Qiao Cen sits on his left side, where he can see both Li Xue’s progress and the projector.

And Tian Yue … is single-minded and focused on Li Xue’s face!
About five minutes. Li Xuekou "I have connected my brain, and it may take about ten minutes to record on the day of automatic generation."
"No hurry" is enough at noon. What’s more, Qiao Cen asked others for help.
She turned over the paper report she made that day. "If it goes well, you should be able to find out the changes, right?"
Qiao Cen seems to be talking to Li Xue and muttering to himself.
Aside Tian Yue is obviously not in the state. She is a little embarrassed. "What are you talking about?"
"One of the characteristics of Huasheng projector is that when the brain is connected, the file will automatically generate a backup and keep it in the fixed brain in the conference room."
Li Xue fuck Joe cen then explained
"This paper report is arranged according to the meeting report. I haven’t changed a word, but I rearranged it. It’s obvious that Yao Mengwei found that mistake. If the meeting really went wrong, why don’t anyone come out and wait until the meeting is over to discuss this issue?"
Qiao Cen’s tone is very serious.
She paused, and there seemed to be a flash of firmness in her eyes. "I’m sure what’s worse."
Tian Yue nodded.
Qiao Cen said that she was not too white. As an intern, she was not qualified to attend the meeting. When she entered the company for such a long time, she entered a conference room with Qiao Cen’s first translation.
Where would she notice anything about backing up or not?
Besides, it was here that the documents were printed that day, and then they were directly given to the planning department.
Every department in Huasheng has monitoring in the conference room. The automatic warranty period is seven days, and it’s only been two days. If it hasn’t been touched, there will be no problem.
"I found it. See if it’s this?" Li Xueyin suddenly sounded.
He pushed his brain to Qiao Cen.
Qiao Cen carefully looked at his face and was pleased. "Yes, there is a backup of the conference room host, right?"
"There are source files for automatic backup." Li Xue showed Qiao Cen the host file.
Qiao Cen nodded. "Thank you. By the way, can you check the monitoring of this conference room?"
"But I’m going to the computer room." Li Xue looked in the direction of monitoring, because there is usually nothing to see in the meeting room monitoring.
Li Xue arranged a pair of tables in front of Joe Cen. "You wait a minute. I went to the computer room and found the brain on this host."
Say and out of the meeting room door.
Tian Yue looked at the door of the meeting room with a face of anthomaniac. She held the bar "Sure enough, men are the most handsome at work."
Joe Cennai threw cold water on her. "Miss, would you please pay attention to the moment and occasion? First of all, there are two of us now, and secondly, we are about to be fired. "
Tian Yue is to react when he hears the words "fired".
She suddenly turned to blink and looked at Qiao Cen, and then held Qiao Cen’s arm with both hands. "Cen Cen, we are in the same boat. You can’t lose me."
Joe gave her a white look. "You’re a grasshopper." She pursed her lips. "Well … I’ll promise as soon as you praise me."
"You are beautiful, you are beautiful, you are beautiful."
Qiao Cen "…"
About twenty minutes later, Li Xue reappeared in the conference room. He walked quickly to the host with his brain in one hand. "I found it."
Qiao Cen and Tian Yue quickly looked at the video that day.
She secretly relieved.
Finally, if we want to find evidence that Yao Mengwei has revised the paper documents, then this matter is settled.
Li Xue knows what Qiao Cen is going to do, and he naturally knows what to do.
"I know the horse" before Joe Cenkou saw Li Xuechong smile at her.

This man here represents the sky and Galway.

Chapter 24 A word moves Kun.
Jia twenty-five years spring
Hearing the clock from the sound may imply blame. These people naturally can’t do it anymore. The first mouth they take off is naturally Tang Yun, the year of knowledge.
"The report joked that the people plead for the benefit of one party but the official position. The report said that it was really a bad official."
At this time, Xu Yue, the supervisor of the salt warehouse, also said, "Your Majesty’s words are all about doing things in heaven, and it’s really not a success."
Zhong Li squinted and ordered drinks.
Here comes the dish. The first course is salted goose.
"Wang is not a native of Yangzhou, but he also knows that the old goose is famous in Yangzhou. Please taste it."
Zhong Li picked up a piece of chopsticks and tasted it. When people saw this dish, it was finally a little white. Naturally, salted geese could not live without salt.
It is the first time that he has come to Jiangnan for such a long time.
"Yangzhou Old Goose King hasn’t tasted it before. It’s said that Master Xu is an adult from Yangzhou. Can it be authentic to taste this goose?"
Xu Yue then took a bite and chewed it carefully.
"Report back to your majesty" Xu Yue nodded. "This goose is full and rotten in shape but not loose in color. The butter is bright and tender, fat but not greasy, fresh and salty, suitable for taste, and it is a good dish."
Zhong Liyi smiled: "Maybe you are used to the salty taste in Jiangnan. Wang likes sour and spicy food in southern Xinjiang since childhood, but he can’t eat with this taste."
At this time, people’s faces naturally changed.
It’s hard for everyone to adjust. No matter how powerful a chef is, he can’t take care of the taste of the people. Such a small salted goose!
"Jiangnan salt can’t be a goose, can it?" Zhong Li sipped a cup of tea and gargled. "There are many wells in the southwest where salt needs labor. It’s not easy to dig wells, draw brine, transport brine and fry salt. The division of labor is very fine. It’s difficult to fix the salt in Sichuan. The Haiyan owner in the south of the Yangtze River knows that the court seems to be not optimistic about salt tax."
Everyone bowed their heads and stopped doing it.
I didn’t send Yuwen Suji for a long time, but I laughed at it. "I eat very well, but this goose is cooked a little badly. I eat old meat. The harder it is, the more delicious it is."
All "…"
Zhong Liyi squinted at him at this moment. "So it’s still to Yu Wengong’s taste?"
Yu Wensu Ji smiled, "It’s still better to eat less."
At this time, of course, the people are white, and they are two people.
Of course, there are questions about Jiangnan every day, even if he appoints people to be officials and villains, it is God’s will. No one is qualified to despise him because he represents the day. Kuang Zhong is not an official and villains. He is an imperial clan, and the emperor personally bestows the title of King Yi.
It’s hard for these people to be jealous, but it’s true that he has the final say in matters in Jiangnan now, although it’s a bit overbearing or unreasonable to say so.
A dish "Zhong Li" is a statement to Jiangnan officials … Since salt is too "heavy", it is necessary to adjust the taste of Jiangnan.
And Yu Wensu Ji’s words just now also show the attitude of the Yuwen family-the attitude of the Yuwen family is the attitude of the whole court, even the attitude of the whole north.
Obviously, the south is a piece of fat meat, especially the salt tax. The White House is a northern clan, and other families are jealous of salt in Jiangnan.
Staring at this piece of meat for many hours has naturally been pushed to the forefront. He is still a newcomer, but it doesn’t mean that he will be timid.
The clock stood up with a cold look.
"The king invited you to this meal, and you must have understood that Wang was ordered to check the Jiangnan salt class. Wang Chu came to Yangzhou without your deep experience, but since Wang took the case, he will do his best."
Zhong Liyi came from the main seat and continued, "Wang Yan is done here. It’s up to you to eat this old goose."
Zhong Li left, and Yu Wensu Ji followed him out, but those Yangzhou officials were afraid to leave. Naturally, the goose had to be finished.
When Jia Di knew this, King Jingnan was with him.
"My son really lived up to my expectations that things in Jiangnan would have a result soon."
Jiadi was very happy to specially ask the palace chef to cook some southern Xinjiang dishes and leave King Jingnan to eat in the palace.
King Jingnan was a little worried about Zhong Li-Mi’s rash advance, but he never showed it. He was still joking with Jia Di.
When Bai Qi of northern Xinjiang received Tang Jiaxin, it was after a wave of sneak attack on Hunu that the White House generals were discussing the bill at this moment.
"Zhong Li … but the other day, he was crowned king, so he didn’t take our general seriously. If he won the fief in the future, wouldn’t it be a day!"
"Our general country killed his enemy, but he took advantage of our general in Yangzhou!"
"Isn’t it because of King Jingnan’s contribution in southern Xinjiang that he dared to disrespect our general so much?"
"After all, is Zhong Liyan regarded as a descendant of their imperial clan who bullied me from the north?"
"At the end of the general, I will ask you to play the sin of the sacred clock!"
Bai Qi looked serious and motioned for people to be quiet, so the tent gradually calmed down.
"These things are handsome, but I don’t worry about whether the clock is still a child. If he is angry, he is handsome and stingy. The Tang family has been in Jiangnan for some years, so they can naturally handle these things."
People say that they admire the general’s measurement in their hearts and are angry with Zhong Liyi.
So Zhong Li … was offended by the general party in northern Xinjiang …
Yangzhou city gate
"Who lives?"
"Back to the official car is my home … two girls … please bend the rules!" One looked at the stout man and bowed to the officer guarding the gate.
"No matter who you are, girls are always ordered to catch imperial court criminals here!"
So the man reached out and rudely tried to lift the curtain of the carriage.
"Ah … what happened to Bo Zhou?"
The tapering and gentle woman in the carriage seems to be awakened by the sound outside, and the sound is a little lazy.
"Sister, we are going to town!"
The man who heard that the voice was female finally let it go and let it go.
In the carriage …
"Wow, I can’t believe you have a way with women."

"It’s a little short, but it’s the overall situation. Let’s talk a few more words, and we can wipe it clean." Sue’s scenic spot head raises eyebrows, shrugs, and spreads her hands. "I haven’t played enough. It’s almost over. Have you seen the flowers … Hum!" Words don’t say that finish become stuffy hum Su Jing look slightly a sullen.

Demon Fog is worried about the safety of the 21st chain. Seeing Su Jing’s face changing color, Demon Fog’s heart jumps violently. "What’s the matter?"
Qi Donglai also feels that his companions hate demons all the time and can’t make people hate a strange smile. "Is it too much to say?"
Su Jing did not answer wait for a while. After a short while, he held out his hand and reached out to Qi Donglai’s wrist. He pulled the big man’s body into the black stone cave with a slight shock.
Blackstone’s cave is protected from Uber, and the Great Sage can’t come. If Su Jing encounters strange things, it is more appropriate to find someone to ask about the natural Qidong …
The huge copper ring in the cave crosses the reef, and there is no trace of ink, luster and sharp gold. At first glance, it feels very sharp, but after a long time, it will sting like a needle from the eye. The pain is not severe, but more cold.
Qi Donglai squinted. "Pull me in and show me off?"
Su Jing shook his head and pointed to the corner of the reef "this thing"
A dark boulder in the corner of the reef
The reef in the sea is black, too. It’s a small boulder. Qi Donglai ignored it when he saw it. With Su Jing pointing out Qi Donglai, he realized that it was black, but the boulder was purer and clearer than the reef.
Difference between celadon and sapphire
The process of copper ring washing and ink refining Su Jingyang’s fire ink djinn Xuanli fought a fierce battle, and even the "golden feather flower" bud was played out, which shows that the battle was fierce. Finally, Su Jingsheng’s ink color was refined layer by layer
Su Jing’s victory has been decided, and he is preparing to wash the last few residual inks thoroughly. Unexpectedly, they suddenly flowed and swam out of the huge copper ring and turned into such a black boulder.
Explaining this, Qi Donglai wondered, "What do you care about it?"
Su Jing shook his head. "Don’t say that if it turns into a stone, even if it becomes another Su Jing, I won’t take it seriously, so I will burn it down and refine it … but it won’t be refined."
After turning into stone, the "ink color" is no longer made by the sun fire! Also check the sun fire, the golden wind, the sword feather, the bone and the sun, and even the three corpses. Many means of rotation in Yin Tian can’t hurt the stone!
Qi Donglai wondered, "Will it be so strong?" At the same time, he raised his hand and hit an avatar, and then he became white, not strong, but not affected
It’s true that one’s senses are detected and one’s eyesight is closely examined. The black boulder seems to be a vivid illusion, magical magic, magic weapon and sharp sword. It can easily pass through without hurting it. Qi Donglai frowned. "Illusion?"
"Look, poet!" Nianhua took the topic and ran quickly to bend down to pick up the stone and threw it in his hand several times. Finally, he didn’t reach out to pick up the boulder and knocked on the reef.
Avatar can’t be destroyed, power can fall, and boulders can be picked up.
Qi Donglai shook his head directly and said frankly to Su Jing, "I don’t know what’s going on."
As soon as the words were finished, suddenly, the stones rattled and vibrated in the same place. After the blink of an eye, the boulder turned into rotten mud, so it was soft and dark, and the islands and reefs piled up. Before everyone wondered about it in a blink of an eye, the black mud suddenly "swelled" again.
Much like a sugar blower, a piece of candy quickly swells, becomes bigger, becomes full, becomes shaped, becomes lifelike and becomes a person.
Qi Donglai snorted, "Su Qiang hit his mouth!"
Djinn ink, black pebbles and black mud changed in the end … Su Jing.
Mud bulging and taxiing finally turned into Su Jing’s difference from facial features, eyebrows and eyes to body shape and clothes.
"Mud Su Jing" is a black robe, black boots and black belt, and even the skin color is black;
On the other hand, Su Jing’s eyes have always been clear and transparent, and always cast a positive meaning; Black Su Jing’s eyes are gloomy, gloomy and desolate … It is this eye that distinguishes Su Jing from people Su Jing; Black Sujing is a fairy Buddha Sujing!
Want to also don’t want to Su Jing directly to goldwind Yang fire and a piece of sword light, he started three bodies, poets have joined the onslaught, but it’s a pity that hit, through still and just boulder.
Have you played Su Jing? I want to throw the black Su Jing out of the body and keep this thing. Su Jing faintly feels uneasy, and there is another Great Sage outside who is not afraid to clean up this black monster that is not affected by spells.
But after the thoughts in my heart turned, Black Su Jing stood still!
From Fufu Blackstone, he is not only a master treasure, but also a master of Su Jing’s body. This is really his territory. Everything is up to him. Whoever wants to leave has to go. At this time, Su Jing’s face really changed
"Black Su Jing" suddenly smiled "I can’t throw it out."
Ordinary three words and three corpses snorted. When I saw a person who was exactly like Su Jing, I felt weird in my heart, but at least there was a color difference between them. However, the faint "little man’s pride" in Hei Su Jing’s speech from the tone to the sound, which is very popular, is different from the real Su Jing.
The three corpses share the same life, so when they first meet such a strange situation, they really feel creepy. There are countless goose bumps on their backs. However, Su Jing’s own listening to himself is not the same as that of outsiders. There is not much reaction when he hears black Su Jingyan.
Looking at the "Black Su Jing" not far away, Su Jing relaxed for a moment. "Don’t talk in a hurry?"
He spoke as if he had never done it before, and "Black Su Jing" seemed to really understand his way of speaking. Instead of feeling weird, he smiled easily and nodded his head. "If you have any questions, I will answer them."

The distance from the Soviet Union to Jilin Province is just a matter of minutes for ballistic missiles flying at a speed of thousands of meters per second. The cold eyes of ss-2 were exposed in the 6 th base. The war completely broke the calm here. Scientists who have been obsessed with scientific research for generations can no longer concentrate on academic research. Helicopters came in, and groups of three big and five thick soldiers unceremoniously took their planes and left regardless of their opposition to flying. The long queue also came to load all kinds of equipment and transport them away at the fastest speed. The whole base was in chaos.

"I don’t agree to blow up this gun and accept it!"
In the chaos, a loud voice roared. Dr. Li Wei, an old pioneer like a hen, opened his arms greatly in front of the railgun, his eyes spewed out angry flames and glared at the engineer with blasting equipment in his hand. "This is my life’s work. How can you say that it is fried?" Want to blow it up? You can blow me up first! "
The engineer company commander has a headache. "Dr. This is the central command! This kind of cannon has not yet formed a strategic strike capability, and the Soviet army may drop here at any time. If it is kept, it is likely to reveal its secrets, and the consequences will be unimaginable! "
Dr. Cologne also joined the roar. "Didn’t the Soviets call? That’s just the gun to send them to the west! A shell needs a shell and it can destroy a division! Fire! Fire! Send those Slavic bitches to hell! "
Dr. Levi even said, "Fire at us and let Slavic bitch taste us! I have been waiting for this day for forty years! " When the Berlin city was broken, the tragic picture of the city’s ruins and bones like hemp came to mind again. The old man’s heart twisted his face and shouted hoarsely to fire. More and more German scientists joined them and saw that China soldiers were unmoved. They were angry. "Are you too timid to fire at the enemy with weapons in your hands?" ?”
Dr. Li Wei waved his arms and roared, "You disappoint us so much! With such an advanced weapon, we dare not make the enemy attack. Our first thought is to blow it up. So what do you have to develop so much equipment after we have worked hard for so many years? Even if you give those equipment to the African army, it will be better for you to play in the Soviet War! "
Chinese soldiers in the field turned blue and white. It’s really terrible that these big German noses are stubborn! The alarm suddenly sounded, "Attention all personnel, there are twelve ballistic missiles flying towards the base. Evacuate the horses!"
Cheng Xinghua cursed a "damn the Soviets, can’t they play missiles for a dime a bag of stones?" The horse entered the fortifications! "
A large group of soldiers rushed to support those stubborn scientists and rushed to the underground fortifications to the 6 th base. A strategic scientific research base has a perfect defense system. Those fortifications are buried tens of meters deep, even if a nuclear bomb explodes a few kilometers away, it will not be safe for the people inside. But some people don’t want to hide in it. Dr. Li Wei desperately grabbed a part of the cannon and screamed, "Fire! Fire! Send Slavic to hell! " The two soldiers couldn’t drag him, and there was nothing he could do. A monitor slapped him on the back of his neck and Dr. Wang fell limp. The soldiers picked him up and ran!
Thousands of meters high school has been boring and roaring, fireballs burst open more than a dozen warheads in a thunderstorm, and this ingenious collision was smashed to pieces, which consumed one thousandth of this group of rockets. Most rockets missed their targets, but there was a shower of flowers in Netflix.
The remaining ten warheads hit the target with a terminal speed of Mach 9, and the error of 400 meters caused several warheads to deviate from the target and hit the target several hundred meters or even kilometers away from the base. Thirteen of them were missing, and the comet hit the target like the earth!
Boom !
Boom ! !
The impact point rolled up and the fire spread in a circle, and the whole base shook in a rumbling noise! That conspicuous pioneer railgun was the first to explode at a place less than 100 meters away from it. Optimus Prime’s barrel was twisted and cracked in thunder and lightning, followed by a warhead. This super cannon, with a total weight of nearly 2,000 tons, was accompanied by an orange fireball soaring in the center. Even steel could withstand such power, and thousands of pieces flew away at a high speed. Together with it, there was the seven-story building, a teaching building built in 1973, which could accommodate 15,000 teachers and students. However, in the face of flying, No matter how high the anti-seismic standard of the splashed warhead is, the whole building collapsed like a domino, and the dust rushed up more than 100 meters high, and the whole base was annihilated by the gray dust and rain! Cheng Xinghua watched the experimental bases being flattened by missiles, and the reason was lost. He gave a painful roar, "Bastard, these are all our efforts! Damn the Soviets, I will kill you! "
It can make an old man who hasn’t even killed a chicken shout, "I’m going to kill you". It can be said that his anger has reached the limit. The Soviets have ruined his hard work. He will never forgive those who press the launch button, missile troops, the Soviet Union!
This round of missile attack caused serious damage to base 6, and several experimental bases were destroyed. One hundred researchers were killed or injured, which made Chinese leaders feel like a knife, but the Soviets were not satisfied.
Ogarkov sharp eyes staring at the screen satellite back the latest photos 6 base has been in flames many Soviet generals cheered, but he frowned slightly light asked, "don’t lev what the blow effect will be so bad? According to your strategic rocket attack, this base should disappear from the map. "
General Belev-
-Now Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Strategic Rocket Army-This round-headed, round-brained, fat god stared at the picture solemnly and said, "The Chinese have deployed the latest missile defense system to this base, and one of the eleven SS-2s was successfully intercepted by them!"
The interception success rate is as high as 70%?
The commander of the heavenly army, General Miller, lost his name. "This is impossible! Their high-energy laser weapon has been destroyed. What other weapon can intercept ballistic missiles so efficiently? This is impossible! "
General Belev said, "But the problem is that those missiles really smashed the base into pieces!" He called up the pictures and played them back one by one, and soon found out the photos of a few seconds before the missile hit the ground. The ground suddenly burst into a wave of steel storms and hit the incoming missile group. I couldn’t find a gap! Borrossi Love asked, "What is this?"
"Group Rocket" General Belev said, "A unified missile defense with a large number of missiles, a rotating and stable control rocket with a common steel shell, is like six mortar shells. Perchloric acid is used as a propellant, and the speed is 15k/s, which penetrates and destroys the enemy’s incoming missiles. After re-entering the atmosphere, the rockets form a ballistic volley, which is similar to a metal storm. The collision of incoming missiles will destroy them. We have also studied it, but we are not very interested in it."
"Group-fired rockets …" Borrossi rove’s face flitted across a haze. "First, strategic laser weapons and supercomputers, then cannons that can directly shoot satellites into low-earth orbit, and now group-fired rockets, how many secrets are there in this base! Zhongli destroys it! If ten missiles don’t work, launch twenty. If twenty missiles don’t work, launch one hundred. Be sure to erase it from the map! "
General Belev nodded to show that he understood.
The missile attacks on Anshan and Huludao were successful. Several missiles went to the hangar and control tower of Anshan military base, which has been leveled for 3 kilometers. There are more than a dozen ponds with a depth of 2 meters. More than a dozen fighter planes are burning, and many of them are cutting-edge fighters. I am afraid that the first division of the Chinese National Army will be weakened by this attack, and the ss-2 attack on Huludao has become a purgatory. It seems that the whole city is burning at the satellite root, so it is impossible to see where the city is. A few minutes later, the Soviet army line interception department intercepted Huludao and sent a newspaper to Beijing.
"I’m afraid this nuclear submarine base is gone." Borrossi Rove looked at the screen and was flooded with fireworks. Huludao always had a calm face and a satisfied and cheerful look.
After suppressing the coup, the soldiers have taken the highest strength of the Soviet Union, which is just a worthless name. Now the Soviet soldiers are stepping forward and bayoneting in trouble, killing the motherland and destroying the enemy, which threatens the national security of the Soviet Union. What can be more proud and more fulfilled than this?
It feels good to hold a powerful country in your hands and let it run according to your own will.
Ogarkov focused on this young lieutenant general who controlled the whole country. "Ivan, when are you going to join the ground forces? We must know that bombing and missile strikes alone are the laws that force a big country to bend. "
Borrossi Love said, "Don’t worry, first, our strategic rocket army and strategic bomber severely bombed them for a few days to weaken the strength of the Chinese army, and then …" Pick up the baton map and draw a line. "The 79th commander Daqing surrendered the Hadaqi industrial corridor and intercepted it. In cooperation, the commandos took Harbin and Daqing Qiqihar as completely as possible, and half of the wealth of these three cities and Heilongjiang province was in our hands."
"Two regiments of the Binhai Military Region crossed amur river and firmly controlled the Hadaqi Industrial Corridor to attract shenyang military area command’s main force to come to the Chita Military Region after the Heilongjiang heavily fortified cloud …" Punched the regional map "Line attack swept the Hulunbeier grassland with Manzhouli for 24 hours! If China’s territory is compared to that of a rooster, the three northeastern provinces are the rooster’s head, then hulun buir grassland is the rooster’s neck. What the Chita Military Region has to do is to give me this rooster’s neck and give it to the three northeastern provinces for a waist-to-waist cut, and the two military regions will annihilate the main force of shenyang military area command and then advance on Beijing and Tianjin. "
Ogarkov took a deep breath to suppress his heart pounding and gave a military salute "I’ll do my best".
Borrossi Love said, "Then let’s wish the marshal a victory!" He smiled. "The bombing will continue for a few days, marshal, and there is still plenty of time to improve the battle plan. However, in this issue, it might as well put out the daring cross-border attack on the Mongolian cavalry division first, which is also a comfort to Mongolia."
Ogarkov said that "it can’t run away" and sentenced more than 10,000 officers and men of the Fourth Cavalry Division to death in a single sentence. At this time, the Cavalry Division was being nailed to its place by the powerful Soviet Union forces, and it was impossible to retreat. A wave of bombers and attack planes could not plow through their hastily built positions, and every bomb fell in pieces.
Chapter 41 If war comes (3)
A Tu -95 bear long-range strategic bomber whizzed past the northeast sky, and the fire controller’s fingers slid down from the pylon with four six-meter-long kh-55 cruise missiles. The engine spewed out enough to destroy all the flames, and the strong thrust pushed the missiles with a weight of 1.5 tons to fly at the headquarters in shenyang military area command at a speed of more than 900 kilometers per hour. This guy was the Rainbow Design Bureau of the Soviet Union for three years, and its range was 2,500 kilometers. Its appearance made the strike radius of the Soviet long-range strategic bomber soar. For example, when Tu -95 took off from the Far East with KH- That’s nothing!
Just as kh-55 approached Shenyang, three J -12 s rushed head-on, and the wing knives flashed. Six long-range missiles of Viper iii were woven into a network of fire and swept towards the unstoppable kh-55. Boom! Boom Two KH-55s were hit by one or two Viper iii, and the thick and long shells were blown to pieces. The fuel flew into two terrible fire clouds, but the other two got through this not-so-dense fire net. The terrain tracking system actively started the missile to enter the terminal sprint, just like two thunderbolts split from Shenyang for nine days, and the ground anti-aircraft artillery shells swept out the dense barrage shells, scrambling to explode themselves. The fuel explosives flew out to form a pale yellow fuel cloud, and then a huge roar shook away the Shenyang cloud. In the sky, the fire broke out one after another, and a wall of fire ran over a long cruise missile and crashed into the cloud of fire, and the other was immediately smashed to pieces, while the other was wrapped in a net formed by ten red flag anti-missile and was beaten to pieces. The fact proves once again that it is difficult to play the trick of taking the head of a cruise missile thousands of miles away before the enemy’s defense.
"Hum Tomahawk!"
In the ground defense works, I saw cruise missile Shenyang become the most expensive and gorgeous fireworks in the world. Yang Silan will be cold-mouthed. Because of his outstanding military achievements, more importantly, he has discovered and cultivated that great scourge, and the military modernization of the Republic has made great contributions. This old soldier was promoted five years ago and was appointed commander shenyang military area command three years ago to reach the peak of his military career.
Yang Silan, an old soldier who has been in shenyang military area command for nearly 20 years, will know better than anyone that the terrible place of the strong neighbor in the north is coming. His nerve has been stretched tightly and he has never relaxed. The tide of reform and opening up swept across the whole northeast, and everyone is getting better and better. The economic situation is rejoicing. More and more people have plunged into the business sea, and even the army has begun to engage in some sideline businesses. Everyone thinks that the cold war is coming to an end and the Soviet Union is impossible to call. Now the most important thing is to make money! The unified values are inevitably impacted, and many young people are reluctant to be soldiers on the grounds that they are soldiers.
Not learning anything in the army will be a waste of time for them to join the army in the future. Well, I’ll take out money and slap it in front of you! Such changes make the old people from the old days feel at a loss. How did everything change in just a few years? Honesty has become stupid, frankness has become brainless, and even the PLA has changed from the cutest person to a stupid soldier! Everything has changed, but the Soviet Union hasn’t. Hundreds of thousands of elite Far East troops are eyeing the border! It’s none of the ordinary people’s business what they think, but which teacher or commander dares to say in front of him, "It’s time to relax properly." This kind of nonsense is just waiting for the initiative to hand in the report on changing jobs!
In three years, he defeated four teachers and nine regimental commanders. Almost every regimental commander tried to be scolded by him, and severely punished. shenyang military area command’s ideological trend of putting a sword in the warehouse and putting horses in the south was successfully stopped. This war machine is still sensitive and ready to meet the powerful enemy from the north. He doesn’t know how many people he has offended. Now it seems that he is right or wrong. Although he has attached great importance to every move of the Soviet Union, he still doesn’t pay enough attention to it!
Since the war, shenyang military area command has been passively beaten. The military base has been bombed and the nuclear submarine base has been flattened. Even the headquarters of the military region has almost been taken over by others. There is no way to do this. After all, the strength gap is there. China can stand head-to-head with the Soviet Union. To a large extent, it relies on laser weapons. Laser weapons have restrained the powerful strategic rocket army and military satellite system of the Soviet Union. Once the laser weapons are lost, missiles, fighters, The huge gap between submarines and other aspects has been revealed. The country has tried its best to catch up and narrow the gap in recent years, but the effect seems to be small. The difference between intercontinental missiles and medium-and long-range ballistic missiles is not how many pieces are less than that of the Soviet Union, but how many times are the same for submarine forces. The only good thing is that the quality has not fallen. 93 nuclear submarines are not afraid of the Soviet Union’s most advanced nuclear submarines, the J-10 and J -12, which are not weaker than those of the Soviet Union’s Su -27 and MiG -29. If there is a huge gap in quantity and quality You can’t fight the war. Thanks to the high vigilance, shenyang military area command’s losses are not serious so far. Most fighters successfully took off before the base was destroyed, and two 93 nuclear submarines left the home port before the war. Soviet missiles blew up the airport. It doesn’t matter. Clear the highway and one fighter can take off and land normally. It doesn’t matter if the nuclear submarine base is destroyed, so there are still several nuclear submarines in the base that need to be returned without being destroyed! Let the general worry that the fourth cavalry division, which is deep in outer Mongolia, has never been able to connect with or know what happened to the fourth cavalry division now!
"commander, dangerous missiles here may kill you again at any time or to the ground.
Command, go! "
A somewhat cold sound sounds like Lieutenant General Leng Jian, chief of staff, and an excellent soldier with a cold face and a warm heart.
Yang Silan will look back and walk towards the headquarters, asking, "Have you connected with the Fourth Cavalry Division?"
Lieutenant General Lengjian shook his head. "The Soviet magnetic interference is too strong, and the station has been blocked. Now the signalman is calling and hoping to get an answer."
Yang Silan will say, "Before the outbreak of the early war, the Beijing Military Region had a large number of troops ready to recapture the outer Mongolia war sequence. How can these troops be brought into play?" Coupled with emergency assistance, the past 136 regiments did not say that the fourth cavalry division should be taken back, but at least half of them should be taken back. "
The cold sword will say, "I hope so …"
A lot of war staff are busy when they enter the dignified atmosphere headquarters. Some of them are waving their hands, and the information is red-faced. Some of them are silent and guarding their brains. It seems that they can stay there until the end of time. Others are busy marking the enemy’s troops in the sand table, deploying the signal soldiers and calling them without stopping for a moment. This is the disturbing fortification. The security is really high, but it is very uncomfortable to stay inside.
At present, the Tu -22 backfire long-range strategic bomber has repeatedly penetrated into the hinterland of the Republic with amazing speed, and launched a precise attack on strategic targets, causing huge losses and casualties to the Republic. However, the Soviet ground forces have not moved so far, but the guns have been hit fiercely. Many areas on the border have been turned into the surface of the moon. After the planes bombed the guns day and night, the tanks rushed day and night for decades. The Soviet set has not changed much, and it will be as sharp as an eagle. Staring at the sand table like a walnut rattled in his mouth, he said every word, "We can’t continue to be passively beaten like this. We must take the initiative to attack and continue to be bombarded by the Soviet Union. If we don’t wait for the Soviet armored flood to come, we will collapse first!"
The old partner Han Zhengwei said, "Yes, we must take the initiative to attack. The only way to defeat this tough polar bear is to be tougher than it!"
Yang Silan will designate the sea cucumber to sound gloomy "blow this place up for me!" I want to see how big the Soviet Pacific fleet can be without the home port of sea cucumber! "

The situation of mercenaries has been criticized by several people and many people, but no one will deny that top mercenaries do have the best team adaptability, improvisation and war response ability. It is simple that they live on this, and even a little mistake will make them die.

The battlefield is cruel, life and death eliminate those who can’t do it, and those who have flaws naturally say goodbye to the world. Playing may avoid you once or twice, but not every time the goddess of fortune will favor you. It takes only once to get you out of this world.
At this time, it is very necessary to train them to cooperate with different teams and people quickly and give full play to their best level. When the battlefield is not running in for you, you must enter the situation as soon as possible and give full play to your best state, otherwise waiting for you may be death.
"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
The three parties soon came into contact with the dense jungle. In the absence of the jungle, the visible range is less than about 50 meters, which is better than the South American jungle. Otherwise, their visible horizon will be about 20 meters. In this case, snipers can hardly play.
Here is a paradise for heavy firepower and assault fighters. Whoever responds fastest can take the lead. The three parties are not amateurs. It is only ten minutes after contact. Three people in Team 1 have been judged dead. Team 2 lost two people. Team 3 lost one person. Team 1 did not choose to fight to the death but evacuated along the road.
At this time, they laid booby traps on the road in the early stage, but they heard the "boom" explosion. Two teams and three teams wanted to track down the first team, so they had to face the booby traps laid in front of the first team and mark them. The first team easily hid themselves and buried booby traps and quickly retreated.
Team 2 and Team 3 had to stop chasing after losing three more people. Pursuing along the road of Team 1 could be chasing themselves to death. If the road was re-taken, Team 1 would have run along the already good road and disappeared, while Team 1 had to finish all the work. After meeting Team 2 and Team 3, they decided to merge and ambush at the destination first.
"At least it’s not too stupid to chase them. It’s estimated that their losses are not small." Wang Zongguang said with a smile, "It’s best to let go at this time. Anyway, they have to arrive at the scheduled area to ambush there."
Hou Dacheng frowned and said, "In fact, after the war of contact, they should give up tracking. Now that they know that their opponents are not amateurs, they will definitely not just leave and chase them hard, which will cause losses. They still want to test it, but the result of this wave of testing is that they have lost three hands, so they don’t have to lose one hand and need to move forward cautiously. If they find booby traps, they will just withdraw and lose three people. This is very inappropriate."
Wang Zongguang, hey hey, smiled and didn’t speak. Hou Dasheng said it was very reasonable. Since we know that the other party is not so cautious, it is necessary to be cautious enough to lose three people, or whether the other party is an amateur or not. This is really not right.
The confrontation is still going on, but the two teams and the three teams can’t see it, but Hou Dasheng and others can detect that the situation of the first team has lost half of its manpower, and the first team is now in a fierce debate. Some people think that this situation may lead to the annihilation of the army.
Giving up rationally is what we should do now, but some people insist on completing it, even if it fails, at least at the expense of completing the road instead of giving up. The two sides are arguing over each other.
Hou Dasheng and others didn’t take care of Team 1. It’s like arguing that the dead people left the team silently and obeyed the rules. Since they were killed, it’s a word that you can’t say that it’s serious to get out honestly.
In the end, the people who thought it should be completed still accounted for the majority, and the original opponents finally agreed
"At least there is a sense of teamwork." Hou Dacheng nodded his head. In fact, there is nothing wrong with both sides. Even Hou Dacheng thinks that giving up execution at this time is the right choice. This is to consider the problem from the perspective of mercenaries. If the purpose is discovered, it can take more risks.
Mercenaries lick blood to earn money, but not to die. If the exposure risk is too high, they should make a new plan or give up the action directly.
Segmented reading 293
Of course, Hou Dasheng also denied that it was wrong for them to choose to continue the implementation. After all, it is necessary for the regular army to complete many times.
There is no reason or excuse to give up. You can fail, but you can’t give up. From these two aspects, they are not wrong. A decision is actually correct, but unity of thought and the final result are important.
A half-hearted team will wear itself out, and a team that has not achieved results is meaningless and valuable. Sometimes it is so cruel, even if you pay enough, even if you sacrifice your life.
But if it’s not finished, it’s just that it’s not finished, so the sacrifice seems to be meaningless, there will be memorials, there will be tears, and then what? Without it, it’s even more cruel in the mercenary world, and you can’t receive money until you finish the entrustment.
No matter how many people die, no matter how much money you spend looking for information, these are all employers. He needs to see the results and then pay you. If there is no result, he won’t give you a dime. Even if your corps almost dies, there won’t be a penny.
It’s still going on. Team 1 has chosen to re-trim. Now they can’t keep up with the pace of Team 2 and Team 3. At this time, they need to rest more and plan. It’s meaningless to go ahead if they finish this time.
It is serious to have a rest, recover one’s physical strength and plan one step at the same time. Team 2 and Team 3 also chose to have a rest. They are not far from their destination. Now they need to plan more, such as ambushing Team 1 to complete it.
"Finally, I learned to sit down and plan." Hou Dasheng was very satisfied with this change. They didn’t have a single mind to rush, but made plans according to changes in the situation. It is indeed stipulated, but this time can be controlled.
Soon after a short rest, Team 1 chose to continue marching, and Team 2 and Team 3 also quickly went to the scheduled place. The journey was shorter, and the two teams naturally arrived before. After observing the destination, they quickly deployed snipers to occupy the highland and guard the supply point.
Other commandos are hidden in the jungle, forming a corner fire overlapping coverage area. If Team 1 wants to enter, it will be a storm to wait for them. Not long after they arrive, Team 1 has also arrived at the periphery.
However, they did not directly enter the destination, but first observed it in the periphery. Everyone knows who will be exposed first at this time, so whoever will be unlucky first. The hunter and prey will switch very quickly, and the number will have an advantage, but sometimes the number does not mean absolute advantage.
In this case, Hou Dasheng has gone through many times to kill others, and there are many times when those people are not amateurs, but Hou Dasheng is still alive. There is luck in this and it depends on the true story.
"It seems that they will stay hungry for a while, but they don’t have much time." Hou Dacheng smiled slightly. "I have reduced the difficulty. Teams 2 and 3 didn’t take their supplies, otherwise they would be more difficult to fight."
Wang Zongguang put a telescope and nodded. "After this kind of training, it can be more difficult. A good soldier not only has to fight but also practice more. If he doesn’t have something to do, he still makes a fart."
The two sides are deadlocked, and one team is obviously at a disadvantage, and the other two teams dare not move. Although the first team has not shown signs of its arrival, both sides feel the other side. Now both sides are waiting for the other side to be exposed, which means that the battle has started directly.
"It doesn’t take two or three teams to look for bait." Hou Dasheng’s mouth evoked a smile. "I’m looking forward to who will be the last living hunter and who will become the prey."
Two grass-green figures crawled slowly. They moved very gently and slowly for a long time before they moved slowly. Less than three meters, a small group of people were trying to get close to the periphery of the supply. Obviously, the first group had flooded in to test.
Chapter four hundred and sixty-nine Each has its own dispute
"After the end of the training, all the troops will meet at point B in fifteen minutes." Hou Dacheng held down the earphone and changed several communication channels of the squad. After the release of this order, he and Wang Zongguang jumped directly from the hidden point and marched quickly towards point B with a calm face.
There is not much distance from point B. Hou Dacheng and Wang Zongguang just arrived in this jungle in twos and threes. It is rare that this terrain is very flat and very suitable for exhibition and cooperation. However, it is only a few minutes before each team is heading here.
All the staff quickly closed their mouths and waited for Hou Dasheng to say nothing. Wang Zongguang didn’t say anything. They told the soldiers to be at ease first and then squinted at the sky. About ten minutes later, everyone vaguely heard the roar of the helicopter.
In a short time, I saw three armed helicopters flying here in formation. Soon, the first one landed. Hou Dasheng used tactical gestures to direct the first team to board the plane. After the first team boarded the plane, the helicopter immediately rose. The second and third planes will be picked up by other team members, Hou Dasheng and Wang Zongguang.
But it was only twenty minutes before they returned to the training base to unload the helicopter and then flew away from the base. Yan Jian’ an waited for everyone with a calm face and an envelope.
"Go back to the warehouse in ten minutes to unload all the equipment, clean the paint and then come back." Hou Dasheng raised his hand and sank to these players. "Then each team took it back to the conference room and finished it?"
"Yes," everyone felt the dignified atmosphere, and then quickly went to the warehouse to unload the equipment. Hou Dasheng walked in the direction of the conference room with Wang Zongguang and Yan Jian’ an, and asked, "The situation is very serious."
Yan Jian ‘an looked a little ugly. The other side was caught in a firefight by our border patrol. Five people were injured. Fortunately, when our side supported them, they were forced to evacuate. Although it happened before armed trafficking, it was the first time that they had heavy firepower and were professional combat teams.
Hou Dacheng hey hey smiled with a cold light in his eyes. "Tunqin is testing and demonstrating. He wants to know whether this matter is true or not. Although we do a lot of mercenaries to lick blood and earn hard money, not many people are willing to do this kind of armed trafficking."
Armed trafficking is indeed done by some people, but there are not many mercenary teams willing to do it. On the one hand, it is very troublesome to transport these things, on the other hand, it is not very profitable. In many cases, it is likely to be done with official regular troops. If people are surrounded by troops, it will be bloody.
Of course, help those drug dealers to fight against the official forces. This is often the case in Mexico. More than once, mercenary teams directly ambushed, stormed the official Mexican police force, and the troops were even imprisoned. Of course, when they were released, these news departments became "drug dealers’ armed forces."
At that time, they were armed with drug dealers, but their fighting capacity was better than that of ordinary drug dealers. Without drug dealers and officials, they would be the targets of their attacks. A whole team of special teams in drug control was ambushed, and half of them were killed by snipers.
Ordinary drug dealers can never do this, and everyone can easily see that this is the mercenary’s handwriting, which directly sweeps the heavy machine gun across the bulletproof car, then blows up the tires and forces the car to stop. The large-caliber sniper rifle not only smashes those special teams wearing bulletproof clothes, but also directly smashes them back.
However, even if those mercenaries are drug dealers and armed forces appear, they refuse to engage in armed trafficking. Of course, they are not very engaged in armed trafficking. One of the reasons is that they charge more money. This time, armed trafficking has even occurred, and they even fought with border forces.
This point has been out of the general category, which is said to be the first time to swallow Qin and spend a lot of money. Secondly, he wants to know whether he has been stared at and whether he is from China.
Ten minutes later, documents in the conference room were distributed to the team members, curtains were pulled up and slides were projected on the wall.
"According to our investigation, this team should be a small mercenary team. They are equipped with firepower including 16a4, Leighton 7 and 249 light machine guns, among which 16a4 is hung with Grenade launchers and sniper rifles, which do great harm to border troops."
Yan Jian’ an paused and looked at the crowd and continued, "We supported the troops to move quickly in ten minutes when the fire broke out at the scene, but the other side left the battle faster. Before we surrounded them, they laid booby traps along the way to evacuate from the jungle, which led to our troops being unable to pursue them."
"Their methods of laying booby traps are very complicated, which is why we decided that they should be a special combat unit composed of retired and active soldiers from many countries."
Yan Jian’ an bowed his head and said nothing while analyzing Hou Dasheng. The training of combat troops in various countries will bring their own styles, from the style of warfare to some tactics. It is easy to judge that this unit belongs, which cannot be hidden.
Inheriting the legacy of the former Soviet Union, the Russian troops are still carrying a strong style of the former Soviet Union. In many cases, they are executed without losing subtlety, and at the same time, they are more undisguised madness. They can never hammer and smash, and they can never bomb with crowbars.
Sambo’s fighting techniques are superb in their hands. A person who has experienced a complete special war and knows something about this can easily see from their methods that what they are doing is done by troops from the former Soviet Union and now Russia.
Unlike the Russians, Americans pay more attention to efficiency and technology. They always try their best to crush the most advanced ways and the most incomprehensible ways, and try their best to ensure that they fight in the winning mode. In many cases, you will see the traces of technology and efficiency in the battlefield they pass.
Unlike these two sides, the British pay more attention to cruelty during the war. Most people don’t know that the first batch of spy weapons in the world were issued, and the British occupied most of them, such as walking sticks, pistols, cigarette cases, pistols, mini cameras and so on.
The British are committed to hiding themselves better and then killing their opponents more concealed. Therefore, their shooting and fighting modes are more considered to be concealed.
It can be said that the troops on the special front of each country will take the temperament and behavior mode from their respective countries, which is the perfect way to hide it, even if they try to hide it, they can escape the professional’s torch.
Leaving traces will reveal your true identity and training country.
"Those people are not simple people. They don’t look like celebrities, but we haven’t found their identity for the time being." Hou Dacheng was not surprised to dig out the object of swallowing Qin before. That’s because Yan Jian’ an and them have been paying attention to swallowing Qin for a long time.
Moreover, the combination of Tunqin and that mercenary group is not once or twice, so they and their background can be easily touched to the end, but this unit should rarely be combined with Tunqin, and it is obviously impossible for the two sides to dig out each other’s situation when they are integrated for the first time.
"It doesn’t matter who they are, but what matters is that they attacked us." Hou Dasheng smiled with a cruel smile. "Since they attacked us, it doesn’t matter who the enemy is, but the enemy must die."
Give a sigh of relief. Hou Dasheng looked at Yan Jian ‘an and said softly, "Find them and kill them. This is what we need to do. You don’t have to care who they are. You need to know their location and where they may be. This is enough."
"I will personally lead the team this time. Since they want to know our attitude, then tell them what our attitude is." Hou Dasheng pointed to the desktop and looked at the soldiers and sank. "I order all teams to maintain daily training from now on to enter the first-level combat readiness state."
Hou Dasheng gently lit the desktop. "If their position appears, we will start and kill them."

"Aunt Zhang heard Xu Shu say that you are afraid of cold in winter. I brought you an intelligent constant temperature foot bath machine. Have you tried it?

Uncle Xu, your hobby is similar to my dad’s.
A box of maotai and two flowers
You can hide it. "Zhuang Ziqiang is so good at doing things.
"ZhuangGe you this is big! I, a student, brought a piece for my uncle. Let’s go to Jincheng and Heilanzhou.
Aunt, this is the mask I brought you.
Remember to post it sooner or later
There are more goblins in Kyoto Prefecture and more old goblins.
You can be careful that uncle has been hooked by the old demon! "Cheng Mo with a smile.
"How dare he!"
Glared at Zhang Xiuli, Xu Jianguo smiled and accepted the gift.
Come and meet the guests. Xu retreated and pointed to Cheng Mo to criticise them. "Good black, you don’t say anything to bring me."
"Hey, if you get married, see if I bring it to you."
Is laughing make Xu back suddenly saw just follow the door AnXiaoXue some cramped.
Xu retired the horse to react.
My teacher, who is less worldly, should have forgotten to bring something.
The original also called this will have Cheng Mozhuang self-improvement foil some embarrassment to react.
Xu back just want to go to clearance mom Zhang Xiuli first meet to directly hold the AnXiaoXue hand.
"Light snow is coming. Come and sit down. I’m afraid you won’t come. I’m so glad you came."
Xu back relieved mom can definitely resolve this wave of embarrassment.
However, Xu’s return is a contempt for An Xiaoxue Zhi!
"This … aunt … I didn’t know I had this habit and didn’t bring anything … I … I’ll make it up."
"You this child what is this! Whatever these stereotypes do, your coming is the greatest gift.
If anyone dares to bring something, I’ll throw it out for him directly. "
This meal is particularly enthusiastic.
Sexual apathy An Xiaoxue Zhang Xiuli is extremely enthusiastic, but it is not self-sufficient
Dad Xu Jianguo bought two bottles of Maotai directly!
Xu back with Cheng Motian class, that is, a taste, but Zhuang Ziqiang directly accompanied Torre Xu Jianguo to enjoy himself.
This fellow drinks a lot.
Xu Jianguo fell, and he was still eating with a red face!
Mom Zhang Xiuli is pulling an Xiaoxue to talk. At some point, she talks about Xu’s retreat from marriage.
"Ah, light snow, I tell you that I am really worried about the progress of our family! I’ve been in college for a year, and I don’t even have a girlfriend. At present, the legal age for marriage in China is one year old, but I haven’t even pulled a female classmate’s hand.
You don’t know that his high school classmates are all running around! "
AnXiaoXue "…"
An xiaoxue can’t answer this
Is she an xiaoxue or single?
Maybe she, the teacher, introduced a girlfriend to Xu tui?
A little uncomfortable feeling arose in AnXiaoXue’s mind at the thought.
"Cheng Mo you too!
You two are not bad-looking, so you can’t find a girlfriend! How can you get married if you don’t even have a girlfriend in the future? "
As soon as the gunfire rang, Cheng Mo was dumb on the spot.
Just accompanied Torre Xu Jianguo to drink Gao Zhuang’s self-improvement and suddenly interrupted, "How can I sit here and look at Teacher An and Xu Ge?"
Really Cheng Mo, do you think they are a good match to sit together?
Xu Yi don’t believe you to see "
Xu back with AnXiaoXue sit side by side at this time.

Wennian nodded and looked at Long Xiao with his eyes, which was very good.

"Don’t be a housekeeper, don’t think about the past." Long Xiao didn’t want to read aloud and put herself in the same ranks as Song Nan. She didn’t want her to have any more concerns.
Wen Nian Bai Long Xiao said that what happened before nodded and deliberately raised Ba to reveal a big laugh.
"I see."
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 126 Fly to L City
Wennian nodded and looked at Long Xiao with his eyes, which was very good.
_ ____w_ w_ w___ __ _o_m
"Don’t be a housekeeper, don’t think about the past." Long Xiao didn’t want to read aloud and put herself in the same ranks as Song Nan. She didn’t want her to have any more concerns.
Wen Nian Bai Long Xiao said that what happened before nodded and deliberately raised Ba to reveal a big laugh.
"I see."
The two of them just walked to the door of the first floor, in and out, and several little nurses suffered from sudden intermittent squint. They came and went several times without sighing that another blue chip stock was beaten to the top, and a rotten cabbage choked a good pig’s visual sense.
"When you come back to see me again, I will definitely be different." I must be able to smile and bend my eyebrows by your side.
"OK" I’ll wait for you, but no matter what you become, you are my person.
Long Xiao left the hospital car and went to the airport. When he got something to eat at the airport, he almost went to wait for his younger brother to take a private jet to land on the runway.
I saw a small plane coming from a distance, and Long Xiao imagined the younger brother Long Bo’s appearance. I met him five years ago when I went home on leave. Then he came back from vacation in recent years and he was still in the army. I didn’t see him several times when I came back by myself.
"Big Brother!" At the hatch, a 10-year-old sunshine boy smiled brightly, revealing a big white tooth and enthusiastically called out.
"Xiao Bo" takes two steps to give his brother a hug. Looking at the frame, K Chang is already a big boy, and his brother Long Xiao is still very happy.
Politely bid farewell to the crew Long Xiao and take Long Bo to dinner.
"Mom with clear already walked first? I thought I could eat my mother’s lunch. I’ve been hungry for seven hours. Brother "Longbo is very contemptuous of eating things in the shop."
"Eat a little mat first, and we will fly there for more than two hours, which will allow you to fly for a while."
"Really!" Long Bo quickly wiped out his lunch before hearing the news. When he returned to the airport, he saw a helicopter already on standby.
"Wow, big brother, I love you so much." Three or two steps jumped into the cab and debugged it yourself.
Long Xiao asked the pilot to tell Long Bo the route and sit in the back to have a rest.
After flying out of the city, Long Xiao was awakened by a violent vibration.
"Wow!" Longbo was still spinning and roaring ahead, and even made two big turns. The busy pilot immediately took action to stop his more crazy vertical dive.
"Don’t be late, Xiao Bo." Long Xiao looked back at his little brother and woke up.
"Well," Longbo first flew to a mountainous area in the east of L City and landed in a field camp to pick up three people.
"This is longbo you grow so tall now? Come and compare with each other, you must grow taller than your eldest brother. See if he dares to be so arrogant. "Talking is a young man who looks particularly lean and tanned."
"Good White Five Brother" Longbo wanted to sneak attack while he was not paying attention, but was found to have buckled his shoulder. "Pain, pain, pain, brother, brother, I was wrong." He screamed a few times to give enough white face.
Long Xiao waited until they had all finished playing, then punched Bai Wu in the shoulder to say hello. All three of them met in the same way, and waited for a circle of people to see before moving the plane quickly.
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 127 Busy
The pilot, Bai Wushou, looked at Long Bo with a grimace of a grin and promised to "let me have a good flight" and prayed in his heart that the flight report would not be too difficult for him.
With Bai Wu’s consent, Longbo grinned and flew around * * * * * * and made a 60% move. Finally, he had to be half an hour late for the pilot to wake up and calculate the fuel quantity.
The top floor of a four-star hotel in the new district of L City enthusiastically sent away the hardships, and the little pilot Long Bo said that he was very satisfied.
"Mom, I’m back." The energetic Longbo took the lead in rushing to the dragon mother’s room and roared.
"Xiao Bo"
"elder brother! Gift gift you said you would bring me a gift. "Long Qingqing leaned out from behind the dragon mother and looked up at his brother who suddenly grew so tall."
"How could I forget it?" Long Boru also conjured up a big diamond in his hand and put it in Long Qing’s hand.
Long Xiao brought Longbo’s luggage in the back and said hello to the Dragon Mother, so he went to arrange things for everyone else and left Longbo to accompany them.
This time, the old birthday girl was Long Xiaozu’s grandfather, father Long Cheng and uncle, who couldn’t come because of business. Long Xiao became the oldest man among the great-grandchildren to take care of and arrange other people’s activities instead of his father until the birthday party was over the day after tomorrow, and the ancestors invited guests to stay with them for two days. The ancestors sent people to the places they wanted to go.
Now it’s all my family. My uncle didn’t come to send my eldest daughter and second daughter. The family met with people, arranged things for my two sisters, and my two brothers-in-law sent people to pick up people to pick up the procurement.
The dragon mother accompanied the children to talk for a while, and she also had to lead two children’s little daughters who had not said enough words to come out to receive guests. The dragon mother still had to bear half the work of the birthday party. The only one who came to the second brother was still a few words, unable to do things, and even more impatient, even if it was his grandfather’s family dinner.
In addition to meeting a husband who often walks around at home, Long Tianxing went fishing directly by himself.
"You look at me and I will know that none of your dragon family men are reliable." The dragon mother complained that she took three children to see the second uncle, third aunt, fourth uncle and sixth uncle, and a group of elders arranged them and said a few words casually to arrange dinner.
"How many people are here?" At dinner, Long Qingqing and Long Bo sat in the corner and secretly looked at the elders with similar names. When they called people in the afternoon, their smiling faces hurt.
"I heard my mother say that there are more people than nature, and the whole 36th floor of the Ministry is covered." Long Qingqing drank porridge and searched for Long Xiao’s figure. "Eldest brother hasn’t come yet."
"He has to be busy, if it weren’t for the big brother’s busy ahead, we would have to." Longbo just came back and was so excited that he was sleepy and almost fell asleep.
Long Qingqing sent Longbo back to his room to sleep, and after jet lag, he returned to the restaurant to accompany his mother and a large table of grandparents to eat, but he still hasn’t seen Long Xiao come back.
Ask your mother when you are really sleepy after 9: 00 p.m.
"He went to see your second uncle, saying that he was going fishing, and he was looking all over L city. He didn’t see anyone. Don’t worry about him. Go to sleep quickly. Relatives want more in the coming days. Go to dinner by yourself and bring some back to your room to eat."
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 12 Ji Feng is back
Long Qingqing was really sleepy at nine o’clock in the evening and asked his mother.
"Your eldest brother went to see your second uncle, saying that he was going fishing, and he couldn’t see anyone everywhere in L city. Don’t worry about him. Go to sleep quickly. Relatives want more in the coming days. Go to dinner by yourself and bring some back to your room to eat."

Su Li is very dignified. "If this is really a simple map drawn by them, it means that they are constantly searching around the center of Zifeng Building to see its buildings and conditions. You see, the closer it is to Zifeng Building, the circle bases have been crossed, and it should be that they have been explored. These unmarked bases are far from the center."

"It’s not the three of them who can do this job. There are 30 floors in Jiazifeng Building with few floors exposed to the water. We guessed that there were many lucky people. Combined with today, these lucky people in Zifeng Building should have formed a powerful organization."
"And it’s terrible that they don’t seem to be short of people, or because of the shortage of resources, after all, the more people consume more materials, the more they can’t keep alive, or they don’t need so many people. When Ni Jianrong saw us, they didn’t think about recruiting us as their companions. They just wanted to kill us and seize the materials here."
Listen to Su Li analysis Ding Longyun Li Ran a surprised face became very ugly murmured "would there be such a thing? We were suddenly hit by a big flood, and even the city was flooded. It’s rare to be alive. Now, haven’t these lucky few people thought of uniting to find a way out and even want to kill each other? This is a legal metaphor. "
Chapter 5 Beautiful Sister
Su Li said, "Everyone in this world has it. Of course, I said that these are all guesses. I don’t know if it is really possible, it will be troublesome. I also want to take a raft and go to the Zifeng Building together. If my guess is true, then we will not be trapped?"
"No, these three guys seem to want to kill us but not the girl. What is this?" Ding Longyun slightly tilted his head and suddenly looked at Xu Xuehui and thought of a strange place.
Su Li said, "I don’t know, maybe it’s because she’s a child, she doesn’t threaten them, she doesn’t want to kill them, or maybe they need children for good value."
Of course, there is still the greatest possibility because Xu Xuehui is a girl and Su Li didn’t say it.
"Su Li, have you ever thought that if your guess is true, the Zifeng Building is now occupied by a terrible person, and this Ni Jianrong has escaped again. We killed two of his companions, will he come with people to seek revenge?"
"It’s very possible," Su Li said. "That’s what this guy meant before he fled. It’s because of his tone that I think my guess makes sense."
"That how to do? Let’s find a way to get out of here early? " Ding Longyun hated Ni Jianrong, but he also resisted each other with the three of them.
Su Li said, "There is no better place in this area than Zifeng Tower. Where can we escape? Besides, it is not easy for Ni Jianrong to swim back alive, let alone bring people to seek revenge with us. After all, Zifeng Tower is not near here."
Ding Longyun also frowned. These days, he has collected a lot of materials and piled them up in the room. Even if he wants to escape, it is also a problem to put them away.
"Don’t we just do nothing? One thousand the other party really came to a group of people that would be in trouble. "
Su Li mused slightly, "Whether the other party really comes for revenge or not, we must do a good job in preparation. It is a kind of trouble to be surrounded by water, but it also has an advantage that it is convenient to escape."
He thought of Ni Jianrong’s escape and jumping into the water, and he was afraid to chase it.
Fighting the land in the water is completely different, and no one dares to say that they will be able to kill each other in the water. It is too dangerous to chase them so rashly.
Ding Longyun’s eyes lit up and said, "I don’t know what you mean. We can stay here and see the situation. It’s better if the other party doesn’t come for revenge. If someone does come for revenge, even if we can’t beat it and jump into the water, people can’t help it."
Su Li said, "This is one or two, that is, Xuehui and I have to practice swimming again. It is definitely no problem that you are so good at swimming. I still lack some points, and I want to upgrade to a higher level. We should also strengthen our physical strength. If we are strong enough, there is no need to be afraid."
He now has 11 spiritual sources, and there are 19 spiritual sources short of level 4, which requires spiritual sources to say more, not too much, and enough monsters to make breakthroughs at any time.
Ding Longyun said, "I need more spiritual sources now, so it’s a bit difficult to break through again."
"It’s only been four days since the flood, and I estimate that the strength gap between us is not big. This Zifeng Building is not that there are more people. We can make some preparations. Just now there is an extra raft. We also put a raft in the direction of the Zifeng Building with our back to carry some necessary materials. If a lot of people come from the other side, we can just leave directly by raft. Anyway, Xuehui has good eyesight, but we can see from a distance whether they stay to fight or leave us and act according to circumstances."
Hearing Su Li’s words, Ding Longyun’s eyes lit up and said, "That’s a good idea, girl. You’ll have to work hard. Look at that direction more if there is anything wrong. Tell us immediately."
Xu Xuehui felt that she was needed, and her eyes shone brightly, nodding her head to show white, and then she toured around in the distance.
Xu Xuehui suddenly looked into the distance and cried.
"This is coming?" Ding Longyun got a fright. Ni Jianrong just escaped and soon returned to Zifeng Building to move reinforcements?
Ding Longyun looked nervous and asked, "How many people are here?"
"One" Xu Xuehui looked at it very carefully, and a pair of eyebrows were slightly raised.
Su Li looked and said, "One?"
Ding Longyun stare big eyes. "You said it wouldn’t be that NiJianRong? He came again alone? But there is something wrong with this direction. It doesn’t look like the direction of Zifeng Building. It’s a bit far away. "
Su Li vaguely understood, "Xue Hui, are you saying that there is a person in this direction? Is that Ni Jianrong just now? Or someone else? Is there anything else besides this man? For example, eating and drinking materials. "
"Not a sister, very beautiful, with materials but not much."
Listen to Xu Xuehui’s concise and capable words. Su Li has grown long and white.
This sudden appearance of Ni Jianrong or Zifeng Mansion, where people have just escaped, should be its place. The lucky person is riding a raft alone and wants to find a new lucky person and residence as before.
Ding Longyun eyes a bright way "beautiful sister? You’re not mistaken, are you? This shouldn’t be the purple wind building people coming for revenge. "


"Then let’s go!"
I am surprised that Guo Laotou made such a decision! Because the bearer is Yin Zhouyang! Jianghe Jiuqing Yin Zhouyang!
Chapter 40 Learning from others
Guo Laotou walked in front of Yin Zhouyang with a burst of self-confidence. It’s okay that Yin Zhouyang frowned and didn’t care about anything, but it seems to me that this is a typical case that the weasel has not been kind to the chicken for a hundred years, but I don’t know where Guo Laotou’s self-confidence comes from.
Fei-yu zhao took me gently and said in my ear, "What’s wrong?"
I naturally nodded in favor. This sentence is so reasonable that I don’t want to refute it at all.
Yin Zhouyang naturally knew what the three of us were thinking, but he didn’t want to object. He was still walking quietly.
"If you want to do it to me, you’d better do it now. Wait a minute. I’m afraid you have no time." Yin Zhouyang said simply to us when he was about to walk out of the cave.
"I don’t want to kill two people at a time." I was about to answer the phone, but I was robbed first.
This sentence made Yin Zhouyang completely angry. He turned around and looked like he was going to start work. Zhao Feiyu and I took out the meteorite and brushed the dust almost at the same time.
"I advise you not to start work. You have four opponents here, but I can let you die four times. You know I’m not kidding." When Guo Laotou’s stereo started, Yin Zhouyang selectively let go.
I suddenly feel lucky to be sheltered by my elders. Yin Zhouyang walked straight ahead, regardless of Guo Laotou’s danger. Zhao Feiyu and I also put self-defense weapons.
Fei-yu zhao turned and patted a shoulder to longly say poison tongue hasn’t changed!
I smiled and confidently said, I’m a Virgo. You don’t know?
The two men laughed like idiots, as if they had done something great. Guo Laotou went to Zhao Feiyu and slapped Zhao Feiyu unceremoniously. He said angrily, How can I teach you in normal times? Say!
Zhao Feiyu covered her head with bitterness and looked at Guo Laotou and said, if people don’t start work, I won’t start work. If I start work, I will win with one blow.
Guo Laotou nodded, probably thinking about Zhao Feiyu, but Guo Laotou kept walking, but his mouth was still chanting something to teach us.
What? Don’t be sharp-edged, just beat but run. The three of us nodded behind like Sun, but I was a little impatient. When I took my apprentice and told him these precautions, I understood Guo’s good intentions at that time.
When we walked out of the hole, Yin Zhouyang was obviously impatient. It was a unique experience to get out of the hole.
This is a high place. Although it is gloomy here, there are many ancient buildings around it. I turned around and saw a huge stone next to the mouth of the cave, but it was covered with many mantras.
Is this the ghost market that Guo Laotou said?
A minute later, I saw five black sedan chairs running towards us quickly. I didn’t see that sedan chair was not a man but four ghosts until they came near.
The sedan chair stopped in front of us as if to pick us up. Yin Zhouyang took a sedan chair generously, and so did Guo Laotou.
But Guo Laotou in front of the sedan chair did remind us not to lift the curtain when we leave, otherwise I can’t save you.
The three of us looked at each other and said goodbye to the sedan chair. As soon as I sat down, I felt that the sedan chair had left the ground and moved quickly.
I don’t understand what Guo Laotou said, but I think it’s because the yin is heavy enough here and we have some special identities that we can’t see it.
I closed my eyes all the way and waited until the sedan chair landed before I slowly opened my eyes.
I lifted the curtain, and there were five people, one for many, which made me more or less disappointed. What would happen to me, but now it seems that I think too much.
There is a palace-style building in front of me. The difference is that its columns are all black paint, and the surface of the building is white paint. This looks very bleak. It always gives people a bad feeling. I looked up in front of the palace and saw a plaque with three big characters, Building Xuan.
There is a historic building in Xuan, and there is the Palace of Ying Zheng. It seems that Ying Zheng is really a nostalgic person.
Guo Laotou patted his clothes and marched in. How can we get stage fright at this time and this occasion? Despite some unhappiness in my heart, on the surface, the three of us still have a look of no more than that.
Entering the palace, as I thought, the Jianghu people are all here, sitting and waiting for us. Of course, the theme is naturally Ying Zheng. Ying Zheng is wearing a black dragon robe today. This suspicion is to show his identity. I look around, Yin Zhouyang and Tianzhen are very similar in dress, and there is also a girl with white hair.
That girl is very handsome, but Reagan can’t see the look in her pupils. She has been sitting quietly beside Yin Zhouyang. Not to mention that she is Zhou Chenxin, right?
Huang Shibu sat quietly with his eyes closed, wondering whether he was alive or dead.
This is a spiritual gathering, isn’t it? But I think this is what Ying Zheng meant when he announced to heaven that Ying Zheng was back.
"Please" Ying Zheng said to Guo Laotou with a smile on his face and pointed to a position around Ying Zheng. Then Ying Zheng also motioned for the three of us to sit and talk.
There is a glass of wine at each table. He has nothing but this thing. I can’t guess what Ying Zheng means. What does he want?
"Who else hasn’t arrived?" Ying Zheng looked at the two positions and asked humanity with a frown.
"Back to the emperor is MuRongHang and Dong Qing" Yin Zhouyang looked at the position is immediately replied.
Ying Zheng frowned and didn’t react any more. A sneer at Heaven seemed to tell me that I was afraid of death and I would hide it again. I will find it sooner or later, won’t I?
I looked at the celestial being, raised his glass, and said to the celestial being, this glass of wine wishes the celestial being that you can find it as soon as possible, or that you can have a life to find my apprentice.
Heaven’s temper is estimated to be unbearable to these verbal stimuli. If she doesn’t agree with a word, she just gets up and looks like she is going to start work. Yin Zhouyang immediately pulls Heaven and shakes her head.
Heaven sat back in the position and saw me still holding the glass. She just looked up and drank the glass of wine on the table. After seeing her swallow the wine, I calmly put the glass back on the table.
Seeing me move, Tianzhe was very upset and asked, "Do you propose a toast to me and stop drinking now?"? What do you mean?
I looked at the wine in the glass and said with a smile, I will drink with a dead man?
You!’ Ying Zheng gave a laugh when the heavenly horse was about to break out.
All eyes were on Ying Zheng. Ying Zheng picked up the glass and said, I’m about to be born. Naturally, according to the rules, I need several sacrifices. I forgot to tell you that I have some poison in the glass and I know which cup of medicine is poisonous. I can’t remember it myself, but I have thought of a way. You can choose your own opponent and that person to win, and you can give your glass to the loser. So I don’t know whether two cups of poison or two cups of antidote. Oh, my God, I don’t know if you will die after drinking just now!
Heaven’s face changed greatly when I heard this, and I thought to myself, Ying Zheng, this old fox really came prepared. I didn’t say much about listening quietly, but I saw a face of embarrassment-I never drank because it was a breach of precepts.
Guo Laotou didn’t speak during the whole process, but he had expected that this would be the case. Heaven’s face was also uglier than ugly, and I could see that she could not sit still.
"Since you are in such a hurry, let you come first. You can choose your opponent if there is someone in the place." Ying Zheng pointed to all of us and said with a smile, but his eyes stopped at Guo Laotou.
All of us know that Guo Laotou and Tianzhe describe the grievances. At this time, Zhao Feiyu got up by himself and said to Tianzhe that he would like to fight!
Guo Laotou looked at Zhao Feiyu with some surprise, and Zhao Feiyu walked to the center of the hall regardless of whether Heaven promised or not. Heaven felt like she had been greatly challenged, and she walked to the center of the hall regardless of so many fastest speeds.
"God, if you win, I will give you the antidote, but if you lose, Zhao Feiyu’s wine is still yours to drink." Ying Zheng gave me an evil smile at the corner of his mouth as if he was ready to go to the theatre.
Zhao Feiyu turned and looked at Guo Laotou, followed by her hands akimbo and fluent Sichuan dialect, saying Guo Laotou! I tied it up for you today. Don’t talk nonsense about the loss of your apprentice after you!
Facing Zhao Feiyu’s fluent Sichuan dialect, Guo Laotou smiled and didn’t say much.
"Amitabha" sang a Buddhist name again and again, and then moved the beads like Zhao Feiyu to pray.
Day who look complex looked Guo Laotou then put Zhao Feiyu attention department.
One is Guo Laotou’s apprentice, and the other is someone who wants to become Guo Laotou’s apprentice. I’m afraid everyone has been waiting for a long time for this fight.
Fei-yu zhao took out the dust and skillfully hit his arm against the sky. He bent down slightly and said politely that Fei-yu zhao, a ghost building, was polite to Guo Jianhua.
"Jiuqing’s doctor-in-command and Heaven’s teacher are polite."
Chapter 49 Blood Rune
I’m not very optimistic about this fight. I can’t figure out the ability of Heaven. So is Zhao Feiyu. I know Zhao Feiyu’s idea. He just wants to get back the name of Guo Jianhua’s apprentice, or Zhao Feiyu wants Heaven to see his brother.
Zhao Feiyu’s dusting face was full of relaxed expressions, and there was a mocking smile on his face. Then Zhao Feiyu stepped back and pulled away.
I looked at Guo Laotou sitting next to me. I leaned close to Guo Laotou and whispered in his ear, who do you think will win?
Guo Laotou shook his head and said with a frown, I don’t know.
I think it’s better than worrying about Zhao Feiyu’s situation. I tried to get up several times, but I pulled my head and said to him, this is Feiyu’s own fight, and we all interrupted.
Although it’s white talk, his worry about Zhao Feiyu will not decrease. I took out the meteorite and put it on the table. I saw Yin Zhouyang’s eyes, and there were always some worries in my heart.
Fei-yu zhao will blow dust on the shoulder like waiting for heaven to move now, and he really shouldn’t rashly attack Fei-yu zhao, but his careful personality hasn’t changed.
Tianzhe took out four pieces of red rune paper from his bag. I frowned and looked at Tianzhe rune paper. I always felt a little bad. There were some black runes on the rune paper. I carefully identified those runes and finally remembered that thing!
Blood symbol ghost pattern! Blood symbol ghost pattern!

Su Li thought that it was the drop of blood that made the stone tools realize that a lot of bloodshot appeared on the surface of the stone tools, which was actually his blood.

Cut your wrist, a stream of blood gushed out, and immediately sprinkled this stone.
Su Li watched his blood flow slowly along the surface of the stone, but it didn’t penetrate into it, and the stone didn’t devour his blood as greedily as the stone tools did.
"Am I wrong? Does this stone and stone tool look a little consistent? Is the actual root not the same weapon? "
Su Li can think of some way to stop bleeding and heal the wrist wound once he holds the stone hand again.
Su Li’s skills are at their wit’s end, but the stone tools don’t respond, and it doesn’t work as well as he imagined.
"There is no reason to even move the sacred ancestors of the old Terran, but if they bring it back to this mysterious library? There must be some reason. Since the ancestors of the old Terran can bring it back, there must be a way to move it. "
Su Li thoughtfully or some unwilling to launch the third talent, the rolling energy once again wrapped around the stone, and then he launched a dream field, and slowly there was an idea in his mind that moving the stone would move into his own world.
The idea just came to mind that the stone didn’t really enter his realm, but the ancient city in his mind accidentally reacted to it.
"This stone … sacred also can’t move …"
The hoarse, weak and old voice sighed. Just here, I didn’t want to shout. This stone suddenly flew up and rushed into the ancient city of Suli.
Su Li watched the stone enter the ancient city and fly to the deepest part of the ancient city.
There are magnificent towers, magnificent palaces, ancient altars with vicissitudes of life, ancient temples with bells ringing, solemn temples and magnificent courtyards in his ancient city …
Every building looks majestic and magnificent, but there is an inconspicuous stone house in the deepest part of this ancient city, and all these buildings seem out of place.
Even Zurich will ignore it many times.
He can move towers to suppress or move palaces and altars, and only this deepest stone house can be induced by other methods.
This stone house is short and looks down upon it like a piece of heavy stones piled up. In front of the stone house, there are wooden railings, which is a small courtyard.
However, compared with the magnificent courtyard in the ancient city, there are several stones in front of the stone house of rockery, pond, lotus and pavilion.
There is a round stone in the center as a stone table and four square stones around it as a stone bench.
This stone house has a rolling fog.
These fogs are the result of Su Li’s swallowing and merging of more than 200 talents. Now, this stone house will be condensed but not dispersed.
At the moment, this stone, which can’t even be moved, rushed to the stone house at the end of this ancient city.
"Boom"-this stone falls heavily on the courtyard outside this stone house, and then moves quietly on the edge of the stone bench in the south.
Su Li was stunned by all this.
God just finished saying that this stone can’t even be moved. I don’t want this stone to suddenly disappear. His voice came to an abrupt end in the rolling energy above Su Li’s head
God also froze.
There’s nothing the holy can do with this stone. Now Suli really took it away?
The whole hall suddenly fell silent.
For the first time, Su Li observed this humble little stone house at the end of the ancient city so solemnly and carefully, and soon his heart was faint with a little creepy.
He saw that there was a rolling fog in this stone house, which was swallowed up by more than 200 talents. At this moment, he carefully observed and finally found it.
Stone houses are devouring the rolling fog here.
There is a stone gate in front of the stone house.
The fog of Shimen is slowly surging through Shimen.