Mu Wanshang nodded and thanked, "Thank you for your help!"

The palace is heavily guarded, so it’s not surprising that they can break in so quickly, and the guards leave with broken snakes.
At first sight, I knew that the three chefs did it. Otherwise, how could there be a snake in her room? These three women are really not worrying.
After a whole night of bathing in petticoats, I was afraid to sleep again. When it was dawn, I took some water from my couch to simply freshen up.
Listen, there was a faint noise in the courtyard. Those women were still a little light yesterday. They wanted to go out and fight again.
If the three of them gang up to sue her for trouble, if they are driven out of the house, it will become a loss.
Mu wan Shang didn’t go out, so he had to get some leisure. He didn’t go out
Seeing that Mao Shi is coming, Mu Wan Shang is going to inquire about the kitchen path all the way to see her beauty.
Ge Shuheng already knows that Mu Wanshang met a snake last night. He doesn’t eat snake soup, and such a thing has never happened in Wangfu.
Living with her three chefs also doesn’t want her to suspect that since such a thing happened, she can be placed in the vicinity aboveboard, which is also convenient for her to meet.
Mu Wan Shang knocked at the door. "The girl is going to work with her wife."
"I just heard that my wife had some trouble last night and arranged for her to settle in other quiet places and pack up and come with me!"
"There’s nothing to pack, just a few clothes!"
The three women don’t understand what this plain-looking girl really is. At midnight, not only are there guards to protect her, but even pretty maid around the sovereign is very polite to her.
Is it because the sovereign saw such a woman? So they should find a piece of tofu and die.
Liang Chen placed Mu Wan Shang near the Bedroom, and you can see the situation inside the Bedroom courtyard in the attic.
Mu Wan Shang wondered if his identity had been discovered.
Seeing Mu Wan-shang in its moments of beauty, I wonder, "This used to be a place where guards were on duty, so it’s convenient to observe the Wangfu. All paths have been abandoned for a long time. If you want to tidy up and find a more suitable place for a while, you should live here first, and it’s quite close to the kitchen."
"It’s nice here!" Mu Wan-shang’s doubts are still elusive, but there are many places to see children here.
"It’s getting late. Your Majesty is going to have breakfast. Let’s have a lighter diet today!"
Mu Wan Shang also felt that her eyes were a little red and her eyes were faintly black, and she didn’t have a good rest.
"But what happened? Is Wang Ye ill? "
"No, it was our Wang who took the child to the racecourse on a whim last night, and the child got cold. Our Wang has been looking after him by the bed all night."
The child is ill, and naturally there are some worries in his heart that King Heng can treat his friends like this, but the child is a person who values friendship. "The folk woman will go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast."
Liang Chen personally sent Mu Wan Shang into the kitchen, but a man and a woman were in the kitchen worried that she would be excluded.
It’s a beautiful day, and it’s a woman. Once upon a time, there was a female chef who stayed in the kitchen of Wangfu, and nothing unusual happened.
When Qibao was still young, King Heng took his children to ride horses. Naturally, the children would be caught in the cold, and they planned to cook some meat and vegetable porridge, which would warm their stomachs and make them liquid.
Liang Chen didn’t stay in the kitchen, but went back to me. The kitchen ordered someone to bring breakfast. Ge Shuheng took a look and chose a few dishes that were satisfactory.
Ge Shuheng took the cup out alone and came to the bed with a gentle tone. "Xiaoqi is going to get up for breakfast."
Small seven misty rubbed his eyes "father small seven very tired! It hurts everywhere. "
Ge Shuheng is a little self-reproached, if he hadn’t taken his children riding on a whim, "I wish Xiaoqi was sick and had something to eat."
Xiaoqi reluctantly got up and Ge Shu Heng scooped a bowl of meat soup in the past, hoping that the child could taste that it was cooked by his mother.
Xiaoqi was not very energetic, and her nose was still stuffy, and she couldn’t smell the aroma of the meat porridge. She opened her mouth and swallowed the meat soup.
I suddenly got up. "Father, this is the smell of mother. Father is the mother."
The child didn’t taste sick during the game, but did. "Xiaoqi will tell you after eating a bowl of porridge."
Xiaoqi obediently swallowed the big bowl of porridge soup, ate the last bit, and showed him the bowl. It looked very pleasing.
"Father now tells Xiaoqi if her mother is coming?"
"yes! Mother, he doesn’t want to see his father’s changed appearance, so he can’t be found by her for the time being, otherwise she will leave. "
Xiaoqi seems to understand that "Mother can’t see Xiaoqi since she’s here" and her eyes are a little red.
What is said from a child’s mouth is generally credible. If you want to keep Mu Wanshang, you must work together with your father and Qi Xin.
"Xiaoqi’s mother is afraid that her father will leave Xiaoqi here. She disguised herself and wanted to steal Xiaoqi from her father. Xiaoqi had to tell a lie to keep her mother."
Chapter two hundred and ninety Heng Wang scheming
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
Mu Wanshang came back from the kitchen to his residence, and he could see the situation of King Heng’s bedroom through the attic. Mu Wanshang was full of anxiety and doubts.
She is just a junior chef, so she is not only a handyman in the back kitchen, but also arranged to be so close to the children
If there are no special arrangements, she is not qualified to live here as a new cook.
Besides, the handmaid around King Heng takes more care of her. She is ugly and her cooking is average. The kitchen is the most important thing in this palace.
Looking at her face in a bronze mirror and sticking a human skin mask, she had close contact with Wang. Was she recognized at that time?
"Mrs. Ayan!" Loulai Liangchen Yin
Mu Wanshang rushed into the attic. "Is it a beautiful girl who doesn’t know what to do?"
"Of course, it’s a happy event. Our little Wang Tiansheng is ill and weak. He has always been very picky about eating. It’s rare to eat Mrs. Ayan’s porridge and soup. After that, Mrs. Ayan will be responsible for Xiao Wang’s diet alone."
Liang Chen ordered her to be in charge of Xiaoqi’s diet. He also knew that the child had hidden diseases, and there were many places to pay attention to in his diet. If he ate something he shouldn’t eat, he would die.
The mother of the child knows everything, and Wang directly puts Xiaoqi’s diet in her charge, which proves that Wang knows her identity and she is throwing herself at herself.
Now that we know her identity, why don’t you tear it down? Are you waiting for Xuanyuan Wangji?
If you think about it, you may break that layer of window paper, and your identity will become very embarrassing. You always have to see your child.
"I wonder if Wang’s tastes and taboos can be questioned face to face when the women go to see Wang."
Its moments of beauty smiled indifferently and really asked the report that if she was in a hurry to see the child, she would be forced to stay because she was already in doubt.
The more she is, the more she can’t let her see the child. The more she looks forward to seeing the child, the more she will be prepared.
Liang Chen took out Ge Shu-heng’s hand-written taboo medical advice from her arms. It was very detailed and specially marked that honey should never be bathed in clothes. You can feel the love of King Heng for children from the words.
"This side has been marked with what ingredients someone will come to build the stove in the afternoon. Every night, someone will send it to cook and someone will pick it up. It will be relatively easy."
Geshuheng just lets her see it but can’t see it.

Chuling’s face suddenly changed.

This jade symbol is similar to Cai Shaochu’s hyphen.
They are all vowels, mainly for warning.
The special agreement between Chuling and Virtual Game is that if the Blue Star Coalition forces enter the Holy Spirit Star Horse, they will pinch this symbol and inform him.
At this moment, this jade symbol is broken.
And more than an hour ago, the Blue Star Coalition just broke through the Eldar cloth universe channel and disappeared after being slaughtered.
Now suddenly killed into the holy spirit star.
Can say one thing-meta-judgment is correct.
Blue Star Coalition forces have already made arrangements. It should be that the profit-making passage and Tianhe chessboard kill the Holy Spirit Star.
Unfortunately, the time difference arrangement has not been completed yet, just now.
Otherwise, the time difference will kill the Blue Star Coalition.
"Blue Star Coalition forces have killed the Holy Spirit Star and hurry back." Chu Ling immediately informed Yuan.
"I was right?
So soon? "
Yuan marveled at one but added, "What do you say if we go back to the Blue Star Coalition and pinch the season to kill the sun?"
The sun’s high-temperature fire curtain will not stop the Blue Star Coalition
If so, then we will be exhausted, "Yuan said.
Chuling was silent-it’s really possible
But the question is, should he sit back and watch the destruction of his home planet, the Holy Spirit?
He can’t sit back and watch.
Talking about the future is change, he must turn to rescue the holy spirit star at this moment.
Otherwise, even taking Blue Star can’t make up for his loss, and he will eventually become a yuan.
"But the holy spirit star is I will save!
Just like you, Atlantis, would you choose? "Asked ChuLing.
Yuan didn’t speak, but silence has given his answer.
"It’s your choice whether you go or not, but I have to go back!"
Say that finish at the beginning of the spirit is interrupted, instant started already prepared means.
First, I threw a million grams of source crystal, and then I stepped directly into a neighboring wood star. I have set up a good delivery channel.
He is too powerful to repair, and he needs massive source energy to support him to deliver, and the distance method is too long to cross the star.
At the other end of this measuring channel is the former occupation of Kratos.
Kuimie star has a cosmic channel node, and the first spirit can enter the cosmic channel at the shortest time.
At the other end of the sun, Yuan heard Chuling and finally decided to look a little nai.
This choice is a bit difficult
The strategic goal of Blue Star Allied Forces is to divide and conquer.
If he continues to kill Blue Star now, two months later, he may kill Blue Star and get Blue Star, which will destroy the ultimate hidden danger.
But it is also possible that the Blue Star Coalition forces will take advantage of the early spirit.
When the time comes, the terrorist growth rate of the Blue Star Coalition forces and the Myan people will be a little difficult to deal with the Blue Star Coalition forces alone.
It’s hard to beat Yi Xiang and get rid of the roots.
But if you return with Chuling, it is purely a contribution to Chuling.
Even if the blue star Coalition forces are destroyed, the final harvest will be equally divided with Chu Ling or a fight with Chu Ling.
But …
After thinking for thirty seconds, I finally made a decision.
An oversize quark-particle transition device was taken out, and a massive energy target-Uda, the solar planet closest to the solar high-temperature fire curtain, was also injected.
Uda has cosmic channel nodes.
In other departments, he took his deployment and continued to rush to Mars at high speed.

But this thing is so weird that he has no more information and can’t figure out why.

"How can I help?" Wen Tao’s heart is not very white. Does Jin Mang know that Du Jie people who help the shushan sword school are themselves?
Jin Mang clap window shoulder way "the heaven and earth …"
Ah ….. Window slightly one leng this just Bai Mang didn’t know that his unique strength turned out to be Fang Tiandi.
"Can Fang Tiandi help Du Jie, and is it still a lightning strike?" Don’t in addition to their own have this special lead heaven and earth can also?
Jin Mang explained, "Fang Tiandi doesn’t have that ability, but Fang Tiandi has a god beast phoenix in the fire, and it’s from the celestial world. No one dares to stop and can’t replace it. Otherwise, the situation will definitely be more serious, and there will be a stronger thunderstorm, but the fire robbery is different, including the lightning thunder, and there are few skyfires and mutations. Let the phoenix move to suck the fire away that day, and you can spend the apocalypse safely."
No one can hold the sky hostage? It’s no wonder that even Jin Mang, who is suspected by himself to be a bearer from the celestial world, has never doubted that he directly sucked away the Armageddon.
It is estimated that they must have made special methods to assist Du Jie. Of course, they have always deliberately created this illusion.
"Of course it’s no problem, but …" Wentao said, "I’m afraid it will take some time to really accept their control of the refining party."
Wentao doesn’t want to talk too full, even if he can’t accept the Phoenix, he can still help Du Jie, but now he can’t just promise.
The pressure gives Wen Tao a kind of pressure and also comes from Jin Mang’s pressure.
Jin Mang looks like a thick line, but his control ability is very strong, not to mention that his mind definitely belongs to the geek level.
Be careful what you say in front of them and pay attention everywhere.
"After that, you will know that there are more than 100 years outside, but I don’t know how many years inside. Don’t worry, I have confidence in you." Jin Mang has more confidence than Wentao himself.
The more he says this, the more suspicious Wentao has in his heart. There are all kinds of beasts in heaven and earth. Even the Phoenix and Qinglong have others who are not clear about this, but it must be clear to Jin Mang that he can be so indifferent and weird.
Their conversation froze the students sitting there. I didn’t expect that there would be a sudden turn for the better in another village.
Especially listening to them go to Fangtiandi, which is the treasure of the Zhenlong clan. Through these dialogues, students can already guess.
"No wonder the dragon clan wants to kill you. You robbed their town treasure, but now this town doctor Baowen has a god beast phoenix here and there?"
"Ha ha ….." Jin Mang will drink some tea with a smile. "Your head is so weird. If you know that there are many things, you can’t hide anything from you. It’s both good and bad, but it doesn’t bother me for the time being …"
Jin Mang patted Wentao on the shoulder again and said, "It’s sometimes a headache to have a clever hand after you have a headache."
Wen Tao smiled faintly and was confident. "I like to let go and develop freely, so I won’t have a headache."
Said the two men had got up before leaving, and Wentao looked surprised and said, "I’ll leave the bar to you."
In a word, Wentao has just formed a secular world, absorbed a large number of scattered repairs and three major forces of small sects, and handed over the soaring bar to Sheng. Although it is said that the soaring bar is not enough to unite powerful forces, it has already had this foundation at least.
Even the Shushan Sword School and Mu Yin, representing the four schools, attach great importance to profit-seeking, which is a powerful force.
Small four is good at intelligence workers, and he is not very good at building forces and then fighting for absorption.
The existing raw Wentao can finally rest assured.
After he didn’t need to say much, Wentao sent a message to Xiaosi, asking him to wait for Shenglian to hand over everything in the Feisheng Bar to Shenglian.
And Wen Tao and Jin Mang kept meeting others.
Hero building finally met five people in total, and then Wentao and Jin Mang went to the Du Jie Inn again to repair their identities in Shushan.
There are also many people Jin Mang knows in Du Jie Inn, and all those who have fought with him are special.
No matter whether it’s in Shushan or overseas, it doesn’t need to say much. According to different personalities, some people have a sentence or two. It’s as simple as Jin Mang telling them to fly to the bar and let them go.
Some of them will talk for a while, but everything is going well.
And some of them have been staying in the Hero Building and Du Jie Inn for several years, and they have met a group of people, and these people are very good. There are some people around, and they will take some people away.
Those who know Jin Mang in Yu Feisheng Bar don’t need to tell them specially that they will communicate privately when they pass by.
Jin Mang, on the other hand, seems to be rushing to finish these things and immediately let Wentao take him back to Fang Tiandi.
In a few days, the Hero Building and Du Jie Inn suddenly found that a group of people were missing and they were all powerful. These people have always been weird and can’t be easily bought and controlled, but they are within the normal range, but I don’t know how they disappeared.
And then they came, and they went to the Feisheng Bar, and both the Hero Building and the Du Jie Inn became lively.
There has been no accurate information about who is behind the scenes of Feisheng Bar. This sudden hand has attracted the attention of both sides.
The Feisheng Bar then exhibited a series of changes, and the general manager of the bar officially came out to bear the responsibility of being born from the Hero Building.
Later, a group of people came out. These people are well-known people who have never joined the forces at ordinary times. This time, they all have titles and got a security manager. When these secular names are obviously all lost, they have formed a force for the people in the fix-true world.
With the appeal of students and hips, including those who rushed to Danwang later, the bar soared, attracting more people to join, many of whom went directly from Hero Building to Du Jie Inn.
After all, for most individual practitioners and small sects, they don’t like to have the Shushan Sword Sect behind them or have more sects’ Hero Building and Du Jie Inn. Although some people say that there is power control behind the Feisheng Bar, they are still independent and individual practitioners’ own groups. This alone makes many people feel good.
This has no influence on the strength of the four factions represented by Shu Shan Sword Sect and Mu Yin, but it has a great influence on their formation to attract scattered repairs and small sects, Hero Building and Du Jie Inn, which is equal to half of them.

Suo n, he also worked, so he just went to pick up Struve.

Huahai Road is a long way from here. Mu Yunze called Gao Ge, but the signal there has been blocked.
I tried to connect MuYunZe twice, frowning and throwing my mobile phone aside.
Half an hour later, the car arrived at the door of a convenience store on Huahai Road, listening to a pink Ferrari sports car.
It was completely dark, and the Ferrari lights were still on, so I couldn’t see the figure inside.
MuYunZe parked the car behind the Ferrari pushed the door and opened the umbrella.
The weather has been not very good since early this morning, and it rained after three o’clock in the afternoon. First, it was dripping with rain, and then it became heavy rain. Now the rain has not abated.
MuYunZe went to the pink Ferrari and knocked on the glass door, so he hit Struve with a face of excitement. "Uncle Mu and aunt also said that I knew you would come if you didn’t come."
MuYunZe this just saw Xu Anyan sitting in the driver’s seat.
Seeing his Xu Anyan smile, Wen said, "I’m sorry to bother you to come in this weather."
"Car," MuYunZe didn’t greet her. "I’ll send you back first and ask someone to take the car away later."
Struve doesn’t know where to pull out an umbrella and hold it up. "I’ll go first and admire uncle, and you’ll come with aunt quickly."
Said he jumped out of the car and ran to MuYunZe car.
MuYunZe move a frown cu before saying "let’s go"
Xu Anyan nodded from the car to hold the umbrella handle in MuYunZe’s hand.
MuYunZe moved a let go and gave her the umbrella, pulled out the key and said, "Let’s go."
Without waiting for Xu Anyan to stride, Xu Anyan trotted to try to raise his hand and put the umbrella on his head. That’s it. The car Muyunze’s clothes are already wet.
He casually took off his coat and threw it aside to start the car "back to Xu’s house?"
Xu Anyan shook his head. "No, Linlin and I are going to a friend’s concert. When we came to Fengxi Opera House, we didn’t go to check that a car was delayed on the road."
She had a low "is it convenient? If it’s inconvenient, wait a moment and I’ll see if second sister can invite friends to help. "
"I’ll take you there."
After saying this, Mu Yunze took the mobile phone to locate it and went to the Opera House.
Singing and holding a mobile phone to find a signal in the humble room.
"Come on, it’s been up for half an hour. Wait until the rain stops."
The sugar cube peeled off an orange and whispered, "This godforsaken place can find a signal on the hillside. If you wait for the director’s line, you will soon be idle for a while."
Singing, letting go, swinging your sore arm and sighing, sitting on the bed, "Mu Yunze doesn’t know I’m on location today."
"If he can’t see anyone, he will naturally find you. The director has already met someone, and he will certainly get the news."
Sing a song and pull a corner of your mouth "I hope so."
She is uneasy. In the past two days, she and Mu Yunze seem to have eased. In fact, the curse buried in her heart has not disappeared so quickly.
Mu Yunze is not as enthusiastic about her as before. It is her own head that is hot, but the good thing is that he has not said anything sarcastically.
She doesn’t know what attitude MuYunZe is now, and she is very worried that if she really can’t go back tonight, MuYunZe will not look for her.
Oh, bother!
Suddenly, a heavy object landed outside the house and sang loudly. He jumped up and said, "What’s wrong outside?"
Sugar cubes look blank.
Just after singing loudly and hitting the latch, I heard someone shouting outside, "Go inside, everyone, go inside!"
The head-on wind blew loudly, and the sugar cube quickly came over to help her re-lock the door.
Gao Ge stepped aside and rubbed his eyes. "What’s going on? This is"
Sugar cube looked out through the crack of the door. "The opposite cowshed was closed and overturned. Our equipment is all in it. Millions of things have fallen into the water."
Today, the location of the location shooting is Fengxiang Mountain. The weather is not bad early, but it will not work at noon.
When the rain comes, don’t finish it. It doesn’t give everyone a chance to leave. It’s not good for such a heavy rain, and millions of equipment of their crew are caught in the rain here. It’s a good idea to find a farmer nearby to take shelter from the rain
This house, which is located halfway up the mountain, has built a circle along the ground, and opposite it is a cowshed and sheep shed.
"So serious?"
Singing and frowning, "Don’t bury us later, will you?"
"Bah, you crow mouth!"
Sugar cubes wait for her to "stay away"
Singing loudly and flat mouth, continue to hold the mobile phone to find the signal.
But it didn’t take long for the outside to come again, shouting and singing, and looking dignified. "Is something wrong?"
Sugar cube didn’t say anything. It was obvious that she also felt that there was something wrong.
They were just about to find out when someone came to knock at the door.
"The door let me in! Let me in!"
Sugar cubes are crowded in with six or seven people, and it is narrow. At the moment, there are not even a few people who turn around.
A few talents came over and said, "This room is too old. Fortunately, it is made of wood, or it just really killed people."
"Is someone hurt?"
Asked in a low voice
"A stuntman broke his leg and is now staying in the room next to us. It’s too windy. Come on, let’s get light."
A stuntman? Is it …
Song eyebrows a twist low way "Kong Zheng his injury? Is there anything wrong? "
When the man saw that he was singing loudly, his tone softened. "I don’t know his name either, but he looks young, as if he were your body double."
Chapter 346 I said I happened to pass by. Do you believe it?
Chapter 346
Singing with a calm expression, "Is he badly hurt?"
"It’s hard to say," the man paused and said, "The beam happened to fall on his leg, so people couldn’t get up at that time. Several of us joined forces to carry people to the house next door first, and we had to wait for the day to go to the hospital to know that I think it was mostly a fracture. This is natural, so I don’t know if the rain can stop at dawn."
"Didn’t you say that you would send a car to pick people up soon?"
"Who will come in such bad weather? If you want to come early, you must wait until the rain stops at the earliest. "
Gao Ge didn’t speak again. Usually, when it doesn’t rain, it’s difficult for mountain cars to walk. Today, it’s windy and rainy, and no one will take such a big risk.
Singing through the glass, twisting the eyebrows and looking out the window for a long time, I picked up my mobile phone again to find a signal.

Blood gushed out and hit the white wall behind him until a pit appeared.

On the other side, Liuchengxuan pike is like a black dragon rushing into the crowd with the momentum of total annihilation. The gun shadow instantly resisted two split swords and saw Liuchengxuan limping out and kicking down one person. At the same time, the whole person jumped up and hooked the other sword, making the grips smash in the past.
A dull but louder than a side rain.
Zhao Man is also unambiguous. Although he is the lowest strength in the team of the three of them, it doesn’t make him timid. He has waved more than 10,000 times. At this moment, he did not hesitate to cut off the blade and cut off the gas. A weapon was handed over to Geyin suddenly.
Zhao Man yelled at the whole person to resist each other and punched the past. His face was full of anger, which made him even more wild.
"Dare to bully my brother? I will hack you to death! "
A similar fierce beast roared out of Zhao Man’s mouth, not only because he was in a panic with Zhao Man, but even the students at the nearby theater were in a quiver.
Although Zhao Man often throws cold water on Tang Fan, it doesn’t mean that Zhao Man and Tang Fan are not good. Besides, Zhao Man has never experienced the taste of friendship in the past 16 years, and now he is not venting his feelings but his brother-Tang Fan.
A sharp attack suddenly rushed to Zhao Man’s back and went crazy. Zhao Man didn’t care about his back and roared and beat his opponent.
Is extremely critical Zhai Ling jumped as accurate as the arrival of the gods, but at the same time, he smashed the past with one punch. A visible ripple swish appeared in the middle and straight, and the man who attacked Zhao Man directly hit the fly.
Zhai Ling suddenly look back to the side of the original also want to sneak attack the donglinyuan students.
Cold eyes like two cold mans directly stabbed in the past immediately frighten each other a stumble down.
But falling to the ground can also forgive him for his mistakes.
I thought that the beach beside the pavilion had been washed away by the heavy rain, and the blood was not so clear. Zhai Ling’s fist didn’t stop, cut through the air, and the blood rushed to the man’s face.
The ten students were beaten and curled up when they couldn’t breathe.
Not far away, those students who went to the theatre have also been shocked and involuntarily turned their eyes from those who fell to the ground and may have been in a coma to Zhai Ling, the three of them.
They can’t figure out … Why are these three so powerful? Actually, the three enemies absolutely defeated each other.
I don’t understand … it’s an overnight friend who was beaten. Why would they be so crazy?
And Zhai Ling, the three of them, will tell them … What brotherhood means to them?
Zhao Man breathed heavily in this quiet room, which was particularly obvious. It was the first time that he was so crazy, and it was also the first time that he was crazy because of his friends. He was tired and consumed a lot of aura, but he didn’t mean it. He walked beside a student of Donglin College who was staring blankly with blood all over his face.
Zhao stepped on the man with a long knife in his hand, pointed at the other person’s forehead and said with a cold voice, "Give me everything my brother has."
The other party’s reluctance to talk angered Zhao Man. He stamped his sharp long knife with one foot, and the strand of hair that had been brushed in front of the man directly split the surface. The fractured stone quickly hit the face and it was very painful.
The student of Donglin Academy who was scared silly didn’t speak for a long time. His face was pale and trembling, and his body just stuck to the cold ground.
He didn’t speak, but his companion spoke on the other side.
"We have sinned against you … you are dead, not only you but also the whole dusty courtyard …"
LiuChengXuan tilted to the ferocious scold donglinyuan students didn’t say a word of nonsense, step on the right foot flash generally smoke to ruthlessly hit the man bagababa a crisp this practice area is very loud.
Zhai Ling jilted to jilt face blood go before heavy said "unload all their things … are Tang Fan".
Liucheng Xuan and Zhao Man nodded.
It didn’t take long for a coma Donglin College student to be searched and thrown aside in the rain by Zhao Man without scruple.
Because they threatened Zhai Ling, none of the three of them were at ease.
We’ll do whatever you want.
But anyone who dares to bully my brother will spill blood.
Soon, the three students of the Dusty School avenged themselves with their dormitory brothers and beat the students of Donglin School all over the skyscraper island.
Everyone laughed at the Donglin Academy student and was full of curiosity about the three dusty academy students.
Curious about their friendship and their identity.
Chenxuyuan combat zone
Blue back learned the news and his brow didn’t change-as if he had heard a completely negligible news. If it weren’t for his father’s secret letter, he would never have been so forbearing, as can be seen from the day of the tower.
Forefinger tapping desktop blue back slowly opened his eyes and looked out the window at the misty rain, whispering, "When a month is over … it’s finally over. Let’s go to Donglin Academy to find those guys first."
There is no Zhai Ling sentence in Blue Trace from beginning to end, but there is no denying that Blue Trace will never let Zhai Ling go easily, never!
4. (Banning random attacks)
Continuous raindrops continue to fall from the sky, and the sky blue window is full of colorful stars in the middle of the fall.
Tang Fan coughed in bed and laughed hard. "Which bastard opened the window is freezing me to death!"
After that, while everyone looked at the window, their heads rubbed against the bed and the tears in their eyes were quietly wiped away.
He was very moved and a little guilty about what his brothers did. If he was still awake at that time, he would not let Zhai Ling and them take their own risks.
Sakura stood aside and she happened to see this scene. She didn’t speak, and her eyes looked at Zhai Ling and the three of them with strange brilliance.
She also wondered … what kind of friendship would make them so desperate?
Zhao Man suddenly dimmed the light in the room. He went to Tang Fan and said, "You idiot just handed things over, didn’t it matter?"
Tang Fan didn’t bicker with Zhao Man as in the past, but sighed silently. He knew that Zhao was satisfied and naturally felt Zhao Man-filled, but he naturally didn’t like to say anything emotional. Then he tried to say with a smile, "Don’t you always come back?" If I hadn’t been in a good mood yesterday, I would have beaten those guys to death. "
Zhao Man moved his lips to refute, but he didn’t say anything.
And then a figure rushed in.
Everyone looked at the past.
"Sister Sakura had an accident!" Talking is always with Xiao Cai around Sakura.
Sakura frowned and asked, "What happened?"
"Not just because of them …" Xiao Cai resented Tang Fan and Zhai Ling and others around him and didn’t good the spirit said.
"Xiaocai …" Sakura coldly glanced at Xiaocai.
Xiaocai immediately pursed her lips and said very grievance, "It is because yesterday they beat up those guys in Donglin Academy. As a result, Donglin Academy issued an application to all the students in the early morning to ban the dusty courtyard students. They also threatened to let some students in the dusty courtyard dare to leave the school. They will never let Sister Sakura go. Look at these guys. How can we get an elite order if they can’t get out of school? How can I get a fix-up point? "
Xiaocai complains that the dormitory is extremely harsh in the dim light and quiet.
Tang Fan lay in bed and frowned. He was very guilty and looked at his partner.
"If it weren’t for me, things wouldn’t have developed to this point …"
Zhao Man grabbed his long knife and said angrily, "How dare they!"

Ripples eyebrow eye picked to pick to look at the other side has entered a state of combat. Leng Xiang Lord shrugged his shoulders. It seems that these lackeys in Yao Ji’s hand are not so bad. Moreover, this guy’s degree of analysis of danger and pros and cons is far more than he expected. This can’t see the whip, but he can’t see the sword. He didn’t change his moves so cleverly for a short time.

Hand-to-hand combat, hehehe. That’s your own game. I’m not in the mood to play hand-to-hand combat with you.
What she is good at in Chu Ripples is sneak attack and cheeky looking at that ho ho fist with strong airflow and resolutely hitting the unhurried side of the ripple. The wind of that fist is passing through my ears, and I feel cold and biting in my neck. I didn’t expect that this Leng Xiang Lord is also a malicious role, so I can’t imagine that I can’t compete. Obviously, this master is very shrewd and fragrant, and there is no strength to pick myself up, but be careful.
The side head avoids ripples, and the hand is not slow. The petite body is slightly twisted like a loach, and the bones are crunchy at once. Although it is much smaller than Leng Xiang’s, the five fingers of the left hand are slightly spread and then clenched and spread again. So, three times, the five fingers are put together, and something like a light white mist is flashing. If you look closely, you will recognize that it is a white flame burning at the fingertips.
"Small today is your death." Leng Xiang’s main mouth raised a bloodthirsty smile, which was even more sinister. He smiled and prepared for the second fist to flow toward the ripple head. The fist with strength has not yet been issued.
Ripples are like white flames, burning with a palm, like falling off. Ripples are condensed into an illusory palm in the air. With a broken momentum, the cold fragrant Lord hits the heart of Leng Xiang’s back. He feels cold behind him and wants to hide quickly. However, the palm wind is faster. Leng Xiang’s palm dodges and does not ripple. The palm with a broken momentum firmly falls on Leng Xiang’s main shoulder.
Good tough palm force Leng Xiang main body yishan one mouthful blood poof a spray out of the mouth spray scattered in the column.
Will turn around and mercilessly wipe away the residual blood on the corners of the mouth and look at the ripples viciously. "I didn’t think there were two small ones." Leng Xiang said coldly, and then he suddenly stepped on the floor with a whip in his hand, and the sound was like a giant beast stepping out of a layer of shallow ash on the floor.
Ripple saw this eyebrow color sink and looked coldly at the white ash splashed by one foot. At the same time, he lost his whip and turned his hands into palms on his chest, with strange marks. Suddenly, the palms of the ripples slowly rose, and then suddenly he opened his mouth and shouted, "Cut the palms!"
As the ripples ripple light drink a fierce strength suddenly rushed out of the palm, once again hit the Leng Xiang main body.
"Bang" a rumbling cold incense Lord was hit by that strength and fell to the ground. His face was twisted and his mouth trembled slightly. He was about to make a fist and suddenly showed his ten fingers and fastened the floor deeply. He took off and covered his chest. It was even more incredible to watch the ripples cross his eyes.
Bah’ vomitted an one mouthful saliva toward the ground, wiping his mouth slightly white, staring at the ripples very dignified and low, saying, "Sure enough, some doorways are no wonder so puffed up." Lengxiang Lord slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and the ripples healed his wounds. Honestly, the two palms of the ripples really hurt him, but they didn’t hurt the key luck. The pranayama was able to restore some stability. I removed my clothes and exposed my huge chest. I raised my fist and slammed it to my chest. I saw that there were still some small radians in Leng Xiang, and the fist hit it gradually shrugged up and fell on that hard
Ripples frowned and squinted at the opposite Lengxiang master, cursing in his heart: What martial arts is this demon man practicing? But I didn’t hear toad scream. It’s really like an orangutan smashing his chest when he is angry. The more you look at the picture, the more it looks like if you don’t know that he is a real person, she would really be an orangutan in the forest.
"Ha, ha, you’re scared. Ha, ha, I’ve been practicing for a long time. You can’t break my hard defense with your weak palm!" Cold incense Lord sneers at a sudden fist tightening, and this clenched fist is actually attached to the whole arm and slightly swells up. The soles of the feet hold on to the ground again. Leng Xiang Lord’s speed is much faster than before, and the wind pressure brought by the crazy speed has lifted the tables and chairs.
Ripples looked flat and stared at the flying tables and chairs, feeling the oncoming crazy wind pressure and frowning deeply.
Zhentianlei, she heard the old man talk about it. It’s a weird method. It’s just like the sunflower collection going to the palace. Although Zhentianlei doesn’t need the palace, it is very destructive to the body. It’s easy to be possessed when practicing. More importantly, people who practice this evil skill will gradually be bewitched by this evil skill and control their minds. The final result is that they will kill wild animals and become real wild animals. Orangutans didn’t know what abnormal people created this method at first, but it has harmed many people. Today, it is another ripple and even if they fight hard.
When Leng Xiang’s idea came to me with the first punch, Ripple immediately withdrew her mind, which was much more dexterous than it was but very dangerous. Ripple’s face was slightly general. Just now, she clearly felt that the cold strength was rubbing against her ear.
When you don’t just avoid facing such abnormal forces, you just want to overcome them by consuming each other’s physical strength. It’s just a death move. What can you think about?
Tiptoes slide gently on the floor! Ripples are ghostly around the cold incense behind the Lord, saying it’s too late. Ripples are full of strength and slapped hard on the main cervical vertebrae in Leng Xiang.
"bang!" When it rings, it’s like a ripple, and when it hits a rock, it’s as crisp and sweet as a bell.
However, when the ripple palm touched the main cervical vertebra of Leng Xiang, it was far bounced out by the anti-itself force.
Thousands of people found the sleeve robe with a wave of a ribbon and flew out from the sleeve to encircle the ripple waist and pull it back.
"Nothing?" Chihiro frowned and looked at the ripples, and the blood flowed out of the corners of his mouth, and the murder in his eyebrows was Lingran.
Ripple mercilessly wiped her mouth slightly pale face and slowly burst into a smile. "It won’t die, but you’re not allowed to make moves. I have my own way to deal with him." Ripple said with a warning tone that it’s okay that this guy’s ribbon has returned to himself, or he will be himself if he falls into the Linjiang River, but the principle still cannot be changed.
Chihiro took a deep look at the ripple, and his finger turned around at the wrist of the ripple to make sure that the ripple was not injured. The murder in his finger’s eyes also dissipated, and he said coldly, "You are not allowed to shoot again."
Ripples frown in my heart. This means that if he is shocked by the other party again, he will not be allowed to make his own moves, but he will personally solve this group of garbage. Absolutely not!
Good body activity activity wrist coldly looking at the opposite that is still thunder rumbling chest corners of the mouth evoked a malicious unique.
Damn it! Today, I really met my enemy. I didn’t expect that this thunderbolt actually had a self-defeating effect. How hard you tried to bounce back? Maybe it was much bigger. Damn it, the old man didn’t say that this thunderbolt had such a self-defeating effect. It’s damn it. Just now, if she hadn’t come by herself, she would have stuck the cervical vertebrae on the other side. It’s not very close to the reaction, and it’s faster. Today, it’s likely that she would really stop eating here and die in her own palm. What a shame, if she did that, she
Haqiu Haqiu!’ In another place, the old man didn’t come to dig the corner and sneezed, and the back of his head didn’t feel like he was at home.
"What’s the matter?"
"Elder, what’s wrong with you?" Winter snow asked faintly, and his face was a little uneasy! Elder Zhang is now a master. If he doesn’t take good care of himself, how can he take care of the bus? Even if this tough and gnashing old man doesn’t need to take care of him, he will do it if he is told.
"Nothing to continue!" The old man said lightly, and by the way, he looked up and wondered and cast a glance at the stars and frowned at night!
15 shocking scene
Ripples coldly stared at the eyes and entered the state of war. Leng Xiang’s main eyes narrowed slightly. Before the sudden ringing, the old man said a word to himself. There are flaws in the magical methods. Once you find that flaw, you have to beat your opponent. That’s just easy.
By the way, flaw! The thunderbolt is something, then there must be a flaw. If I find that flaw, then I want to kill this demon, so it’s not easy to think about it.
"Chihiro will stay for a while. I think this demon will fight for several rounds. Please help me to see where the flaw of this shocking thunder is. It is impossible for this evil work to have no flaws." Ripple said confidently.
Looking back and forth admiringly, I saw the ripple "good". This girl is really not simple. She saw that there was a flaw in Zhentianlei so quickly.
"Smelly little wait and see." Ripples looked at the opposing beat his chest, and some were crazy. The so-called cold incense Lord shrugged his shoulders and his feet teleported, and the shadow was turned into a series of shadows. There was a clever detour around Leng Xiang’s side, and the palm of his hand was secretly lucky, but before he touched Leng Xiang’s main skirt, he was found by the other side. I really didn’t expect this demon man to see through his shadow. It seems that the way is absolutely not shallow, and he quickly recovered his palm. Leng Xiang brushed his shoulder. But despite this, I was hurt by Leng Xiang’s fist hitting the strong breeze. I suddenly let the ripples go backwards for several steps before I took a deep breath and secretly stabilized my mind.
I didn’t expect this demon man to be so powerful and powerful. This power is really strong. I just stopped eating if I didn’t react quickly. Even if I can’t stop eating, I will be seriously injured.’ Ripple secretly took a breath and dumped it. Some acid and hemp palms were dignified again.
"One inch in the armpit of the earthquake, the death of thunder and lightning" is about to ripple and prepare for another sudden sound of falling in a thousand miles.
Ripples twist eyebrows armpit an inch? Good. It’s good to find a flaw!
"Ha ha, little darling, come and die. Maybe the old one will give you a good time and let you die without pain," said Leng Xiang.
"Hum demon who died today is not necessarily" ripple murmured.
Ripples voice down to see Leng Xiang Lord? That hit his chest hand Mu Ran stopped. His hands collapsed on his chest. The magic is that the hair on his head actually stood up one by one. It looks like it was hit, and there is a slight burning smell of smoke.
Followed by a mass of white air-cooled incense light spit it out in the main mouth. At this moment, ripples silently found that Leng Xiang’s main fingers and feet also became a lot thicker.
"Small end" seems to feel the body that is full of Peng Bai’s strength is sharply condensed at the fist. Leng Xiang’s main yin test said to ripples

Wang Tianxian greeted her with a complicated face and called her an "adult".

Mo Liudao was prepared to leave directly, but it seemed as if he had thought of something. He stopped and looked at her with a gentle look. "Work hard and get to Level 2 early, and it will last for a long time."
After Mo Liudao drifted away.
Wang Tianxian was shocked and she understood the meaning of Mo Liu’s words.
If they can reach level 2 and successfully break the boundary, then they can really be together for a long time, which means that Mo Liudao will really admit that Wang Tianxian is his woman at that time.
Chapter 61 Psychic eye
Wang Tianxian is nothing before this.
"I will definitely … break the boundary … wait for me …" Wang Tianxian trembled slightly all over with excitement and some excitement, and her eyes were radiant with tenacity.
Watching Mo Liudao leave the hall and stay outside, Gong Xiao and Xu Xuehui and others just entered the hall.
Although they didn’t witness the process, they probably heard some people wring a cold sweat for Su Li, knowing that the other party is a big shot from the base.
Now see Su Li or a good hall all this just heaved a sigh of relief.
Su Li did not move thinking about Mo’s six words.
Before, he always felt that the broken land was far away from him, and he never thought about it. Just after six words, he suddenly woke up. He was already a 15-level holy knight. If there was no accident, he could be promoted to 16 in two days. If you are quick, you may be able to break through and be promoted to 2 in about half a month. Even if you are slow, you can definitely reach this level in one month.
Once you reach level 2, you will also encounter these level 2 super-strong, and you will encounter problems and break the boundary.
During those two days at the base, he met many super-strong people, all of whom were stuck. You can imagine how difficult it is to break the boundary on your own.
"Breaking the border? I really never thought about it … forget it. It’s also half a month later. What’s important now is this Ningfei …" Su Li learned from Mo Liudao that this Ningyu sister’s name is Ningfei.
Naturally, this woman won’t let it go, just like Mo Liudao said, there may be nothing on her face, but no one knows what plot she will play in secret.
In addition, the beauty from the holy land is getting closer and closer to Xu Xuehui’s half-month period when calculating.
What’s more, he thought of another terrible possibility. If the angel mask man can get Gui Mu’s blood at the base that day, then she may wake up before the meeting.
"So now I have provoked two powerful women at the same time, and they are probably all trying to kill me." Su Li secretly smiled bitterly.
Ningfei was full of resentment, but she was afraid to target Mo Liudao again. After she was hit hard by Mo Liudao, she started to send the crystal out of here while recovering her injury.
When she returned to the place where the huge crystal hung, her armor was broken and she looked embarrassed.
She came back with this sad look on purpose.
Her identity is somewhat special and deep enough to carry out the adult’s letter, and she can return here directly without carrying out the adult’s order.
"Ning Fei, what’s wrong with you?"
In front of the jade case, the executive adults did not write at their desks this time, but closed their eyes and sat there, seemingly tired and resting.
Ningfei suddenly appeared. He looked up and looked up. Ningfei was taken aback and immediately got up.
"My Lord, I was injured by Namo Liudao and almost couldn’t come back."
Ning Fei has a faint splash in her eyes and slowly climbs up. Although the equipment of Lingyuan is damaged and can be recovered, her clothes are shattered but she can’t recover. At this moment, it looks very unsightly, showing a large piece of white meat is as miserable as it is.
The executive adult frowned slightly, and when his left hand turned over, he suddenly took out a new suit like magic, and then he appeared beside Ningfei and wrapped it for her.

"By the way, is Dingge Najin County south of Longqiu Mountain or equivalent to the southeast?"

Su Li thought of Ding Longyun once said that he wanted to go to Jin ‘an County, where his daughter Ding Han lived. If Jin ‘an County and the southeast of Dulongqiu Mountain in Qingshan City happen to be on the way, they can be found together.
Compared with Jin ‘an County in Qingshan City, it is much closer.
"Yes" Ding Longyun busy nodding.
Su Li got up and said, "Well, let’s go and look for it today. Even if we can’t find Qingshan City, it shouldn’t be difficult to find Jinan County."
After Ding Longyun found Gong Xiao and Xu Xuehui, they were still five people, one beast and four mounts yesterday.
Su Li took out more than 20 pieces of his spare equipment, including crocodile skin wristbands, black belts, purple belts, thousands of helmets, face helmets, ghost gloves, ghost boots and black armor, and asked them to choose what they didn’t have.
After selection, Gong Xiao and Jiang Shuixuan’s armor reached eleven pieces, and Ding Longyun and Xu Xuehui were all approaching sets.
Of course, most of their body armor is ordinary, unlike Su Li, who already has two monarchies, nine rare ones and three ordinary ones.
When it comes to equipping the whole ancient city, Su Li is not alone.
After what happened last night, Jiang Shuijue’s attitude towards Su Li has changed significantly today, just as innocent girl seems very attached and completely different from the past.
Gong Xiao is more sensitive and soon feels that something is wrong with Jiang Shuixuan. Look at her from time to time and then at Su Li’s eyes. There is a trace of doubt but some uncertainty.
Five people and one beast left the ancient city again.
Of course, apart from their team, there are actually many elite teams who leave the ancient city for one reason or another to find their own opportunities every day.
Especially for some leaders, everyone has a dream of becoming a strong person. It is obviously not enough to surpass everyone and rely solely on monsters to attack the city every night. It is necessary to take the initiative to go out and look for the possibility of becoming stronger.
Of course, for the vast majority of people, it is enough to be alive every day. They don’t have the courage and courage to go out and look for opportunities on their own initiative, because that means the risk is even death.
When Suli five people left the ancient city, they looked at Tianjing Peak 100 meters away.
Last night, the monster besieged Tianjingfeng and was also attacked.
Compared with the casualties in the ancient city Tianjingfeng, there are thousands of casualties. If people don’t know, they can guess that there should be a lot of casualties.
Su Li saw many people busy on the mountainside. There were more and more wooden houses on the top of the mountain, and masonry walls and fortifications were built around them.
"These guys are not simple. They don’t want to merge into our ancient city and want to start a new stove. They just don’t know how long they can last. By the way, do you know the details of these people?" Ding Longyun looked far away and shook his head.
Su Li said, "These people are from Huaiyang County. The leader is a young man named Fu Long. Ge An once dealt with him. It is said that he is a very complicated person. He does not want to merge into the ancient city, and he does not want conflicts with Ge An to occupy the ancient city. The best choice is to choose another place for self-development."
Jiang Shuixuan said, "It’s a pity that if these people merge into the ancient city, I can’t believe that the environment is so bad. These people are still thinking about fighting for what the leader is. What’s the point?"
Ding Longyun said, "No matter what age, there are many such people."
The five people went to the floating island while talking, and soon the crocodile-toothed turtle and the sea python shark met them.
Water’ beast is still alone occupying crocodile tooth turtle No.1 Gong Xiao and Xu Xuehui riding crocodile tooth turtle No.2 Ding Longyun riding a sea python shark Su Li riding another sea python shark with Jiang Shuijue.
Four mounts with these five people and one beast left the moon-watching peak and went to the southeast.
Whether Su Li wanted to go to Qingshan City or Ding Longyun said that Jin ‘an County was located in the southeast of Longqiu Mountain, Su Li decided to go to Jin ‘an County first and then look for Qingshan City.
For today’s action, he is fully prepared. The world is full of all kinds of food and a lot of clothes, just in case.
Unlike Nanjiang City, there are no landmark buildings in this water area. It is difficult to determine the exact location here and find Jinan County, let alone Qingshan City, which is 100 kilometers away. Today, everyone is trying to find it.
I didn’t encounter any accident or danger all the way, but I saw a monster gathering in the nest far away. Xu Xuehui saw it first and woke up, so they went far away to avoid disturbing the monster in the nest.
Chapter 415 Floating corpse on the water surface
After half an hour, the people have left Longqiu Mountain for about forty or fifty kilometers. According to Ding Longyun, if their position is not wrong, it should be more than thirty or forty kilometers away from Jinan County.
"I hope there is nothing wrong with the direction this time," Ding Longyun muttered, thinking that it is possible to find his daughter Ding Han’s county town soon. He was a little excited and nervous.
He doesn’t know what it’s like in Qian ‘an County, let alone what happened to his daughter now.
Occasionally, you can see some star buildings along the way, and you can also see some relatively dense houses. Most of those densely packed houses are in a town. Because of the high terrain, the water in this area is not deep, and many houses in the town are exposed, but the foundation is no longer lucky.
It is difficult for the lucky stars to live, but they all live in groups to survive.
Lucky people in major villages and towns in this area have either already arrived at Longqiu Mountain or joined other lucky people organizations.
All the people passed by these surfaced buildings without stopping to look closely.
Suddenly has been lying crocodile tooth turtle back lazy water’ beast had a reaction suddenly raised his head toward the front issued a slight growl.
Su Li also saw something floating on the water in the distance ahead of them.
This is a huge creature, about 20 or 30 meters long, with its white belly turned over and looked like a whale-like creature corpse from a distance.
Although it looks like a floating biological corpse, it should pose no threat to everyone, but Su Li is still very cautious to let everyone go around.
Far around this giant floating corpse, a second similar floating corpse appeared in front soon.
When people continue to circle the second floating corpse, they find that there are a large number of whales floating in the waters ahead. The wave range is too wide, and it is almost impossible to complete the circle unless they choose to give up going to Jin’ an County and Qingshan City today.
"What are these monsters? How can there be so many bodies floating here?" Ding Longyun’s face is hard to hide.
Jiang Shuixuan said, "How did they die? If it is killed by someone, will there be a monster killing at the bottom of this water? "
Gong Xiaodao said, "There is no movement on the surface of the water, even if it is killed by someone, it should have happened before. Now there should be no fighting under the water."
Even if there is fierce fighting in the water, the water surface will see movement, but now the water surface is calm and the possibility of fighting is extremely small.
This time, Su Li didn’t let the people walk around the crocodile tooth turtle and the sea python shark with five people going straight towards a floating corpse.
Su Li hit the "peep symbol pattern" and soon captured the information of this floating corpse.
"Name Whale Beast Class II Whale Beast is an ordinary beast. Although it is very big, it lacks strong enough attack power. They have no teeth and claws and rely on their huge bodies and tails to attack the enemy. They also open toothless mouths to devour their prey. Their meat can be eaten for a long time, which can enhance their physical strength. Fat is an equal fuel."
Jiang Shuijue also made his own "value eye" observation, and soon learned the information and said, "This is called baleen whale. It is a gentle monster. Its meat can eat body fat and can be used as fuel to burn so many bodies here. It’s a pity to put them here. Do you want to find a way to transport them back to the ancient city?"
Ding Longyun said, "I’m afraid there will be another conflict if we rob someone else’s things."

Yu Huifei nodded, "I have a new sleigh! The old elm tree is strong as a thief! "

Master Sun was suddenly happy. "Hey, it’s good to have a mountain dog. It’s more reliable than a machine. You shout it yourself. I’ll go with you to see your sleigh …"
Just then a motorcycle came and I saw five snowmobiles coming.
The first is captain song!
Captain Song said, "Little Fish Tan Yuan drives his car. His car is full of materials."
When Tan Yuan heard it, he glared at Yu Huifei and said, "No, let’s change cars. You take him and I’ll bother him!"
Khufu is a middle-aged man in Dahu. When he heard it, he immediately became happy "OK!"
Yu Huifei shook his head. "Don’t! I don’t trust you iron bumps. I have my own car. You can just follow me for a while. "
"Do you have a car?" Everyone is startled.
I didn’t say much, so I turned around and walked home, shouting "Lao Cui pulled our sleigh out!" "
When this sleigh came back this time, I told Cui Jue that I would make a Cui Jue for Master Sun, and it was no big deal to get it back. There was still a lot of material in the old elm tree, but I made it overnight without painting it. It looked a little rough, but Cui Jue gave an absolute explanation!
At the same time, I will yell at the crossroads, "Dahuang Thirteen Pacific is in harmony!"
When Tan Yuan saw this pie pie, he said, "It’s not reliable to be mysterious and secretive."
Khufu also said, "Can there still be Alaskan sled dogs in this village? It’s not a local dog, is it?
Can a local dog pull a sled?
Can endurance work?
Are you obedient?
That dog thing runs away when it’s difficult! "
As they were talking, a dog barked loudly, followed by a group of big dogs rushing out of Master Sun’s house, followed by several small suckling dogs rolling and crawling, and as a result, they stumbled into the ditch and couldn’t climb for a long time.
However, the fourteen big dogs are more fierce than each other. Their fur is like silks and satins, their teeth are sharp, their eyes are fierce, and they are not easy to provoke.
Khufu a look grinned. "I depend this is a local dog? Grandma, I feel I should apologize to them … "
A group of big dogs came running around the meeting.
I can’t help laughing. "Come on, stop fooling around … pull out the sledge for me. I’m going into the mountains today!" "
Rhubarb was about to leave when he saw a big black dog, Aoyi, thrown out of the ninth floor gate!
After rolling several times, the goods got up and stared at Yu Huifei with a pair of dog eyes. He wanted to say something with an angry face, but when he saw those people behind Yu Huifei, he immediately changed to "Wang …"
"This dog looks very fierce. Why is it called such a girl?" Khufu broken mouth can’t help but have a whisper.
What is a roaring dog? I heard it as soon as I heard it. I looked at khufu sideways.
Khufu one leng pointed to the roaring dog. "Captain, did you see this dead dog squint at me! This look is too irritating! "
Song captain laughed "you call names home don’t let people give you a slant? It’s good not to bite you! "
Captain Song’s eyes are very poisonous, and he can see at a glance that the roaring dog is extraordinary. After all, the average dog is scolded and he doesn’t know what people say.
But this dog seems to be very spiritual!
Rhubarb rushed into the ninth floor with the Thirteen Pacific Insurance. Soon, it dragged a sledge and rushed out across the stone arch bridge. A group of dogs rushed to the front of Yu Huifei. After turning around, the sledge was dumped by a big tail and went straight to Yu Huifei!
Chapter 133 The mountains
Tan Yuan consciously shouted, "Be careful!"
As a result, I didn’t escape, so I raised my hand and pressed it when the sled came to my eyes!
With a bang, the sled seemed to be nailed to the ground and did not move!
The snow is splashing!
The scene can be said to be very exciting
Seeing this, the other twin brothers couldn’t help exclaiming, "How strong am I, Cao?"
Captain Song laughed, "Good dog!"
I will not face a red …
Of course, he is not strong enough to slap a speeding sled, but it is different if the sled is rhubarb and they pull it.
I will not believe that rhubarb’s spirituality can’t do anything that threatens his life.
So he stretched out his hand to stop it, and as a result, he found that the sled looked fierce, but in fact it didn’t have much strength to slide with the trend, just poor strength
And when he came to him, those dogs in the opposite direction just offset most of the impact by pulling the rope.
I will not stretch out my hand and actually meet, but I don’t really have much strength.
He didn’t arrive early to sew his own clothes, but was seen through by Captain Song.
But the so-called he directly relied on the cheek to be the captain of the Song Dynasty and didn’t know anything, and then he took a sled.
Captain Song smiled and muttered, "What a thick skin!"
Then the captain of the Song Dynasty took one look at Tan’s kite in his team, narrowed his eyes and then shook his head. "It’s understandable to put a force in front of the beauty …"
Tan kite looked at those dogs’ eyes are also bright, but if I look at them again, I will not be so proud and grunted, "The local dog pulls the sled …"
After that, Tan Kite came to the meeting and said coldly, "You’d better not drag your feet."
Yu Huifei walked over and said, "Well, why can you run ahead of me if I don’t leave?"
Tan Yuan suddenly remembered for a moment that this cargo was leading the way.
I can’t talk about it even if it’s slow …
Master Sun came over and checked a sleigh, then tutted, "Boy, this is really … looking at the rough and meticulous. If I had such a sleigh, I would definitely crush those suns."
Master Sun was relieved to see this sleigh. He was really afraid that I would have to get a loose woman and fall apart as soon as I ran away.
After saying goodbye to Master Sun and others, I will shake the reins, "Dahuang Road wheezes the dog!"
Rhubarb shouted and rushed out with the acceleration of Thirteen Pacific Insurance!
The roaring dog scolded 1, "Fuck, I don’t want to go …"
But he also knows that those bastards threw him out and didn’t intend to let him go back. Now even if they go back, they can’t get in. It’s better to follow Yu Huifei.

It is not without cost to launch the talent ability to enter the overrun state. The price is that it needs enough energy to maintain this overrun state and make his physical strength double.

"Even Gong Xiao and Mrding have been evaluated. It seems that almost all people in the ancient city are weak or waiting. The only hope is that Ge An and Ding Shi are brothers and sisters. I don’t know if their evaluation is waiting or waiting."
Su Li is also curious about what his evaluation is, but it’s a pity that he "peeps at the symbol pattern" to see his evaluation.
"Let’s go and have a look. We can’t see anything inside." Ding Longyun stretched out his head and looked into the square cave, but he felt that the cave was deep and he couldn’t see anything else.
Because Xu Xuehui said that this side has treasures, everyone believed in her words, and several people were cautious.
Gu Mingfeng volunteered to take the lead. He has "rock skin" and is not afraid of sudden danger. Moreover, if Fang really has treasures, he is more likely to get them first.
He jumped straight down this deep pit, and there was a faint magma flowing on his body surface.
He didn’t dare to carry out the ability of "magma heart" and "rock skin" in the cave where the situation was not deep.
Jiang Shuijue followed Gu Mingfeng, fearing that he was in danger.
After Su Li, Xu Xuehui, Gong Xiao and Ding Longyun successively went.
Water’ beast jumped faster than Guming Peak and instantly fell into Fang’s deep cave.
The deep pit is not big, but the square cave is not small. When people go to the cave, they find that the cave is about ten meters deep, and the length, width and at least more than fifteen meters are very broad.
This wide cave is the leech’s lair. People see a lot of soft soil, leaves and a lot of liquid around it. It seems that leeches usually lie quietly on this pile of pine leaves.
Everyone can get a chill when they enter this cave.
"The temperature here is so low, it’s like an ice cave." Ding Longyun’s face was so strange that he felt that there must be something special here, and he looked around and found it.
There is nothing in this chilly cave except thick leaves, monsters and treasures.
Gu Mingfeng couldn’t help looking at Xu Xuehui. "Where’s the treasure?"
Xu Xuehui ignored that he was holding Su Li’s sleeve and then pointed to the center of the leaves on the ground.
Water’ beast has stretched out a pair of front paws toward the center of the leaves.
Then it suddenly shivered and shrank its paws back, which seemed to be frozen.
Su Li also came over and immediately felt that the center was the coldest. Although he was wearing Lingyuan combat boots, he still couldn’t resist the cold. He felt that the cold was like a root tip needle sticking gently at his soles through the combat boots, which made him feel a slight pain.
"This side is weird" Su Li didn’t approach at will, but took out the red crescent dragon and cut it sideways along the ground.
Immediately spread the cave floor, and a large number of thick leaves were swept by his knife to reveal the square floor.
They all gathered around.
This leaf square ground is like a piece of Kethleen, which is faintly translucent. Through this Kethleen, it seems that you can vaguely see this ice jade square as a channel.
"This is it." Xu Xuehui pointed to the ground like Kethleen again.
"Do you want to fight here?" Su Li looked at Xu Xuehui.
Xu Xuehui, uh-huh.
Jiang Shuijue said, "This place is like an ice cave, especially this thing like Kethleen can freeze people’s hands. How did the leeches stay here?"
Su Li said, "Maybe it’s just because it’s special here that it was bred. I guess it can absorb the cold. Maybe it usually lies in this Kethleen to absorb the cold."
He thought of the information he had seen about the leech mother, saying that the leech mother was a mysterious creature born from a relic. Is it possible that this cave and Fang Bingyu or this Fang Bingyu is this relic?
If this is true, maybe this ice jade square is like a mirage.
Su Li came to the spirit and held the Red Crescent Dragon to cut slightly towards this Kethleen.
The Red Crescent Dragon cut iron like mud and cut into the Kethleen, leaving a shallow mark.
Ding Longyun immediately hands waving cut soul magic knife with a knife.
His rare weapon is no match for the monarch-class Red Crescent Dragon chopping this piece of Kethleen and leaving some white marks.
"You let" Su Li let everyone back and hold the red crescent dragon chop with both hands, and immediately entered the first form of "devil muscle" to increase strength and chop it with a jerk.
This time, the Red Crescent Dragon chopped in from this Kethleen.
It’s not easy.
Su Li didn’t say a word, then his back muscles swelled and he entered the second form of "devil muscles", and his strength gained again. He clenched his hands and cut the red crescent dragon, and drew up along the ice.
Although Kethleen was tough, he finally couldn’t resist the terrorist forces of Suli and this monarch weapon was sharp, and he soon cut out a square with a length and width of more than one meter.
Then Su Li took out the red crescent dragon kopis and took a beat at this square Kethleen.
"Pa" a piece of Kethleen fell to reveal a square hole.
On the ground, this Kethleen is actually twenty or thirty centimeters wide, and another square hole has been cut out by Su Li. As this Kethleen falls out, there is a little bit of cold rising in the hole, and there is a cold visible to the naked eye.