Li Shi kowtowed and blinked his forehead, and his skin was broken. There was blood oozing out of Zhu Houzhao’s generosity. Seeing that Li Shi was so quick, he lifted Li Shi up and said, "I’m an old minister. You’re loyal. I already know how Li Yiju’s old man can retire because of Li Yi. Otherwise, wouldn’t I be a bad king?"

"The old minister has the face to stay in the pavilion again. If you pity the old minister, let him return to his hometown. The old minister will pray every day thousands of miles away!"
Speaking of Li Shi’s gift of prostrating himself on the ground, he insisted, "If you don’t promise me, you can’t afford to kneel down!"
Zhu Houzhao frowned and looked at Li Shi for a while before sighing "Your family means I understand you and get up first and I think about it".
Zhu Houzhao’s words are loose, and Li Shi’s heart is loose. What he wants is to get out of the maelstrom of Beijing safely. Even if it is this, it is worthwhile to keep the Li family.
Watched Li Shi leave Zhu Houzhao eyes rested on the list face surly than "valley with me is too kind, these people are so bold they don’t know this is forced? Want to face! "
Looking at patting the table, Zhu Houzhao Valley, Dalian is busy saying, "Calm down, calm down, a group of irrelevant people are not worth it!"
Calm down an anger Zhu Houzhao said, "Give me Chu Da Companion!"
Valley big heart sigh Zhu Houzhao attitude these scholars even to bad luck!
Chu Yi was called to catch up at the first time. He glanced at Chu Yi and was surprised in his heart. Isn’t Zhu Houzhao in a good mood these two days? Who provoked the emperor?
"What’s the matter with you?"
Zhu Houzhao handed Chu Yi the roster of tables. "Take a look at these people, my friend!"
Chu Yi looked puzzled and took over the roster with hundreds of names, but there was nothing but names. Even if he was in charge of the East Factory, he was not omniscient.
At the moment, Gu Da gently coughed and explained it to Chu Yi. After listening to Gu Da’s explanation, Chu Yi was white. What would Zhu Houzhao look like?
Once again, I glanced at the roster, and Chu Yi’s mouth showed a hint of disdain and sneered, "You will be angry with a group of arrogant Confucian scholars. The wave after wave of killing in Jiangnan will make them learn for a long time. It seems that I have not killed enough!"
A new flank flashed from Chu Yi’s body. Gu Da felt a cold and couldn’t help but look at Chu Yi in awe.
Even in this city, there is this person who dares to kill people and say it is so light.
Zhu Houzhao thought that Chu Yi had indeed killed many literati in the south of the Yangtze River, and his heart was also swelled up by Chu Yi’s words. A flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, and Zhu Houzhao said coldly, "You dare not dare to kill them here because it is a big partner in Beijing. You dare to despise me so much!"
Zhu Houzhao said with a hoarse voice, "In this case, kill me!"
Can let Zhu Houzhao such a generous emperor gives birth to such pitfalls, you can imagine how much anger Zhu Houzhao has in his heart.
Chapter one hundred and seventy-five Face to so fast!
Chuyi nodded slightly thoughtfully "positions Li Ge old man …"
Zhu Houzhao looked up at Chu Yi and smiled a little. "How can a big companion not be moved by Li Shi’s loyalty? He is really loyal to me and can ignore life and death!"
Chu Yi knew from Zhu Houzhao’s look that Zhu Houzhao’s heart was like a mirror.
At the moment, I heard Zhu Houzhao look gloomy. "Who are these ministers? Huang Huai, these people are greedy and greedy. Wang Fa is just that he Li Shi is a model of the old astronomers in several dynasties who are so cruel."
Zhu Houzhao Qi Qi patted the table and said, "There is a saying that tiger poison does not eat, even a humble animal has a deep affection. He is a cabinet old man who can even sell his own son to win my sympathy and make me loyal to me!"
Valley ChuYi stand aside listening to Zhu Houzhao vent.
Will Li Shi unify reprimand Zhu Houzhao drink a mouthful of tea this just spit out one mouthful polluted air and looked at Chu Yidao "Li Shi’s point of mind I still can’t see through it, but this old thing is also alert. The big partner just gave me the information on corruption and bribery, and he wanted to get away. If I didn’t have a big partner to give me the information, I was afraid that I would really get away with it today."
It turns out that Chu Yi has asked Yu Ge Lao Li about some evidence of corruption and bribery from Mo Qing’s mouth. After all, Mo Qing Li Shi is close. It’s strange that Mo Qing doesn’t know Li Shi about some black materials.
Li Shi is also aware that these institutions will be cruel and will not hesitate to build a son to try to move the sky and let him go home.
Although it hurts him to take a son, compared with the whole family, Li Yi died when he died.
If you succeed, you don’t have to say that Li Yi has gained the safety of the whole family. If you fail, it seems that Li Yi’s early death and late death will make no difference.
Chu Yi nodded and said, "Li Shi’s little tricks are like getting away with it!"
In a good mood, many Zhu Houzhao said, "Come on, Li Shi’s problem will be investigated and dealt with by you according to law!"
Chu Yi looked at Zhu Houzhao and said slowly, "I just don’t know what expression Li Ge would have if he had spent so much thought and wasted so much effort to direct this drama."
Zhu Houzhao sighed with a slight sigh. "Poor people must be hateful!"
It is said that Li Shi left the leopard room as if he had put a stone in his heart and reacted from Zhu Houzhao. He knew about Zhu Houzhao and Li Shi felt that he should be able to get away smoothly this time.
However, Li Shi is still a little uncomfortable at the thought that his own son may lose his life because of this, but Li Shi’s thought that the whole family can be protected by this will disappear.
It’s not like Li Yi died in his knee, and he changed his family’s peace value!
The housekeeper waited outside the leopard room to see her master come out and quickly said, "Master!"
Li Shi got into the sedan chair and said, "The housekeeper will take the master to the pavilion!"
God agrees that the news that he will return home as an official hasn’t come yet, so he will still be a member of the cabinet. Even if he continues to maintain his image of loyalty to his duties, he will go to the cabinet.
Besides, God agrees that his will to be an official will certainly pass through the cabinet, and he will be able to wait for news at the first time just in the middle of the cabinet.
Ge Zhonghong, Jiang Mian, etc. saw Li Shi coming and couldn’t help but say hello to Li Shi.
Jiang Mian even let go of Zhongzheng and said with a smile, "Why is Li’s adult late today? Could it be that the concubines in the ninth room of Xinna made Li’s adult reluctant to go!"
He laughed when he heard this. Li Shize shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Jiang’s adult was joking before Li went to see the position."
Several cabinet old smell speech is not from one leng macro realized that "Li won’t really go to Mo Qing to intercede?"
Obviously, the previous Li Shi had the meaning of Mo Qing’s brave words and was remembered by several people. At this moment, Li Shi suddenly heard that he had gone to the leopard room to see the day. Naturally, he consciously recognized that Li Shi was Mo Qing’s intercession.
Li Shi shook his head slightly. It seems that God agrees that he will come here soon, and there is no need to hide it from Jiang Mian and others.
With a light cough, Li Shi took a look at everyone and said, "Li went to Mo Qing, but begged him to allow the old man to return to his hometown and return to his hometown!"
"Li wants to be an official?"
Li Shi’s words were once spoken, which immediately shocked several cabinet elders. Everyone looked at Li Shi with incredible eyes.
Isn’t it clear to everyone who Li Shi is?
Among several cabinet elders, Li Shi is the oldest and most qualified. It is supposed that he should have returned home as an official long ago at his age. It happened that this cabinet elder is always in love with the stack but not with the cabinet elder. Everyone said behind his back that this cabinet elder wants him to take the initiative to be an official unless the sun rises in the west.
However, they actually heard Li Shi go to heaven to plead for an official position from Li Shi’s taste, which simply broke their consistent understanding of Li Shi.
Is it that they are hallucinating or that there is something wrong with Li Shi’s head

Chuling’s face suddenly changed.

This jade symbol is similar to Cai Shaochu’s hyphen.
They are all vowels, mainly for warning.
The special agreement between Chuling and Virtual Game is that if the Blue Star Coalition forces enter the Holy Spirit Star Horse, they will pinch this symbol and inform him.
At this moment, this jade symbol is broken.
And more than an hour ago, the Blue Star Coalition just broke through the Eldar cloth universe channel and disappeared after being slaughtered.
Now suddenly killed into the holy spirit star.
Can say one thing-meta-judgment is correct.
Blue Star Coalition forces have already made arrangements. It should be that the profit-making passage and Tianhe chessboard kill the Holy Spirit Star.
Unfortunately, the time difference arrangement has not been completed yet, just now.
Otherwise, the time difference will kill the Blue Star Coalition.
"Blue Star Coalition forces have killed the Holy Spirit Star and hurry back." Chu Ling immediately informed Yuan.
"I was right?
So soon? "
Yuan marveled at one but added, "What do you say if we go back to the Blue Star Coalition and pinch the season to kill the sun?"
The sun’s high-temperature fire curtain will not stop the Blue Star Coalition
If so, then we will be exhausted, "Yuan said.
Chuling was silent-it’s really possible
But the question is, should he sit back and watch the destruction of his home planet, the Holy Spirit?
He can’t sit back and watch.
Talking about the future is change, he must turn to rescue the holy spirit star at this moment.
Otherwise, even taking Blue Star can’t make up for his loss, and he will eventually become a yuan.
"But the holy spirit star is I will save!
Just like you, Atlantis, would you choose? "Asked ChuLing.
Yuan didn’t speak, but silence has given his answer.
"It’s your choice whether you go or not, but I have to go back!"
Say that finish at the beginning of the spirit is interrupted, instant started already prepared means.
First, I threw a million grams of source crystal, and then I stepped directly into a neighboring wood star. I have set up a good delivery channel.
He is too powerful to repair, and he needs massive source energy to support him to deliver, and the distance method is too long to cross the star.
At the other end of this measuring channel is the former occupation of Kratos.
Kuimie star has a cosmic channel node, and the first spirit can enter the cosmic channel at the shortest time.
At the other end of the sun, Yuan heard Chuling and finally decided to look a little nai.
This choice is a bit difficult
The strategic goal of Blue Star Allied Forces is to divide and conquer.
If he continues to kill Blue Star now, two months later, he may kill Blue Star and get Blue Star, which will destroy the ultimate hidden danger.
But it is also possible that the Blue Star Coalition forces will take advantage of the early spirit.
When the time comes, the terrorist growth rate of the Blue Star Coalition forces and the Myan people will be a little difficult to deal with the Blue Star Coalition forces alone.
It’s hard to beat Yi Xiang and get rid of the roots.
But if you return with Chuling, it is purely a contribution to Chuling.
Even if the blue star Coalition forces are destroyed, the final harvest will be equally divided with Chu Ling or a fight with Chu Ling.
But …
After thinking for thirty seconds, I finally made a decision.
An oversize quark-particle transition device was taken out, and a massive energy target-Uda, the solar planet closest to the solar high-temperature fire curtain, was also injected.
Uda has cosmic channel nodes.
In other departments, he took his deployment and continued to rush to Mars at high speed.

At this time, Wen Nian still admires himself for being able to talk to Song Nan like this as if there were no such thing as his cousin beforehand.

I really have changed myself. Secular hypocrisy
"I don’t worry about a leader paying the bill when I pick up a school. You can eat something and pad it. Our team can’t lose face for me. Take out your massive amount of old people and pour them into the dead. Don’t leave your hand." Song Nan smoked a cigarette and spoke with some vague sounds, lazy and decadent. Bad men don’t know how many girls have been seduced.
"I’m not welcome if I become a public." I hung up and went back to the bag to give people a weak archery team.
"Brother Sun, my brother Nan said that I am not allowed to keep it. Today, I will drink it with you in exchange for a big cup."
"Ha ha ha ha smelly Song Nan to drink, but I’ll let you take the lead. I’m not afraid of anyone yet. Come and have a drink with Wendy, a beautiful woman." A strong man in his mid-twenties pulled Wennian to his side with flashing eyes.
Next to the archery team, a few people talked to me about the flying saucer team, and all of them shouted and took the winery to discuss the bet. It was a mess.
From time to time, other teams come to visit us, and every once in a while, everyone in each team will change places, take turns toasting, talk and connect with each other.
The old UFO team and Song Nan, the first brother of the archery team, are old people in the stadium. Now Wennian greeted me with Song Nan and didn’t go to other bags. Anyway, there is no hurry. It is very fun for more than a dozen teams to come out for dinner together like this
Eating, drinking, talking and chatting are all young people without the usual training team rules and regulations, and they don’t pay for their bags. Naturally, they can make as much noise as they can.
I’ve been in the stadium for eleven years, and the absolute old man is sitting still. Naturally, others come to worship him, and when I catch Wen Nian, I will also follow him.
Usually, no one dares to drink so freely, but the indicators of this competition are multiple, one by one, as hard as tightening the clockwork and overloading the old machine, which has been running for half a year and finally completed. Hello, I am good, everyone is finally able to relax and release the pressure for half a year.
The archery team came for a dinner party, and everyone wanted to have a dinner party when they saw each other. The celebration party was also excellent as one of their own, so a greeting and a participation in the competition accidentally fooled the whole stadium. From planning to action, it was almost a matter of warming up when they received the message.
Wennian also played in the small bar in this new area and drank "Brother Sun, I am Wennian".
"Ha, ha, ha, I know you are Wen Nian to eat some food." I walked over and hugged Wen Nian’s neck and sent a chopstick. "Drink too much, wait a minute, and people will come and parry."
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 17 Meet again soon
After Wennian left at noon, Long Xiao sent his little sister back to school. All the way, the little girls complained that he had ruined his own big event and insisted that he try to make up for his image in Wennian’s heart.
"What makes you think she is angry with you?" Long Xiao has a headache. Ask a sister who cares more than herself.
"Hum, you told my guests to wait at the front desk, but you were wrong. You have to apologize to Sister Wen Nian and I have to interview her brother."
"Xiaobai" Long Xiao can accept herself to apologize, but she is not allowed to interview men. Absolutely not.
"I don’t care, I don’t care. Anyway, you have to apologize. You have to invite Sister Wen Nian to come home and play with me." Long Qingqing immediately called his mother to coquetry, and soon he was coaxed into handing the words to his eldest brother.
"Mom" Long Xiao really has a headache. After listening patiently, he can’t help but say, "Mom, big brother and second brother are not married. Don’t rush me. I’ll go to the company immediately. I’ll go back to dinner with Xiaobai for the first time."
Long Xiao black face hung up the words Long Qingqing is a little afraid to look at the eldest brother black face mind a turn mouth pursed loudly kissed a mouthful of Long Xiao mouth pulled himself giggling.
Long Xiao also shook her head with a wry smile and sent her to the classroom before returning to the company.
After working overtime in the afternoon, I finally finished the whole day’s work in the early morning, lit a cigarette and looked at the bustling night scene outside in front of the French window.
Mom has a saying that a person will always be lonely. Although there is Xiao Bai, she is also a sister, and she will always go to another person. A man will be accompanied by a woman in his arms.
Find a woman? It seems ok.
At one o’clock in the morning, Long Xiao sat in front of his brain and searched the web for "Wen Nian". In fact, when he decided to go online, Long Xiao didn’t think about what to look up, so he searched out the name to remember.
It took more than 30 seconds to find the video of this national competition and a little reporting point.
The picture shows a close-up girl’s face, sharp eyes and decisive expression, which makes Long Xiao look into her eyes.
"There is an arrow tut tut in the last ten seconds. At this moment, the card is too tight. The third place is Wen Nian … is it possible for five seconds? Only ten ring can catch up and overtake! Yes? I can’t believe it. It’s good to close up her arrow in slow motion. The flight trajectory is very positive … Well, everyone should pay attention to the timer in less than five seconds. It takes less than four seconds to play back the arrow again … The characteristic of warm reading is that it is very fast and has great potential. A newcomer is 22 years old and very young … "
With the close-up of the winning moment, there are some live explanations. Two explanations, echo each other, said that he was very passionate and had a very excited tone. "ten ring ten ring is in the middle of domineering!"
The edited winning shot is very short. In the last few seconds, Wen Niangang shot an arrow, and the whole bow popped out of his hand and was pulled back for half a turn. The timer ended and the surrounding audience applauded. That figure looks really good.
The other two teammates saw the number of rings from the telescope next to them and excitedly ran over to high-five Wen Nian and put a bow to see the number of rings. Wen Nian just laughed.
That smile was faint and not exciting at all. Long Xiao didn’t know why he saw something else from the picture.
See you again soon.
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 1 Drunk makes you stupid
"Brother Sun, I’m Wen Nian." Wen Nian put an arm on my shoulder and smiled.
"Ha, ha, ha, I know you are Wen Nian to eat some food." I walked over and hugged Wen Nian’s neck and sent a chopstick. "Drink too much, wait a minute, and people will come and parry."
"Brother Sun, someone bullied me. Will you help me?" Wennian chewed the food vaguely and said
"Mom, who dares to bully you? Sun Ge beat you to death. He said it was Song Nan’s little bully. Sun Ge gave you a hand to beat his ya ass. Ha ha ha ha ~" A circle of people laughed and replied.
Wen Nian poured a full glass of wine and looked expressionless. "Brother Nan doesn’t have a little cousin. I want to get him. I’ll take responsibility for it then. Anyway, I’ll practice soon and I’ll go and drink it if I want to." Wen Nian said these words, and then he looked down at the glass and sat down after drinking it.
Next to people zha zha shout a loud gurgling is all drank the wine "I don’t want to nan elder brother know" WenNian scanned a circle watching them don’t talk nodded back momentum on the chair.
"Song Nan that small tunnel and brothers? When the time comes, a word will come to eat a la carte." Eric greeted calm down and all the people cheered up again.
Everyone is not very white about this kind of thing, and the little players will not foolishly run to Song Nan and say that you are covering for a woman and have an appointment to teach you to cover for your cousin. That’s insane. You don’t want to be stupid in the sports team to do things.
Wen Nian drank it for a while, and then refused to drink it after six o’clock. "Wait a minute, President Zhang will come. If I get drunk and climb out of the table to make a toast, wouldn’t it be a shame? I’m going to save this belly for Zhang Jiao. Don’t pour me any more. Save it for Nan Ge and pour him hard. "
Wennian was a little drunk, his eyes were shining, and he waved his arm and waved his hand to signal that he would not drink first.
If you are a little familiar, you know that Wen Nian drinks a lot, but you don’t say anything at ordinary times, but you definitely let her say that when you play, that is, you want to slow down and keep it till night, so you don’t insist on bombing others.
Wen Nian found Xiaowen, who had just arrived and didn’t sit for a long time, and lived with him behind him. She confessed, "Don’t drink tonight and watch me send me back to the team and don’t live outside. Remember!"
"Sister Nian, I know that others let me drink it, so I said I would send you back to take care of you, and you should be careful not to drink too much." Xiaowendao helped her to go to health.
When they came out, they sneaked around the billiards room temperature on the second floor. It really took a while to stay in the room, and they had to explain it several times.
When you come out with Nan Ge in the sports team, you must drink, just because you are born with a little capacity for liquor. When you drink, you will never get drunk again. On the other hand, Nan Ge protects you. On the other hand, you should always remember to take care of yourself and never drink fragments. If you have a little consciousness, you will return to the team.
But I feel a little drunk today.
There are two tables of shooting teams in the billiard room, and more than half of the field of the UFO team is above the archery team’s head. They are often hit by moving targets, and they are familiar with each other. Usually, they eat at the same table and sit at a row of tables. When they see each other and say hello, someone will play together.
"Farewell, I haven’t been in billiards." Wen Nian leaned against the table and shook his head, took a ball and threw it on the desktop. After playing with his fingers, he giggled with his fingers.
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 19 All here
Wennian leaned against the table, shook his head and threw a ball on the table. When he finished playing with his fingers, he covered his fingers and giggled.
She was sitting in a position facing the door on the second floor, which was half-hidden, and there was obviously someone inside.
Long Xiao hit the ball smoothly, bent down and spread his arm. The original hand was as sure as a gun, and the shaking force missed the ball.
Long Xiao looked straight at the outside and made himself miss without saying a word.
"Oh, my God, when third brother misses, what a good goal! Stick to seize the opportunity. Maybe we can serve third brother Shu’s business tonight." A skinny young man said with a smirk.

When it comes to gas-keeping kung fu, he’s almost there.

Cai Shaochu, Shang Long and Wei Bin all have no mouths, and they are all waiting for the order to retreat.
"Wait a minute. Since it’s a surprise, you have to surprise and delight them!" Xu tui sneer at
Xu retired from all this confidence because he was too familiar with the characteristics of trans-satellite transmission channels.
Every little change appeared, and he knew what was going on in the trans-star delivery channel.
Refined by hand, constructed by hand, delivered by hand and destroyed by hand.
Too ripe.
"Prepare according to the fixed plan!" Xu retreat suddenly sounded.
In an instant, when the feedback from the thousand-eyed gods came to the picture, the Eldar set up a cross-satellite delivery channel to light up strongly, and the retreat sounded steeply.
The asteroid Huonan Musheng, named by Huonan Musheng and others, and its 14 satellite stars with different injuries are staring at this trans-star channel.
One by one, the spirit is scattered in all directions, and the surrounding area of the cross-star delivery channel is afraid that a little accident will interfere with this delivery.
This time it’s their hope that it’s their future!
Very critical!
The horse will succeed.
Reinforcements will be here soon.
Is this moment fire south suddenly look big change "small …"
Fire south also has to warn in the future, and a cold and horrible sword light is coming towards him.
He has seen this sword light.
Wei neng is extremely sharp and horrible!
A sword can kill a nine-guard star and hit the mental body hard.
Fire south reaction very fast to see the sword light flash bombardment sword light and retreat.
This is a life-saving response.
But there is something wrong with his retreat.
Because Huonan is the closest person to the trans-satellite transport channel.
His very short retreat was a moment when people protected the trans-satellite delivery channel.
Almost at the same moment, the geomagnetic force field is frantically twisted and pressed to the cross-satellite delivery channel.
Cai Shaochu urged the earth to guard!
The second time was Mu Sheng, the third place was another nine-satellite star, but at the same moment, they were attacked by Shui Yao’s guardian Mu Yao!
To Xu’s surprise, the five-obsidian guardian came out at the moment and actually inspired the blazing sun, that is, the Japanese obsidian guardian.
A blazing sun shot out of the sun in an instant and hit one of these nine-satellite stars.
The situation is chaotic in an instant.
But the most thrilling thing is that this cross-star-sending channel is guarded by the earth obsidian, and it is shattered and collapsed.
Quantity fluctuation Guanghua and the previously invested massive source crystallized into source energy instantly lost their bondage and exploded in shock waves and spread in all directions.
This wave of explosions makes people retreat and wait far away. There is no loss in the small universe.
However, this wave of nine satellite stars in Huonan bears the brunt!
Although it is not too severe, there is a nine-satellite star who is not badly injured. This blasting shock wave impacts the flesh and directly breaks it.
One more dead!
At the same moment, Xu retreated to control the water, and the Obsidian guardian was not idle, taking advantage of the chaos and cutting out a wave each.
In an instant, two more nine guards were killed on the spot.
The Eldar Nine Guards star ranks again. Four seriously injured people have one more.
The blazing sun killed a man
There are twelve Eldar Nine Guards.
"scattered!" Fire south panic hissed and looked at the black dead star full of fear!
Can the Sun Nine Obsidian Guard still blast here?
Can you keep chasing their asses?
Huonan is really scared!
There is a feeling of being shrouded in death!
At this time, Huonanling’s news plate rang wildly, but Huonanling took it when he fled for his life.
On the other side, asteroid 1142 is going crazy!
The support water nine guards have stepped into the trans-satellite delivery channel, and the reinforcements can be successfully passed.
It’s only three seconds!
This wave of ups and downs will come in three seconds.

I’m afraid this is also an important factor for him to turn to Manchu.

But now everything is different …
Shu Shu slept. When Li Yuanqing woke up, Kong Youde had waited respectfully outside the door. When he saw Li Yuanqing, he quickly knelt down and saluted "Beizhi Kong Youde met the general."
Kong Youde is also very excited to play for his idol.
Li Yuanqing smiled eagerly patted him on the shoulder "can you drink a little? Get up so early? "
Kong Youde hey hey smile.
His brother Kong Youxing has not yet settled down. He has been favored by Li Yuanqing, which means that he will soon have a real shortage, so we should take good advantage of it.
Kong Youde’s age is the most critical time for the formation of outlook on life and values. Li Yuanqing is also happy for him to get close and say with smile: "Haven’t you eaten yet? Guoshan went to prepare breakfast holes and then followed us. "
"Yes" Huang Guoshan smiled and hurried away.
Kong Youde couldn’t help liking "General Xie’s love" more.
Li Yuanqing smiled. "You should follow Guoshan these days and study hard."
"Yes" Kong Youde big kowtow.
Can shake day star for the future so casually ordering him also could not say happy Li Yuanqing heart also some could not say satisfied.
History has completely changed.
It will never be as easy as history if wild boar skin wants to erode Dongjiang again.
A few people just had breakfast together when Mao Wenlong Qinbing came to inform the adults of the prison army that they couldn’t wait for Li Yuanqing to report quickly.
Li Yuanqing dare not neglect with Huang Guoshan and Kong Youde quickly rushed to Mao Wenlong residence.
Chapter 222 The army
Li Yuanqing arrived at Mao Wenlong’s official residence, Zhang Pan and Chen Zhong had arrived, but there were five or six flying fish in a royal guard at the door, and it didn’t seem to mean to let them in.
Li Yuanqing winked at the two men, and both of them winked back and showed some discomfort.
Li Yuanqing smiled and nodded to several royal guards. He whispered to Zhang Pan and Chen Zhong, "When will the two brothers arrive?"
Last night, Chen Zhong drank too much and rested in Zhang Pan’s house. When he rested in Mao Chenglu’s house, Li Yuanqing woke up and went back to the posthouse. The three of them had never met a piece.
Zhang Pan whispered, "Just arrived."
With that, he gave a look at the Royal Guards. "We haven’t eaten breakfast yet. Let’s wait here."
Chen Zhong busy made a wink to Zhang Pan, indicating that Zhang Pan should not say much.
Disgruntled, shut up and paced back and forth.
Li Yuanqing whispered to Chen Zhong, "Big Brother, haven’t you seen the prison army since you came here a few days ago?"
Chen Zhong shook his head slightly and was about to speak when a Royal Guards Avenue came out at the door: "Are there three generals Chen Zhong in Li Yuanqing? My father-in-law let you in. "
Three people dare not neglect busy to this thousand arch hand in turn into the Guanting.
A eunuch in his early thirties in Guanting was smiling and greeting Mao Wenlong. When he saw Li Yuanqing coming in, he said with a smile, "General Mao, are these three generals, Li Yuanqing, Zhang Pan and Chen Zhong?"
Mao Wenlong smiled and introduced, "This is Li Yuanqing of Changsheng Island, this is Zhang Pan of Lushun, and this is Chen Zhong of Guanglu Island."
Mao Wenlong is so disguised terms three people more dare not careless quickly kowtow salute.
The eunuch didn’t let three people get up and continue to smile and Mao Wenlong bullshit.
Li Yuanqing secretly raised his head and drifted around. Behind this big eunuch, there are three red eunuchs, most of whom are in their 30 s and 40 s, which should be the three prison forces.
The room is very big, and Li Yuanqing is about seven meters away from the eunuch, but he can clearly smell a strong fragrance.
But this fragrance is not pure, not a woman’s kind, but it is mixed with some urine ~ smell, which makes people have a wrong shape.
Mao Wenlong saw that the eunuch was getting farther and farther away and didn’t want his three lovers to kneel here and smile: "Ma Gonggong and the three of them have arrived in southern Liaoning. You see, this horse is going to celebrate the New Year. The emperor is still waiting for a message. Do you want them to go back early?"
Mao Wenlong is also the backbone of the eunuch. This horse father-in-law just wants to cool off Li Yuanqing’s three people and show that his power and apocalypse are still waiting for the report here. He dare not ask for a big smile again: "Just like this, Ma Qiu Wei Liang, why don’t you get acquainted with the three generals first?"
After he spoke, the three eunuchs behind him dared to move to Li Yuanqing for three greetings.
This kind of thing has long been a foregone conclusion, and the three eunuchs’ goals are also very accurate, and they are looking for their own goals
Li Yuanqing’s eunuch named Wei Liang is probably in his early forties. He looks very simple and honest and has been bullied by an honest man.
But Li Yuanqing noticed that this fellow’s eyes sparkled with a little excitement, which was a bit like a bird escaping from a cage and embracing freedom.
But even though he was digging shit in the palace, he represented the little emperor Li Yuanqing of the apocalypse in Pidao, and he didn’t dare to smile and say flattering words.
This father-in-law Wei Liangwei is very popular, and the crow’s feet around his eyes have also stretched a lot, just like a few years younger.
I’ve been here for a while and it’s almost time for dinner. Mao Wenlong is busy ordering Qinbing to prepare lunch.
Ma Gonggong refused a few words and agreed with a smile.
The luncheon was very rich. Five or six tables were almost the highest-level banquet in Lippi Island, Li Yuanqing.
Father Ma and the eunuchs of Wei Liang have seven collectors and several officers of Tianjin Navy besides a dozen royal guards.
Add Dongjiang side Mao Wenlong several aides Zhang Pan, Mao Chenglu these confidants general officer table are full.
Ma Gonggong was obviously satisfied with the reception specifications, and his smile kept appearing on his face.
Li Yuanqing three people also have to wait on the three eunuchs here. At that time, the atmosphere in the hall was happy.
After lunch, Mao Wenlong said with a smile, "That’s what Father Ma is like. Let them return. Father Ma can also inspect the Pidao Army."
Ma Gonggong smiled and nodded. "It’s all right for Ma Qiu Wei Liang Zhang Qiliang to go."
The three eunuchs hurried to kowtow to Ma Gonggong, and this just took their respective attendants with Li Yuanqing to the dock.
Li Yuanqing also figured out the specifications of the prison army at this time
Wei Liang, the old eunuch on Changsheng Island, is a prison army, and there are two collectors, two security guards, a security liaison and three imperial liaison, a total of nine people.
These people are still paid in the name of the Apocalypse Emperor and the court, but in fact they are like’ leeches’ who have already settled on Li Yuanqing.
Zhang Pan and Chen Zhong are also based on this.
Chen Zhong’s side of the prison army is called Zhang Qiliang, who is also in his forties and somewhat gloomy.

The screen scrolls very fast, then slowly slows down, and finally the whole screen is still directly. Su Ying saw a figure in front of him.

When he looked intently, he was so surprised that his eyes almost popped out!
Chapter 41 Fate avatar
Su Ying was surprised by the human form of the screen.
It is simply too conspicuous!
This man is wearing a black crane robe, wearing a beard and a crown, carrying his hands and a pair of eyes to see a smiling face in front.
Very cheap!
The most important thing is!
This man is riding a black leopard!
It’s Shen Gongbao!
Su Ying never expected to draw a horse in this person’s heart and it was almost 10,000 horses galloping by!
Who’s Shen Gongbao?
How many people died in the sentence "Please stay, Taoist friends"?
This person is the younger brother Jiang Ya, the younger brother who explained the teachings and worshipped the Tianzunmen in Yuan Dynasty.
Jealous of Jiang Ya’s palm, it is full of evil to provoke a large number of experts to deal with Jiang Ya, which has caused great difficulties to Ji Fa, the king of Wu.
However, he didn’t die in the end, but was filled in by Yuanshi Tianzun, and was finally named "General of East China Sea Water Division" by Jiang Ya.
Shen Gongbao is the only alien disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun in Kunlun, and he is the only betrayer among all the jade brothers. Shen Gongbao is average in magic but good in eloquence and broad in communication.
Shen Gongbao helped Zhou Wang’s Jiangya enemy, Jiangya Zhou Wuwang, to establish the rebellion of the Shang Dynasty in the Zhou Dynasty. Shen Gongbao invited many fairies and demons to help him.
However, the so-called magic here is generally about teaching Twelve Jinxian. Compared with others, Shen Gongbao is definitely a very strong player.
"Congratulations to the host, Shen Gongbao, whose mana is worth 1000 years. Friends, please stay on Wuxing Avenue to move mountains and control cranes to capture dragons."
"Does the host extract it immediately?"
Sue should pie pie heart some nai to the first few times in addition to hum and haw two will later extract a few times for him.
What fate figures can be drawn this time, but I never expected to draw Shen Gongbao.
And then again, Daoyou, please stay. Can you also call it a skill? Are you kidding?
"smoke it"
Sue should be able to shrug off the feeling that she is a little uninterested in this extraction, and she is not very happy about it.
"Shen Gongbao skill extraction begins, please wait patiently for the host."
"Congratulations on the host’s extraction to the skill five elements avenue"
"Congratulations to the host for extracting skills. Please stay."
"Does the host work immediately?"
Su Ying heard one leng and said directly, "What is the skill of not asking friends to stay?"? Is this a skill? "
Tong explained that "it is a lucky skill for Taoist friends to please stay."
"Fate skills? What skill is this? " Su Ying wondered if it was the first time he had heard of any luck skills when he was so big.
The sentence "Daoyou, please stay" is naturally familiar. Among the gods, Shen Gongbao wants to say that Daoyou, please stay, and then he began to be fooled. Then several people were fooled into going to Chaoge to be cannon fodder.
The general meaning is that whoever he says this to will be in trouble
This is also called luck skills?
"Fate is elusive, elusive, unexplored and understood by the host."
Su Ying rolled her eyes and said something unpredictable and unpredictable. She immediately said, "What’s wrong with this luck skill?"
"Please ask the host to cultivate and comprehend by himself"
"All right, then."

It takes a few hairs to find out whether Gu Chen’s child is her or not.

Lu Chengyi was awakened by himself!
The dean didn’t stop watching him say this, but instead cheered the child, "Go to the big red star that the dean rewarded you."
Soon the child started running to Jiang Xuanxuan’s side …
Jiang Xuanxuan is playing a game of blindfolding and catching cats. It should be very easy to pull out her two hairs …
Protecting children is everyone’s fault ~ the big boss, Xuan Xuan, and director Yu are all working hard on this matter ~
Today’s first push ~ package needs great support … everyone should work hard!
3, the big boss is jealous!
Wide playground, shady grassland, children laughing, bright and charming, playing and chasing pictures are very harmonious and friendly.
Jiang Xuanxuan mingled with more than a dozen children, smiling brightly and having fun …
She is playing the game of blindfolding to catch people, and whoever she catches is the one. The blindfolded children are laughing and running away, trying their best to avoid Jiang Xuanxuan’s arrest …
At this moment, a 16-year-old boy suddenly pounced on Jiang Xuanxuan’s thigh and hugged him tightly.
"Ah, who grabbed me? Then I caught you at all … "Jiang Xuanxuan smiled and squatted down with her white palm and grabbed the child holding her with her other hand." I caught a ghost ~ "
As soon as the blindfold was removed, the boy blinked his eyes and smiled at Jiang Xuanxuan. "Big sister, give me some hair."
"ah? What do you want? " Jiang Xuanxuan hasn’t heard the smiling face and asked
"I want some of your hair. Can you pull some for me?" The boy’s innocent and lovely voice Nuo Nuo expresses his meaning clearly.
It was this picture that caught Liu Cheng’s eye and made him look black for a few minutes.
He asked the boy to secretly pull out a few roots. What do you mean?
I really can’t believe the kid’s ability …
"Well, what do you want with your sister’s hair?" Over there, Jiang Xuanxuan chatted with the child with a smile. "How about you tell your sister to send you?"
The boy was so innocent that he immediately turned around and pointed to Liu Chengyi with a stubby finger. "That uncle and the dean wanted her sister’s hair, not mine."
"Huh?" Finally, Jiang Xuanxuan looked up at the horse ahead and turned to Liu Chengyi for embarrassment.
Today, he is wearing black casual clothes with a loose bun. Jiang Xuanxuan didn’t recognize him after such a long distance.
She was going to ask before, but she saw the man, the dean, turning away as if to discuss something.
Looking at a pair of shadows leaving over there, Jiang Xuanxuan’s heart floated lightly and some conjectures were born.
There are often foreign visitors in orphanages, either to find children or to adopt children. Jiang Xuanxuan grew up in orphanages, and these adults often wonder when her parents can find orphanages to take her away …
What would want her hair? Did her relatives come to look for it?
At the moment Jiang Xuanxuan heart with such questions.
For a long time, she stared at Liu Chengyi’s back and lost her mind, but she secretly remembered Liu Chengyi’s back subconsciously even though she knew that her mind was not necessarily accurate.
She’s Jiang Xuanxuan, and this is the first person to notice her in an orphanage.
"Sister, are we still playing?" The children around her came to urge her to return to her senses. "Play, who will be the ghost now?"
While the game was still going on, Jiang Xuanxuan quickly played with the children.
When the bell rang, the children lined up and set off for the canteen in an orderly way.
Section 43
"Xuan Xuan …" In class, a man came to Jiang Xuanxuan’s side, and his muscles flew and his arms hooked Jiang Xuanxuan’s neck. He smiled brightly. "I’ll invite you to dinner while walking."
"Super need to treat! You don’t know how poor I am recently! " Jiang Xuanxuan naturally accepted his so-called closeness.
He is a physical education teacher, boarding manager and captain of the security team in the orphanage, and also a small partner-Hua Hongan, who Jiang Xuanxuan grew up with.
Apart from iron, they are brothers and relatives, and Jiang Xuanxuan cherishes them the most.
Crouching is a common thing. Jiang Xuanxuan even accompanied him to do postoperative care in hemorrhoids surgery. She arranged it all by herself … Gu Chen didn’t understand that kind of closeness to his family.
Gu Chen knew that he spent the weekend socializing with Jiang Xuanxuan, only to see her openly intimate with men in the orphanage.
He arrived at the orphanage at about 10: 30, and watched Jiang Xuanxuan play for a long time on a bench near the playground while working on his mobile phone. When she was tired of playing, she was about to call her, and then a man came out of nowhere and hooked her away.
A famous fire burned in his chest, but Gu Chen sat still and watched Jiang Xuanxuan go away with that wretched physical education teacher.
He will definitely not lower himself to find Jiang Xuanxuan and quietly put in a message to wait for Jiang Xuanxuan’s automatic door in the past.
However … this sentence is not connected.
Gu Chenmo’s silent and deep eyes turned the screen of the mobile phone from bright to black, and all his temper endured the word "Sichuan" in his eyebrow.
Jiang Xuanxuan is really bold. He still doesn’t answer the phone because of such a trivial matter last night.
This temper has gone too far
I don’t know how long I have been silent on the bench. Gu Chen got up and prepared to leave.
He has leadership, pride, dignity and age stability … These factors are hard for Gu Chen, and it is impossible for Jiang Xuanxuan, a 20-year-old girl, to break them.
So he came quietly and prepared to leave quietly as if he had never done this stupid thing.
However, I didn’t expect Gu Chen to be bumped into by Jiang Xuanxuan when he returned from dinner.
"Big boss!" Jiang Xuanxuan took the lead in calling him to look in a good mood and not hold grudges.
When she saw Gu Chen, she immediately left Hua Hongan and ran straight to Gu Chen’s side …
"Boss, did you come to see me?" She stood still with a big grin. "Are you here to take me home?"

Listen to Zhao Zhihao Su Li heart slightly shaken.

It seems that the forgotten war situation is really dangerous. Ten people entered the genius and four died. Of course, if they can come back alive, it is hard to imagine that six people have successfully broken the border in one month.
Luo Zhanjian suddenly said, "This time, the forgotten war situation is much more dangerous than a year ago. I am afraid that there may not be such a high survival rate. Of course, the more dangerous it is, the greater the return will be."
At Luo Zhanjian, Zhao Zhihao’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, which makes him feel a little forced.
He seems to know everything, even if he gets the key cultivation in the base. Speak as if he knows more than the guide.
Compared with Su Li, it is much better than Luo Zhanjian. Zhao Zhihao has no affection for Luo Zhanjian in his heart, but his affection for Su Li has greatly increased.
It’s Luo Zhanjian, the base executive, and the adult’s key name is Zhao Zhihao. Although there is some aversion to Luo Zhanjian, it’s hard to say much.
Two hours later, three people and one turtle arrived at the base.
Su Li still couldn’t help but take a deep breath when he saw the magnificent twelve pillars again.
Sometimes he wonders what kind of manpower and material resources can build such a magnificent column.
"Here" Zhao Zhihao smiled and drew back from the left-handed turtle.
After landing, he jumped ashore first, and then Su Li and Luo Zhanjian followed.
"Brother Ling?"
Suddenly I saw a familiar person in front, Zhao Zhihao, shouting.
Listen to Zhao Zhihao sound each other back is "Jiangdong Province" three guides a lingyun.
Lingyun side also follow two people are Su Li familiar with a xuanhua a Jassamyn Liu.
Xuanhua and Luo Zhanjian are also the same as this time. The base is set for two people, one for another, and Jassamyn Liu is naturally Lingyun’s recommended candidate this time.
Once again, I saw Jassamyn Liu Su Li embarrassed and thought that I had borrowed the sword, raccoon dog and beast. I had agreed to return it soon, but I didn’t expect to touch it here today.
Lingyun came here with Xuanhua and Liu Jie one step ahead of them and just near the city gate.
"Turns out to be Zhao Xiong" Lingyun grinned at Zhao Zhihao, obviously two people are good.
Then Lingyun also saw Luo Zhanjian and Su Li.
Chapter 642 Ten places
Just then Xuanhua suddenly made a strange move and leaned slightly towards Luo Zhanjian.
Then he seemed to think of something and suddenly straightened up again. The ceremony stopped in the middle.
This move saw Lingyun’s eyes with a different color, but it didn’t say what it was to meet Zhao Zhihao.
"Congratulations, you are finally a guide." Lingyun laughed.
"How about you?" Zhao Zhihao smiled and suddenly lowered his voice. "The position of supervisor is out. That bitch Zhu Gaozhi has gone to the dead zone and probably won’t come back. You have to exercise early."
Zhao Zhihao’s tone is full of dissatisfaction with Zhu Gaozhi.
Because Zhu Gaozhi borrowed a large sum of money from him before leaving and promised him many benefits, I didn’t expect Zhu Gaozhi to abandon the position of supervisor and go to the dead domain.
Zhao Zhihao was so angry that he scolded Zhu Gaozhi’s ancestors for ten generations.
Lingyun face move and then smiled slightly "let’s get together tonight"
The two of them talked. Su Li also nodded to Xuanhua and Jassamyn Liu. Now both guides are here, and they are not good at talking directly.
Lingyun and Zhao Zhihao arrived at the gate with the four of them and took out the identity crystal. After some interrogation, they confirmed the identity of Su Li, and then they were released.
Re-entering the base, Su Li looked at the wide avenue on both sides, and it was still as lively as ever, and he smelled all kinds of delicious food and smells far away. Many passers-by were wearing strange clothes and were very ostentatious.
Compared with these people, the two guides and the four Suli people seem to be the most common ones, and they belong to the kind that will not be noticed if they are placed in a crowd.
"This year’s’ Forgetting the Battle Situation’ started earlier than we did at that time." On the way, Zhao Zhihao and Lingyun talked about forgetting the Battle Situation.
"I heard from the executive adults that this year’s situation is quite special, and the battle for forgetting the war situation may be more intense than in previous years. This involves the general trend behind which party has to pay attention."
Su Li four people silently followed the two guides and listened to their gossip. They led them across the street and turned left. Soon a white high wall appeared in front of them.
Outside this white high wall, there are patrols, and the iron gate is closed, and there are also people guarding it.
Su Li is here for the first time, guessing that it should be a confidential place somewhere.
Lingyun and Zhao Zhihao took them to the iron gate for another identity check, especially after the identity of Su Li was confirmed, they made a small door by the iron gate to let them in.
After entering this small door, there is a very wide courtyard covered with white jade. Shi Zhuan has a charm engraved on the surface of each brick. The central area of the courtyard has formed a circular charm circle about 50 meters in Fiona Fang.
At the moment, there is a row of tables and chairs at the head of the courtyard, but there are ten chairs on the left side of the courtyard, and the same person on the right side has gathered some people at a glance, at least nearly 20 people are chatting with each other.
Su Li saw two familiar faces inside.
One is a tall, fat man weighing at least 300 Jin, with a chicken leg in his hand and a greasy face, and he doesn’t care.
Su Li has an impression of him and knows that he is the three guides of Tongzhou Province. One is Cui Tao, and the other is a woman with outstanding temperament named Xiao Yan, who is the most valued newcomer in Cui Tao.
Su Libai, these people should be the guides and newcomers from all provinces who have forgotten the war situation this time.
Zhao Zhihao and Lingyun took the four of them and walked over there.
"Hey Lingyun, why did you two bring four?" The big fat Cui Tao mumbled while eating chicken legs that he and Lingyun were not bad. Although he was not familiar with Zhao Zhihao, he knew that he was a new guide. Looking at the two of them with four newcomers, he was curious.
He didn’t know about Yu Luo Zhanjian and Xuanhua.
Some of his guides also noticed it at this time, and they became strange.
Lingyun smiled slightly. "There are two new people who are not recommended by us."
"decide? Can this matter be decided? "
Some guides immediately showed some dissatisfaction in their ears.
There are new guides and newcomers coming here one after another, and the number is increasing.
Then Su Li saw Wei Bingying, an acquaintance who had entered the dark refining field together.
It was a strange woman who brought him here.
Su Li knows that Wei Bingying’s guide has always been Xu Tianyu. Now Xu Tianyu and Mo Liudao have broken the border. This woman should be the new guide to replace Xu Tianyu.
Listen, these guides talk to each other, and he knows that this woman’s name is Su Youzhen and she has the same surname.
When the number of people gathered here became thirty, it stopped increasing.

"I don’t think the robot group has any contact with our human culture. What progress should their technology make? Their technology level should still stay at the highest level when they fought with us nearly a hundred years ago, plus the technology of those spaceships we lost in Lager 72. I think there should be no mistakes in formulating the evolutionary trap scheme with this level of technology robot blue."

"I think so, too," Xiao Yun said. "We haven’t found that it is really impossible for the alien robot group to make scientific and technological progress without our human culture."
"Well, that’s settled," General Emek said. "The military probe ship has set off for the boundary of our human territory. No matter which direction the robot group appears, it can’t escape our monitoring. I will tell you as soon as I find the trace of the robot group."
"The day when the robot group appears is the time when we human culture and their exhibition will be decisive, and it is also the time when we verify whether the evolutionary trap scheme is effective for the robot group …"
Chapter three hundred and thirty-six We will destroy it
Gliese qiyixing
The main star of this star is a red dwarf star, which is only a quarter of the sun’s mass and much smaller than the sun’s, but it is also a magnificent and huge star system with two rocky planets and a huge gaseous planet orbiting it. There are countless asteroids, dwarf planets, comets and other celestial bodies besides these big planets.
It is 37 light-years away from the sun. Judging from the ability of interstellar voyage at the moment, it is undoubtedly at the boundary of the map of human territory, but this star is famous for its beautiful scenery. The foundation of the planet closest to the main star has been carefully transformed by the strength of human science and technology. It has finally become the most famous tourist attraction in human literature. Although it is far away, it will take decades to come here, but people still travel here to pursue it.
But … With the advent of the robot crisis, gliese has been abandoned for a long time. From nearly a hundred years ago, the number of tourists here has been decreasing. Decades ago, it was even gone. Recently, even the workers who stayed here have almost retreated.
This place has been completely deserted.
A huge passenger ship is running on the only living planet in this star. Several smaller two-type ships left the port and entered the planet’s atmosphere, and then landed in front of a huge building.
This building is located in the middle of high mountains, surrounded by various colors of vegetation, which makes this building always in a sweet smell of plants. From time to time, birds sing and beasts roar to set off the light red sun in the sky. This building is like a residence of gods, full of solemn and magnificent atmosphere.
Several people wearing military uniforms walked into the building from the two-type spacecraft and then came to an office. They knocked on the back door and hit an old man sitting behind a desk. At this time, he raised his head and quietly watched the soldiers.
"Mr. Levi, are you ready? The last retreat ship is about to leave for the sun. If you are ready, please come with us to the ship, "said a soldier."
The old man sighed and walked to the huge French window. He looked at the scenery outside the window and left his back to the soldiers.
"Mr. Levi …" The soldier called a low voice.
The old man named Li Wei finally said, "How many people are left on this planet?"
"With us," the soldier said, "except for us, all the workers and holiday tourists on this planet have set foot on the journey back to the sun in batches. The guest ship’ Shengjing’ is the last retreat ship, and no one will come here after this ship."
Li Wei continued to gaze at the scenery outside the window. In this long gaze, Li Wei seemed to see those scenes that once appeared here. There were many flying machines shuttling through the sky, laughing tourists gathered here, beautiful scenery, delicious food and lovely animals …
Now there is nothing but the animals that still live in the mountains …
"What will your military do to this planet after we retreat?" Levi asked there had been a tremor in her voice.
The soldier was silent for a long time and then sighed and said, "Mr. Li Wei, you know, to ensure that our human cultural and technological creations are not leaked, we need to clean up this planet thoroughly, and we need to destroy all man-made objects on this planet completely and completely."
"But all this was designed by myself," Li Wei said with some strength. "I came to work on this planet when I was a young man. At that time, the planet was still desolate and there was nothing. I led my team to work here for more than 300 years before it was transformed into what it is now. I devoted my life to sowing it on this planet, and now you want to destroy it …"
"Every plant, every landscape, every building, every animal group, every river, every lake and every ocean here … I designed my life, my painstaking efforts, my wisdom, and my life department stayed here … and now you want to destroy it …"
The old man became more and more excited, and his tone became more and more sad. Cloudy tears also gushed from the old man’s eyes and fell across his wrinkled face to the ground.
"I’m sorry, Mr. Li Wei, but you know we can’t help it. We have to do this." The soldier’s mood also fell down and his voice was a little low. "We once conveyed your request to the head of state and said that he could promise you that the government would give you enough support to rebuild the planet’s ecology and environment after the war."
"No, no," the old man said bitterly. "I’m in my twilight years and I don’t have much time to live! It takes hundreds of years to rebuild the ecology and environment of a planet. I don’t have enough time! "
Facing the old man’s refutation, the soldiers chose silence.
The red planet has fallen to the edge of the mountain peak, and it will soon fall to the twilight. Everything here is becoming more and more magnificent, but perhaps because of different moods, it seems that these people are always covered with a layer of sadness.
After a long silence, the old man finally recovered a little calm. "Why don’t you go and leave me here alone?"
The soldier whispered, "No, we must destroy everything here."
There was a little pleading in the old man’s voice. "You can destroy everything here. After you destroy this place, leave me the simplest life-sustaining device, just a little food and water."

"A piece of armor" Su Li smiled and gave Gong Xiao the bloody armor stripped of poisonous properties.

Listen to him say that Jiang Shuixuan and Ding Longyun are disappointed. Xu Xuehui looks calm and has no reaction. Gong Xiao is slightly pleased.
According to the previous discussion, Su Li has priority to get equipment. If it is armor, it will be given to Gong Xiao first and Xu Xuehui second. If it is treasure, it will be given to Ding Longyun and Jiang Shuixuan first.
Now, the demon slayer appears in the armory. He handed the stripped bloody armor to Gong Xiao.
Gong Xiao’s face lit up with bloody armor.
This monarch armor can’t increase 4,000 defense, but can increase physical strength for 2 minutes.
She used Quetzalcoatl’s exhausted physical strength, and now she is worried about her physical strength and doesn’t want to get this bloody armor. She was pleasantly surprised when her physical strength was extended for 2 minutes.
The hills are a mess, and a large number of trees are staggered, and the bushes are almost completely destroyed.
They didn’t stop riding four mounts and quickly left here to continue to look for the second monster nest.
Then I still went all the way to the southwest. I just harvested a monarch’s armor, and everyone was in a good mood. Now it can be confirmed that every monster nest should have a monarch-level monster hidden. At this speed, it is not difficult for five people to get together a monarch’s equipment.
"I hope I can make a treasure." Ding Longyun laughed.
He now has a golden tomahawk, and he hopes to get a treasure more than the monarch’s armor. He has a treasure to make his strength greatly improved, and now all four people in Suli have a treasure, and he is the first priority.
Jiang Shuixuan smiled and said, "I think there will be a sovereign weapon."
What she want most now is a monarch weapon.
Ding Longyun heard her say this and laughed. "Don’t worry, sooner or later, there will always be some monsters’ nests. There must be some."
I thought that Su Li was strong enough to kill the five monarchs, and everyone was more relaxed. I continued to go to the southwest, and Xu Xuehui observed the monster nest from time to time in the distance.
Soon she pointed to the distance again and said, "There!"
Ding Longyun spirit a beat himself riding a black dead giant shark beast first rushed toward the distance.
Su Li smiled and knew that everyone was now in a state of excitement. After all, finding the monster’s nest means finding the monarch, which may represent the monarch’s equipment or treasures.
In the distance, there is an exposed building, which should be a small town. Now there are still some buildings exposed to the water. At this moment, a large number of steel and metal buildings appear in these buildings, just like steel bridges criss-crossing and connecting.
With the approaching Su Li’s eyebrows slightly wrinkled up.
He heard the faint roar and miserable roar, and saw the monster nest formed by steel bridges. There were a large number of monsters like giant lizards climbing and flying vertically.
Ding Longyun suddenly opened his eyes and was taken aback. "What was that?"
Jiang Shuijue frowned slightly. "Is this preempted?"
Listening to the screams, they saw that it was very chaotic, and the groups of lizard monsters seemed to be fighting.
Su Li nods, "I don’t know how many people are there."
Ding Longyun laughed. "I didn’t want to disturb the hidden monarch. These people are sure to flee for their lives. Now there are also Su Li who can kill the monarch. Most people are not rivals for the monarch."
Ding Longyun knows that there are many teams like them in the ancient city, but the scale of the teams is much larger than theirs. They will also look for monster nests in various places during the day. Members like Jiang Shuixuan in these teams have some special ability to escape. Once the monarch is disturbed by the enemy, they will immediately display their ability to escape. Everyone will escape together.
According to their experience in the past two days, most of the monsters’ nests are now five-level monarchs, and now Ding Longyun thinks that Su Li is the only one, and most others have to flee for their lives.
Of course, if you are lucky, you may meet a four-level or even three-level monarch, or a juvenile or incomplete monarch, that is, you will hit the Universiade, and everyone will still have a chance to kill them together.
Once killed, it is possible to explode treasures or equipment. If it is a treasure with strength, it will be upgraded immediately, so once it meets a powerful monster, it will have a fighting force.
At this time, luck becomes as important as strength
Lucky teams are likely to produce some extremely strong people in just a few days.
Of course, if you are unlucky, casualties can be wiped out.
Although most teams will have some kind of escape ability, no matter how powerful the escape ability is, it can’t guarantee 100% security.
Everyone is heading for the distant nest, and suddenly there comes a huge roar from the steel nest, which looks like a dragon howling wave, making everyone feel a slight shock from afar.
I feel that this monster is full of deterrence. This is definitely not something that a general leader monster or a rare monster can roar.
"monarch monster"
A few people immediately white that hidden in the steel nest monarch monster to come out.
"Go and see who it is." Su Li is also curious to see who it is in the monster’s lair.