insanity, the Luo Charm, the Yi Road Lights, the Ancient Cloud and the Tong Li are still being built. Even Shen Yu has now become an immortal godsworn, a huge family owner and a huge country of his own.
Of course, I still build a group of special towers, the highest and highest fairy mountain, and set up the real girl to serve the real girl Xuanyuan Hong as the main stealth tower waiting for my return.
Both Taling General and Lingfei are influenced by self-cultivation, and the cultivation speed is not slow. The lowest bamboos are cultivated in the later stage of deification, and monks with strong qualifications such as Xuanyuanhong, Siling, Yilu Denghuo and Zhichi Luomei have directly equalized their cultivation level and reached the distraction period.
Of course, there are still distractions in combat power, but there is a huge gap with yourself, which should be ordinary distracted monks
But once such a powerful fighting force is born, it will inevitably become its right-hand man.

"Of course it’s me." Jiang Shuixuan smiled sweetly at Su Li.

On the left, Jiang Shuijue swept his hair and said, "No, I am."
"Sue elder brother you don’t know me? I’m Li "Jiang Shuijue on the right squeezed forward, propped up his proud chest.
Su Li was dumbfounded.
Looking at Su Li’s appearance, the three Jiang Shuixuan Lindsey laughed together.
"I just teased you. These three are all me."
This time, three Jiang Shuijue said the same thing at the same time, and then the three of them got together. Among the two Jiang Shuijue, Jiang Shuijue’s body joined together and soon there was another Jiang Shuijue.
"I don’t know what happened. I always mastered the ability of’ Fog in Two Places’. At that time, I couldn’t bear to see you make’ Devil Muscle’, so I got out of’ Fog in Two Places’, but I didn’t want to become a real’ separation’. I can be real, and I don’t care about each other."
Listen, Jiang Shuixuan explained that Su Li had an idea that she could tell three true selves. Then marrying Jiang Shuixuan doesn’t mean having three wives at the same time?
This ability seems to … Don’t be too cool, it just hurts the kidney.
Gong Xiao gently heaved a sigh of relief and said, "It’s good to be all right. It’s time for us to leave here for too long."
Today, it can be said that all three people have gained a treasure palace. Until they reached the monarch’s immortal spear, Su Li gained the second monarch’s equipment, Jiang Shuijue. The change is the most amazing. Now she has a special separation technique, and she can be divided into three parts. This is not like the "fog doppelganger" that separated three fog shadow doppelgangers. This is the real three Jiang Shuijue, who can exert different spiritual skills and special powers. It is said that her strength is equal to three times that of instant gain.
Chapter 41 Evil Crystal Giant Worm
Su Li said, "Get out of here early." They really have to return to Longqiu Mountain immediately if there are too many waves here, or they will be in trouble.
Four people went out along the channel Ding Longyun still honestly kept outside and saw Su Li and three girls coming out. He looked at Su Li and Jiang Shuixuan with strange eyes.
He is far away, although he heard all kinds of movements from time to time there, but he dared not peek at this morality. He still didn’t know what happened later, and something indescribable had just happened to Su Li and Jiang Shuijue.
"It’s good that Shui Jue is all right. Hey hey" Ding Longyun smiled a little strange.
Shuilin beast has also woken up, but it suffered some injuries just after the impact, and now it is a little depressed and awake. It is also ready to rush into the channel and be blocked by Ding Longyun.
Joke: Your master is finishing an important event in his life. How can he let it in to disturb him?
Jiang Shuixuan saw Ding Longyun laughing strangely, and suddenly he understood what he had misunderstood. He couldn’t help blushing, but it was hard to explain.
Su Li came away, fearing that Jiang Shuixuan would be embarrassed, and immediately changed the subject. "Hurry back, we have more than three hours left, and we can’t get back to the ancient city before dark."
Ding Longyun Li Ran was surprised and knew that it was not a joke. He immediately tried to cut the soul with a magic knife. "It’s strange to say that those bugs didn’t come in."
Su Li cut the Red Crescent Dragon again and drew it out. Five people, one beast and four mounts went down the steps and soon saw the inclined water surface.
Su Li’s mind moved one after another, and a layer of shimmer appeared on the surface of the Red Crescent Dragon Chop and the Squamous Dragon Shoulder Armor. It was two pieces of monarch equipment that inspired Gu Long’s strength to form this layer of shimmer, which not only enabled him to gain 5% of the spirit source skill, but also covered the surface of the Red Crescent Dragon Chop and the Squamous Dragon Shoulder Armor to enhance lethality and defense.
Water’s beast let out a growl and looked a little listless. Obviously, it didn’t get the treasure and was happy. It was a little depressed, and the golden corner on its head flashed a light. It rushed into the oncoming water like an arrow.
It has the water control technique to enter the water like a duck to water, and it quickly rushed out first along this step.
Su Li followed closely with the red crescent dragon chop.
When they enter the water along the steps, they float out of the huge passage at the entrance and exit along the water.
Out of the channel and back to the bottom, it was dark at first glance, and all you could see were latosolic acid giant worms and king kong giant worms.
They entered the tunnel, and these insects didn’t follow them in or leave. On the contrary, more and more people gathered here. At first glance, there were thousands of them.
Ding Longyun’s eyes are wide open, but it’s a pity that he can’t speak underwater, otherwise he will have to shout "My God".
Water’ beast first rushed from the bottom of the water and immediately alerted Fang to patrol a large number of latosolic red acid giants.
These giant worms turn their bodies and want to attack the water animals.
Water’ beast’s head has been prepared for a long time, and the golden flash is splitting towards the square.
Powerful golden flashes are released to form a golden net. These giant red acid worms that have been chopped burst into crackling and turned into a mass of coke at once.
Su Li followed by a stretch of his left hand to complete the fusion of "black thunder energy" and "high pressure strike", followed by a black light.
Shui Lin beast and Su Li should rush into the countless insects. Behind them are four mounts, Ding Longyun, to protect the left Gong Xiao, right Jiang Shuijue and Xu Xuehui.
Two alligator-toothed turtles and two sea python sharks are not strong enough. Generally, monsters don’t hurt them, but they come from the abyss zerg, but they are hostile and will kill them if they have the opportunity. They need special protection.
Gong Xiao’s strength has been greatly improved. He holds a perfect crystal like blood in his right hand to create an immortal spear. Any spear stab will bring his own burning damage. No matter whether it is a crimson acid giant worm or a king kong giant worm, it is difficult to stop this monarch-level spear blow.
Shuilin beast suffered a little injury. With the killing of latosolic acid giant worms, the spirit source was harvested. The injury soon healed. With the continuous absorption of the spirit source, its body suddenly changed suddenly and became a huge circle.
It is already close to breaking through the edge, and at this moment it will kill and learn from the spiritual source, and soon it will be successfully promoted to level 3.
It has been promoted to level 3, and its strength has been further strengthened, both in speed and strength. The power of the "Razer Angle" has also risen with it, and its attack power has surpassed that of ordinary spiritual weapon skills.
It releases the golden flash attack and at the same time exerts the water control technique. Vortex keeps appearing in all directions. Those approaching giants are dragged in by the vortex and twisted into pieces in the terrible power.
All a rush to kill soon to rise more than 30 meters, all around is dark, a giant worm Ding Longyun constantly spit out "gas missiles", white light flashing in the water and shaking violently.
Jiang Shuijue has already moved the special ability of the big water drop.
The three Jiang Shuixuan are exactly the same in appearance, and they all hold a pair of blood prison double swords and chop and kill them towards the approaching giant worms.
Although the blood prison double sword is not a monarch weapon, it is also a rare spiritual source weapon like Ding Longyun’s soul-cutting magic knife, and its sharpness and lethality are not comparable to ordinary weapons.
Jiang Shuijue remembered that Su Li had woken up before and didn’t want to continue fighting here. After rising more than 30 meters, he immediately put on a "fog maze".
"Fog maze" This water area appeared in the water. Suddenly, a piece of fog and shadow enveloped everyone and the giant worms in all directions.
They took advantage of this opportunity to continue to rise with the special ability of "fog maze"
After the "fog maze" failed, everyone was close to the water surface and saw that the water surface was dark, which was a dense abyss.
Su Li waved a red crescent dragon to chop a round of chopping, and cut a gap in the square. A large number of pink slurry with extraordinary fragrance sprayed out of the cut-off abyss and fell into the water.
The two giant worms who had just come after them stopped at once when they saw the pink slurry, and they didn’t want to go near it. They didn’t seem to like the strange fragrance.
Su Li cut the gap out of the water and climbed one side of the abyss.
Qiwang w w w q i s u w a n g
Followed by water’ beast also jumped up.

Sure enough, the sound sounded near Su Qinghou again.

"Sue … light hou you can get rid of others but … you can’t get rid of me …"
Sue light Hou feet kept he responded "something you come with! I want to see what you are! "
Su Qing Hou Yebai, a strange man, won’t show up easily, and he won’t fight head-on
He will wait for the best opportunity in secret.
This is even more frightening.
It is also more unpredictable.
He has to be more careful
After Su Qinghou left, Lin Yi and Hu Ling hid their souls and made another twenty or thirty moves.
Lin Yi’s snow-eliminating sword in his hand waved sharply, and the snow-capped mountains around the snow-eliminating sword were even more dazzling. In an instant, Hu Ling’s hidden soul was shining with shocking white light everywhere.
Hu Ling’s hidden soul is also faster and faster
He Lin Yi’s thrilling sword curtain flashed rapidly and constantly countered Lin Yi at the same time.
Hu Ling hid the soul and saw that Lin Yi wanted to leave.
He can’t let Lin Yi go!
Hu Ling hid his soul and made a quick decision, so he played the game of mutual destruction again
Hu Ling’s hidden soul roared. He smashed Lin Yi’s sword curtain with a palm shadow, and then rushed forward like a beast. Lin Yi’s sword potential in Hu Ling was like a waterfall splitting Hu Ling’s hidden soul chest.
In the face of Lin Yi’s sword splitting into his chest, Hu Ling hid his soul and shouted at Lin Yi one by one.
Even if Lin Yi ripped his belly open, he could survive, but even if Lin Yi’s copper head and iron head were beaten flat with his strong hand.
Lin Yi doesn’t want to perish together with Hu Ling.
And Lin Yi also knows that he can’t perish together with Hu Ling.
If you want to end up with Hu Ling’s hidden soul, you can end up in a tragic death field, and Hu Ling’s hidden soul will be alive and kicking again after a few days at most.
The abnormal constitution of Hu Ling’s hidden soul is terrible.
Inappropriately, Lin Yi’s tip touched Hu Ling’s hidden soul beast, and the sword suddenly closed. It was the tip of Hu Ling’s hidden soul beast that lit a point, and then with a little force, Lin Yi suddenly flew out of contact with Hu Ling’s hidden soul.
Hu Ling’s powerful palm also high-fived a big stone across the street.
Hu Ling hid the soul and felt that he had been played by Lin Yi. He was even more furious.
Barking at Lin Yi prey.
Where can Lin Yi and Hu Ling hide their souls and let him entangle again?
Lin Yiling turned around and then flew in one direction. The previous drifting sound made Hu Ling hide his soul to deal with himself. His real means to deal with Su Qinghou were extraordinary.
Now Sue light hou with half-dead Fang Qingyun Lin Yi which can rest assured?
So he doesn’t love war.
If Xiaowu comes back to cooperate with Hu Ling to hide his soul and pester himself, it will be even harder to get away.
Hu Ling’s hidden soul chased after him and shouted angrily, "Don’t run away if Lin Yi’s children have something! Let’s do it here today! "
Lin Yi kept his figure. He laughed. "Hu Ling Tibetan dog wants to die, but this time I’m too lazy to duel with you. I’ll take your head and spare your life today. Go for your life …"
Lin Yi is deliberately angry with Hu Ling for hiding his soul.

The two were immediately amused by the bear.

I will not say, "Don’t worry, don’t forget that your man is a fairy."
Liu Xin was relieved to think that I would not be immortal, but I still gave him a stubborn supercilious look.
Liu Xin said, "poachers must be vicious and scary."
Yu Huifei nods, "I don’t know if it’s scary, but it’s definitely not a good bird. Good people can’t do it …"
Liu Xin nodded
Just two people talking about when the poachers should be a piercing scream.
Two people and one bear look at the past.
I saw the grass being pushed, and then three people rushed out in rags and blood, screaming and screaming all the way with madness.
The two men looked at each other with a bear. Liu Xin’s face turned red and she quickly bowed her head and dared not look around, but she still asked carefully, "Are they all right?"
I will be a thief who has seen where the writer is bleeding and grinned, "I can’t die, but … I might as well die."
Liu Xin said, "Then shall we give them a hand?"
Yu Huifei shook his head and said, "Come on, it should be no problem to see them alive and kicking."
After being so noisy by three people, two people and one bear lost their appetite.
As Liu Xin was packing, the Zodiac rat darted over and whispered, "Those three are poachers."
I will look at the blood in the distance and ask, "Is this what I do now?"
The zodiac rat gave him a dirty look and then briefly described what happened last night.
Yu Huifei was dumbfounded after listening to it, and finally he couldn’t help laughing.
When Liu Xin heard Yu Huifei laughing, she turned around and asked, "What are you laughing at?"
I will not say, "It’s nothing … by the way, I remember those three costumes just now. It seems that we are looking for poachers."
"What? That … us? " Liu xin, paused and some at a loss.
After all, the other party is not wearing pants, right? a bit shy
Don’t chase it. I have something to do with thieves.
I will have to laugh. "Come on, bear, let the blind take you away. I’ll chase them and see what happens."
Liu Xin nodded and let Yu Huifei be careful.
I will let the zodiac rats secretly take care of Liu Xin. Although all the living things in this mountain forest are controlled by the zodiac, they are all members of my own family, I will have to be prepared.
The Zodiac mouse didn’t refuse, but secretly protected behind the blind.
I chased the three men after a while.
Then Yu Huifei understood that although these three people were in a trance and looked like crazy idiots, they still knew the way out in general.
Three people didn’t go far into the mountains, and now they are crazy to go out. At noon, they ran out of the mountains and rushed into Xiulin Village.
Then the scene will be spectacular.
Xiulin is now in the forefront of the media because of the Northeast Tiger and Dahuang Dog with wolves.
There are many people in Xiulin, even foreign journalists and a large group of photographers. It can be said that the whole Xiulin is surrounded by long guns and short guns.
Plus Jiang Sansheng’s closing the mountain to make these guys have no weapons. They are idle and idle, so they keep the village entrance every day with their spears and guns, aiming at the mountains, hoping to be lucky enough to see the Siberian tiger coming out of the mountain or the big dog walking the wolf.
At this moment, hundreds of triangular brackets have been set up at the entrance of the village, and all kinds of long guns and short guns are pointed at the reporters and photographers over there, and they are also very dedicated and have no intention of relaxing.
At this moment, three people rushed out of the Woods, screaming and bleeding all the way …
At that moment, people chatted and boiled, and Xiulin was quiet in an instant
Chapter 39 Mountain Red is much.
Then came Kaka, taking pictures and people exclaimed.
"Hey? ~~”
"wow! ~~~”
"Gee …"
"Shoot, shoot!"
"Hey, the Northeast Tiger didn’t photograph the naked wolf, but three came to clap!"
Chen Han, Lao Xu and Lao Xu can be said that life is better than death, and it is hard to escape from the birth, only to find that reporters are counting cameras everywhere in front …
Three people feel brain om a completely white.
The last three people opened their mouths and smiled.
At that moment, the three people completely collapsed and were stupid!
When someone ran over to ask about the situation
Three people smirked at each other.
"I’m a puppy, a puppy, woof woof woof!"
"Rabbit, I am a rabbit. I can speak human words and I can eat a shotgun! Ha ha ha … "
Three people so gaudy bouncing through the crowd.
However, it was eventually taken away by an ambulance and soon entered a mental hospital.
At the same time, the identities of the three were also exposed.
Journalists are even more eager to report.
"Three professional poachers entered Xiulin mountains, but they didn’t know what happened. They were bleeding and insane."
After the news, several people speculated.
Then someone boldly speculated that the three men had encountered wolves.
This is closer to reality than it is, but no one believes it.
But generally speaking, we all know that three professional poaching thieves carrying hot weapons, all kinds of poisons and tranquilizers were attacked in the forest, and their equipment was lost, resulting in mental breakdown.
So everyone finally understood that although there are good things in this mountain, it is also dangerous.

An angry roar combined with the flame of stone tools, the ruler stepped on the huge magic circle of the underworld, and the power of the underworld was continuously drawn, and the whole body was shrouded in the flame of terror. This piece of light occupied as high as a hundred feet, and it made a loud noise and the whole ring shook.

In the original retreat, Chineydy stopped and his eyes were radiant with a little heat.
"Interesting … will the old Terran have such a character in the future?"
He didn’t dodge the ruler’s angry attack any more.
In the field of Chineydy’s star support, the flame ruler’s fists firmly smashed in the loud noise of the earth shaking.
The stars around his body twisted and eventually reached the limit of collapse, but it offset the anger attack of the ruler, which combined the stone divine light and the power of the underworld
Looking at as high as a hundred zhangs flame rulers and their own star field collapse together, Chineydy looked calm and whispered "seconds-"
Su Li took a deep breath, and the walls around the ring appeared and pulled out to block the ring, which kept rising, and the walls appeared one after another.
Dark Chineydy’s eyes flashed strangely and he kept silent. He knew that Su Li was in an enemy state at the moment, and he didn’t attack again, but noted Su Li’s means.
The enemy’s state, Su Li, offered a memorial to the ancient city of the domain, which was his strongest means now. The third place was to rely on the altar in the ancient city to sacrifice all the more than 1,000 sacred puppets at one time. He didn’t believe it, but it was only 14 levels in front of him. Chineydy was able to play to the extreme against the ancient city by himself.
"Interesting … more and more interesting …"
Dark Chineydy mouth mumbling chanting a pair of eyes with light like to see what wonderful scene.
"This old Terran talent … simply …"
He talked about the magnificent tower in the medieval city, and Su Li took control and suppressed it towards him.
The surface of this tower is engraved with golden spells, which also emits strong golden light at the same time.
A golden beam of light blasted out from the tower, and the expansion of the 36-story tower became huge. This dark Chineydy was sucked in by the tower without any room for struggle.
Su Li was slightly appalled. I didn’t expect it to be so easy to suppress Chineydy. The golden spell in the tower also lit up, and the golden light appeared to suppress the dark Chineydy refining.
It is here that the dark star Yu Yin comes.
"More than seven seconds-"
Then something in the tower expanded violently, just like a piece of sky expanding from it. A tower exploded from it and exploded into thousands of pieces. Several golden rays and golden symbols were scattered everywhere.
Su Li gave a stuffy hum if he was hit hard in his mind. As soon as he grabbed the magnificent palace with his right hand, Ling flew out and smashed it toward the broken tower and Chineydy.
There is a sky formed by the arrangement of several stars in the dark star space. This is not the field of other stars, nor is it that he holds the magic, but a kind of sacred star dome. It is with this star dome that he just broke the tower.
At the moment, the expansion of the Star Dome comes to cooperate with the combination of his sacred objects in the field of nearly 100 meters of Fiona Fang stars. This dark Chineydy is like the integration into the palace in this star. It has not broken the Star Dome and the field, but it has been slowly eroded and swallowed by adsorption.
The palace is constantly struggling, and a lot of terrorist forces erupt inside, but it sinks deeper and deeper, just like falling into a living quagmire. The more people struggle, the faster they sink.
The tower was smashed and the palace was gradually swallowed up. There was blood seeping out of Su Li’s nostrils and ears.
He said nothing, and the altar of vicissitudes of life reappeared.
Although the sub-altar almost swallowed itself up, it was not a real creature because of the sacrifice. In front of the sacred puppet, Chineydy is so powerful that it will reach the peak. This altar will definitely like it.
Sure enough, as soon as the altar came out, dark figures appeared on the soles of Chineydy’s feet. This time, the figures were unprecedented and clear, which seemed to represent the altar.
These figures can already be seen as some young women. They are excited and dancing around Chineydy, singing a lot of audio and video. A vicissitudes of life, simple and full of solemn and strange atmosphere, emerged from the crossing of the ancient world.
Chineydy, who had always looked calm, seemed to feel that the altar was extraordinary. His star dome method sucked it into the altar like swallowing the palace. It was like the Soviet enemy’s state was not affected by attack or power
When Chineydy strode to escape from here, he couldn’t come. All sides were locked by the altar power. With the number of crazy dances, black figures bowed down to the virtual end and suddenly a blood-red Lickitung appeared.
Su Li gently heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this Lickitung.

He can see that this place can’t stay any longer, or even if it doesn’t stew, he probably won’t be good.

The roaring dog outside the gate scolded "you king eggs!"
At this time, Cui Jue asked, "Since Miss Liu is here, you can’t arrange for her to stay in the guest room, can you?"
I will have to wipe my nose and face, and some red roads say, "Where can I stay in the guest room?"
Black often said, "that’s not easy? Why don’t we just sleep in the same room with you? You are also a hero to save the United States. At that time, we didn’t have a man’s mouth and a woman would take the initiative to marry each other. "
I will not listen to a face of yearning. "It’s a pity that such a good and excellent system didn’t come … I envy you."
Bai Changdao: "Lao Hei said that although it is a little straightforward, isn’t this thing about feelings just a bow that is half-pushed and half-won?" At this time, who will lose? "
"Why don’t we go and bring her to you?"
"Roll roll … you don’t understand amorous feelings thing hurriedly fuck off" I will not put people out.
Cui Jue looked away from the cow’s head and horse’s face. They asked me, "Now she doesn’t come to live there?"
At this moment, the dog growled, "Little Fish, it’s really not suitable to live in the front any more. If you’re embarrassed, just let her sleep in my room. I’ll sleep in her bed. Don’t worry, I’m a dog … Well, just let her treat me as a pet."
Chapter 126 New inmates
"get out!" I will not directly hit the window and take off my shoes.
The roaring dog quickly went away.
However, I will not be thinking about it, and then I will lie on the window and shout to the floor, "Brother Dog, why don’t you go to the kennel?" Make room? "
Run to the front yard. As soon as the dog heard the man standing up directly and grabbed a big snowball, it smashed the window and shouted, "Do you believe me or not?" !”
Of course, I can’t let the roaring dog really live in the kennel, and it’s impossible for Liu Xin to live in the house where the roaring dog once lived.
In the end, I will say, "Let’s talk about this later, Lao Cui."
Cui Jue nodded. "Don’t worry. Think about it yourself. Even if you two don’t have that layer, someone will definitely talk to you later, right? Think about it first. "
Yu Huifei nodded off Cui Jue.
Although I can’t live in a room, I’m still very satisfied that he finally lives here with a heterosexual! It’s not like the whole hospital is full of ugly grotesque creatures.
I can’t sleep with this heart. Yu Huifei quickly got up and went upstairs to check the situation of Dahuang and them.
As a result, there were no dogs in the kennel and no dogs in the front yard.
Just when the rest of the meeting was not for rhubarb, they went home and listened to an impassioned speech from the roaring dog room.
I will not gather together to lie prone on the window and look inside.
Seeing the roaring dog is like a big brother, he moved a stool and sat on the kang to occupy the highest point.
Dogs such as rhubarb are either lying on the floor or squatting on stools or kang, looking up at him one by one.
The dog spat, "Listen up, you puppies, Grandpa. I’m a dog."
Say it’s your ancestors, ancestors!
Now you have my blood in your body, so you don’t lose anything by calling your ancestors!
When the world has a chance, ancestors, I will lead you to immortality!
Then you follow me and we’ll go to the moon to stew rabbits! "
I will not hear this for a while, but I feel emotional. This goods is to find that this family position is doomed, and simply fool Dahuang and Thirteen Pacific Insurance into being his younger brother!
I can’t help laughing. "Is this guy going to be the big brother in the dog world after a broken can?"
In the house, the roaring dog’s ears were waiting so that it could be heard as soon as it looked up and saw the rest of the meeting. "You just broke the jar and broke it. Get out!"
As a result, rhubarb jumped up excitedly and ran out when they saw Yu Huifei.
At first glance, the roaring dog shouted, "Come back, I am your boss, and follow me to be popular and spicy!"
Nai, these dogs ignored him and ran directly to Yu Huifei, wagging their tails.
Seeing this scene, the roaring dog couldn’t help cursing, "You white-eyed dogs are so ungrateful!"
Yu Huifei laughed. "Xiao Tiangou, you … their eyes are estimated to be a diversion."
You really think you’re the big brother?
Come on, stop bragging and tell me. What do you want to eat? Let’s meet you after the existing kitchen. "
The original wheezing dog wanted to roar for a while, but his eyes suddenly lit up when he heard that there was a kitchen and he could order!
The dead dog stared at Yu Huifei and laughed. "Well … I think the sauce bone and the first fish restaurant are all good."
I will not say, "I’ll buy it when I get rich."
As soon as the roaring dog heard it, he turned his eyes and said, "Forget it. When you have money, it is estimated that you will be in debt."
Then he said, "Why don’t you get some ribs to eat? We have them in the kitchen."
I will not startled "let’s have in the kitchen? I don’t know? "
Xiao Tian dog looked up and said, "Are you kidding me when I go hunting in my mountain? What a big wild boar! It’s hundreds of pounds! Enough for us to eat for a while. "
I knew that they had gone hunting, but I didn’t expect to get anything.
Yu Huifei hurried to the college to hit the kitchen and saw a dark wild boar lying on the ground.
I’ll have to kick my ass.
I will not say, "No, it’s not being bitten to death. It’s freezing to death, right?"
The roaring dog said, "What do you care if it dies? Anyway, I got it back. "
At this time, the bull’s head came in. "Don’t listen to his nonsense. The pig rushed over directly after seeing us. I jumped to the side and he killed the stone.
It’s all delivered to the door. Of course, it’s directly dragged back … This dead dog is lazy and expects him to hunt? Shit! "

Burning lonely ya both shook their heads and smiled without a word.

Suddenly, I glanced at Xiangyun Phoenix Bracelet and thought, "This Phoenix Bracelet suddenly reminds me of a sacrifice refining method that can greatly increase its power. When I return to Xianyun Mountain, I will sacrifice it to make it reach the level of fairy."
"Really? That’s great!" Xiangyun is also a great joy, so she no longer "chases" the land.
"By the way, come with me. There are some problems that you need to take a look at." The land is facing the burning silence.
"Xiang Yun, Mo Lao, wait for me for a moment." Lu Li spoke again.
When the figure flashed, the two men fell on a barren land and waved their hands, so they laid a defensive barrier and said, "You are proficient in silence. Why don’t you take a look at their situation?"
Burning silence nodded slightly and wanted to leave here. There should be injured people, but there are no others around. Is it hidden in a magic weapon? This can require a pretty powerful magic weapon to do it.
The magic ring, the mysterious light, is released directly, and the two objects are two different coffins.
A statue of a ghost coffin is dark and shining brightly. It is the lotus fairy who lies quietly in the flesh, but her face is still far away from life and death 2.
The quiet scene of the crystal coffin in Wanqiu has no breath and vitality.
Burning silence is also a big frown. First, she looked at two different coffins, and then her mind moved. Two strands of silence force respectively penetrated into the two women’s bodies and then recovered.
"The Lotus Fairy has already scattered all over this other woman. It seems that she has lost her heart. This is beyond the scope I can try." Burning silence and shaking her head repeatedly is helpless for two people’s feelings.
Lu Li also sighed, "The last woman named Wan Qiu once said that her injury was a heart injury and that it could not be cured by secular forces-"
"What?" Burning silence when I heard that suddenly one leng exclaimed exports.
Lu Li was puzzled and immediately asked, "Why do you still know something?"
In this regard, I nodded slightly and my face was serious. "When the master created me, it seemed that I had done everything, and there was a vast expanse of land-beyond the shackles of the secular world!"
Lu Li smell speech is also a shock!
"If you can meet your monarch or someone who is practicing at the same level!" Lu Li quickly asked questions.
Burning silence pondered over this: "If you can reach the ancient level of great power, it is not difficult to roam the stars. At that time, it may not be difficult to see your master and find ways to wake him up."
Speaking of which, the face softened a little, and then waved away the two coffins. Although the heart was hard to avoid, it was forced to resist without showing sadness.
He knows whether he can’t give up on lotus or Wanqiu.
The former is his lover, and the latter is his destiny. Even if he travels through thousands of worlds, he will never forget them.
When you say this, the so-called secularism becomes a key word. Follow the trail and you may find Wanqiu’s healing method.
I have also made some plans for bringing the lotus back to life, which is extremely difficult and can not be completed in a short time.
"Let’s go home" waved and removed the enchantment. The four people got up again and set foot on the road to Yaowang Valley. Yaowang Valley is not far away from here. A few people have to leave the land and say nothing, except that he Mo Ya repaired the strongest incense cloud and ranked last.
However, Xiangyun’s growth is still far from the mainland, and she has also thought of some ways to help Xiang Yun Sheng fix it. This is another story.
Chapter ninety Captured Li Jing
"Ha this who valley hospitality is really flattered" spat Mo Ya sarcastic tone tunnel.
Just now Mo Ya tried to test, but the periphery of Yaowanggu was heavily banned. Instead of entering, he almost suffered a dark loss.
Lu Li is also trying to find out the flashing eyes. "This ban is somewhat unique and seems to be out of the hands of the Godsworn from Taikoo Men."
"What?" More than a few people are shocked.
For Taikoo Gate, it feels that Xiangyun has no feelings, but Mo Ya is a little angry and limited.
Eyes slightly narrowed and explained, "Taikoo Men’s Immortal Cultivation Method is based on the changes of Yin and Yang of heaven and earth, and most of them are banned here. It is difficult for people to imagine this because of the reason why Li Mu made his first move. I will know it after I wait to capture the little medicine basket brother."
Mo Ya looked at it and said, "I waited for the enemy before the enemy. This medicine king valley is better than storming in."
Nodding from the land, Mo Ya is also drinking a real yuan surging airflow, and the strength is condensed. With the movement of palm potential, the rapidly surging airflow around him suddenly converges into a knife, and the mouth of Mang Mo Ya is slightly raised. Once again, the knife mans suddenly bombards the Yaowanggu with a potential to break mountains and waves.
It’s embarrassing to laugh at all kinds of bans, crashing and breaking. This valley of drug kings is also stupid now, but it’s famous, generous and violent, and even Mo Lao doesn’t know his temper. Can he not suffer?
Several bans completely destroy the destruction wave, which will dissipate instantly. It is obvious that someone wants to escape.
Xiangyun chuckled and came out of the phoenix bracelet. The flash of flame was a latosolic red flame that enveloped the man in a flame.