Open one’s mouth reluctantly

She poured tea into her mouth by the thief.
As expected, she felt the sudden heat gushing from the depths of her blood, and her heart was filled with shame for a moment.
"It’s a shame to be wrong … I look like a light blue Chinese-style chest covering after bathing?"
Zhao Shangxin looked at his eyes with a little help.
She can already imagine the aftermath.
There is no turning back …
Zhao thief put the teacup back on the table.
Out of the corner of his eye, he never left the feast.
However, the elder sister looked at him with a pair of affectionate peach blossom eyes.
"It’s getting late. Let’s rest early. I have errands to run, too."
Zhao fault as if nothing had happened and said to her with a smile.
Zhao Shangxin is county yishan.
Is it too urgent?
"Wrong …"
Miss Zhao Da hid her eyes and struggled.
"You’d better go back to your room. Even if a holy man shoots at me, I don’t think you can stay here."
She said in a normal tone that she wanted to resist one last time, although it didn’t help.
"I can’t feel at ease around you."
Small male ye shook his head directly.
He took the elder sister’s hand without hesitation.
There is no feast for the eyes. Let him pull himself to the front of the couch, and his heart is tangled.
Whether or not to longitudinal this motherfucker …’
Her heart felt hot.
If she hadn’t deliberately controlled her breath, it would have been messy now, which made her even more embarrassed.
At this time, she thought that she had an engagement before she was not related by blood, but even so, she really pretended to be the eldest sister …
"Why do your hands seem a little hot?"
Zhao fault suddenly also perceive the strange.
How dare you say?’
Feast in the heart read 1
But she won’t admit that she is strange.
She gently withdrew her hand and sat down on the edge of the bed, trying to maintain the dignity of her eldest sister.
"Maybe that’s why I just bathed in hot water. I’ll be fine in a minute."
Zhao Shangxin brushed a wisp of hair from his forehead behind his ear.
Her elegant posture is full of ladylike taste.
A well-developed figure can also be said to be a big family
"Um … I turned off the lights?"
Zhao looked at her blushing jade face by mistake.
"You sit by my side, I want to talk to you. I’m not sleepy yet."
Miss Zhao allowed herself to temporarily ignore drinking that cup of tea.
"all right"
Little grandfather sat beside her with a smile.
"You go out at noon to check the assassination today, right? What progress can be made? "
Feast turned his head and looked at his handsome face, raised my hand and stroked it, so I couldn’t help but pinch it.
She then unconsciously took care of the collar.
Elder sister is always so gentle.
"The clue has been broken."
Zhao thief still observe her face.
To his disappointment, there was nothing unusual.
Long yuan has no effect on her? But even if it’s not a dragon, it will show the feeling of blood gas churning.
"The South China Sea is too far away. Since the alliance has been reached, it is ok to ignore them."
Zhao Shangxin endured drug erosion.
"Maybe I think too much."
Zhao wrong shook his head and said

Different political views don’t mean that you don’t appreciate it.

Brown has given the Bello family all his life, and he can give up everything, including his own life.
Belo people have contributed a lot to Brown’s success today.
This point
People deny it!
At this moment
A desolate everyone echoed in my heart.
The tribe did their best, and now …
"I’m sorry"
Yu Long, after all, lived for nearly 200 years, and the strong man was unshakable in both body and mind, that is, before his eyes sank.
"Do it!"
A statue of verve thick breath rushed toward the angry king in the field.
Zhou Jia stood in the treetops and looked at the distance with indifference.
Even if he feels good about angry king brown, he still doesn’t want to interfere in the private affairs of Bello people, and there is no need to show off.
But …
The line of sight moves past the smell of Brown and others throwing themselves into the distance.
Messenger of the divine domain
Moreover, angels are second only to a few archangels, and their breath seems to be third-order and different.
Chapter 7 temptation
Ying Chao
Tongtian instrument institute
Alles, Yin Ji, Kajia and others are busy.
Xue Bing also.
But I didn’t see her master Zhao Fujia.
In all parts of Ying Chao, according to Zhou Jia’s orders, this is also the only place where Zhao Fujia is forbidden to step into.
"Didi …"
"The coordinates are wrong!"
"The program is wrong!"

However, although he is a nobleman among the Amish, not every nobleman can enjoy real power.

He was sent to the fortress of Manyo planet to be the guarding commander.
In name, the commanders guarding a region including the Mya Ministry are all real senior officers.
But there is still a difference.
In some places, the garrison commanders probably have more than a dozen star-rated planetary guards, tens of millions of fortresses and hundreds of thousands of slaves and civilians.
In some places, the commander, like Derry, is stationed in the distribution department of Manyo’s cosmic fortress, with 15 people.
Count him, there are sixteen!
What kind of power can be generated among the sixteen meditation groups, most of which are evolutionary and a small number of transmutations?
There are 1000 civilians and slaves who are normally rationed to the fortress to maintain defense.
And there are less than 300 people now.
They killed it all.
These 300 people wouldn’t have much left if they didn’t need someone to take care of their daily lives.
It’s really too much talking.
Manyo planet universe fortress is called silent universe fortress.
Not to mention the enemy, even our own people rarely come here.
Stay here, Derek. This quasi-planet feels moldy.
But what can I do? He can stay here, and he has no ability and no possibility to jump out of here.
Can live a drunken life with existing conditions.
In Tabu, the alert was touched, and suddenly a stranger broke in, which made them a little dull, some accidents and some … surprises!
It was Derek who was surprised by the sudden appearance of Xu tui, and then a surprise appeared in his heart.
There are no more accidents. Rui estimates that he may die of obesity, although he has eaten as fat as a farmed animal now.
Although it was a surprise, it still made Derry’s reaction a little slow all the year round.
Before he could move a hill, he suddenly appeared above their heads.
Xu tui shan zi yin!
Xu retreat to one mountain and blast these guys to death.
But when the mountain seal appeared, Xu retreated and suddenly moved.
In the sight of these guys, their combat power is very weak
Apart from leading the quasi-planet, what’s its evolution and evolution? It’s not worth mentioning here at all.
In an instant, the mountain seal hung a little above the water, and it was allowed to retreat and the pop-up was cold.
Ice seal!
Derry, who had just attacked by conation for a moment, turned into an icy lump, and the freezing cold instantly made him wake up and feel the death threat!

If he sits at the negotiating table, he can get back a lot of things in various ways, and the interests of the Indian Union District will take up, so he can also get some benefits.

It’s a pity that it’s too late to say anything now
He shrank his head at that time, and now he wants to pick peaches again.
If this were the moon, he would have the cheek to lick his face and sit at the negotiating table.
But now the negotiations on Mars are going on. No matter how thick-skinned he is and how long his hands are, he can reach out from the moon to Mars!
"Ah …"
Is this that people are not as good as the sky?
Eventually Evie’s eyes fell on an intelligence document in front of him.
There are two words on the cover of intelligence materials-Xu tui!
He has been able to confirm that the loss of the treasure in the event of the Sun Temple being slaughtered is most likely this one.
Today, he has a clear understanding of the strength of this Xu retreat after he personally met with Huo Ying.
If this foundation is pushed backwards, it is possible to do this if the genetic mutation environment is allowed to retreat.
This just explains why the enemy is poisoned by what he wants.
Strength is not poisonous enough to gather together.
At the same time, it also explains why no suspicious target has been found for so long.
Because the real killers have been excluded by themselves because of their strength.
It is now that Xu retires. If he wants to start work, he must be more secretive and plan more weeks.
Cai Shaochu, a genetic miracle man, is half a student, and the owner of the B-level intermediate individual is the head of the Tongtian Special Operations Group.
Some headaches!
Evie estimates that the ordinary transmutation environment may not be able to cope with Xu’s retreat, and he must be allowed to be a star-strong, so he can clean up this Xu’s retreat himself!
This opportunity is not easy to find!
Of course, it is also a good thing for Evie to find the real murderer of the Sun Temple incident.
There is still a possibility of further promotion if we want to find the treasure lost in the Sun Temple and put it back there for a long time to collect its strength.
It just takes a little longer.
It’s a dark flower
At the same time, Mars crater base
The strong quasi-star in Huaxia District directly brought Xu back to the crater Mars base in Huaxia District.
After arriving at the crater Mars base, Xu retired and contacted Zhouchuan for a week. After confirming that Zhouchuan had settled down, he immediately applied to see Gaisheng, commander of the crater Mars base.
Xu tui is now a military celebrity, plus the B-level personal intermediate limit, so I met the commander Gai Shenggai smoothly.
Seeing Xu retreat for the first time is a great thank you.
On behalf of the military, thank you formally
But the absolute method of war damage estimation
Two or three thousand more people may die, and many more.
Similarly, the action of withdrawing from the crater Mars base to rescue Fort No.3 also played a key role.
Significance and value method to measure!
Xu tui accepted this thank you. After a few breaths of silence, he suddenly said, "Mr. Gai, I came to you for help."
"Don’t ask for the word’ help’. Just say that we can do it and we will do it." Military friends have to gain their recognition. That’s it, honest and frank
"Help me check the current location information of a practitioner named Nadella’s genetic evolution environment. It shows that they left the Mars base in the non-linked area an hour ago to participate in the pursuit of the Eldar army." Xu said.
"Man Mars?"
"We can find people on Mars, but now many communication facilities are damaged, and when it is needed," Gaisheng said.
"I can wait, but I hope not until the war is over."
"It won’t be that long for a few hours," said Gaisheng hesitantly. "By the way, can I ask if you are looking for this Nadella …"
"It’s okay to tell you, but you still don’t know," Xu said.
Gaisheng understands.
"Well, I won’t ask, but if you have any difficulties, you can tell me that it’s not necessary to worry too much about discipline.
Anything can happen on the battlefield.
And our warrior discipline in Huaxia District is aimed at our own people in Huaxia District. "
"Thank you!"
"I’m a stranger. Don’t thank me!"
Then Xu retired and ate a big meal at the crater Mars base. He found a quiet dormitory and fell asleep.
He needs to rest
After two and a half hours, Xu tui was woken up by a major.
"Report chief teachers asked me to send you a document. He said you wanted something here.
And the teacher said that if you need anything else, just tell me! He won’t be able to come over if he is busy. "
"Give me a Skyfighter."

After that, Valdi fell into a coma. This time, Valdi didn’t resign. The only explanation was that he recognized Zhang Lan’s fact, but his mouth didn’t want to admit it.

Zhang Lan took a look at the doctor and said coldly, "Save my brother. If he dies, I will kill you."
Zhang Lan has never threatened koo people like this, but Valdi would rather be a villain once, so that these doctors who have lived for four years are afraid of death or Zhang Lan.
Out of the emergency room, Nick also arrived and worried, "What’s the situation of Valdi?"
"At present, the doctor is trying to rescue him. I believe he can survive this." Zhang Lan can hope so.
"That’s good. Valdi is so badly injured that the war should not be far away, right?" Nick already felt wrong.
"Now Dance Snow is helping Taiwu, and we can’t be distracted. All battles are not allowed to enter the city. Every soldier in the city can walk the wall. This is a tough battle and I need to wake up a person."
Zhang Lan said that he had accepted someone else’s hand and hung his waist. "It’s not a simple personal grudge to save the earth and save mankind. He is too disappointing."
"What are you doing? Don’t take too much risk. You know, you don’t have the ability to heal quickly now. We can also call for reinforcements. It’s very dangerous to rely on too little power. "
Nick warned that if he threw himself into the Yugoslav capital, there would be no way to protect Zhang Lan personally.
"Don’t worry, they can’t threaten me before the guardian of God appears." Zhang Lan said and walked straight to the gate.
Chapter six hundred Say your name!
At the moment when the Dead Sea is about to turn the tide, no one noticed that a figure in the storm circle came in through the sandstorm itself.
"It’s such a big sand. It’s disgusting. Why is the Dead Sea such a disgusting place?" Vikov came in with a look of disgust and tore off his scarf to reveal his true face.
Radiation? Pollution? Magnetic field? Can’t hurt the guardian of the body and mind. On the contrary, this dry weather makes his skin particularly uncomfortable
"If I had known it was so dry, I should have brought some masks, but now I can solve everything here quickly." Vikov hates going forward without positioning the system to know the direction of the eternal night city. "Zhang Lan must wait for me. I must live until I come. If you hang up, it will be meaningless."
At this moment, the city wall of Eternal Night is full of trees and grass, and many soldiers who are ready to resist the invasion of the enemy have lifted the magnetic environment of the city wall, exposing many Eternal Night people to a ghostly posture and picking up enough magnetic weapons to kill their opponents, while the surface flow of the city wall has risen to a peak, regardless of energy consumption.
Yu Zhanglan has walked forward along the highway for one kilometer, and the reverse blade of the cracked asphalt pavement was inserted beside the handle.
Zhang Lan breathed lightly with his eyes closed and his protective mask closed.
In the past four years, the road leading to Yongye City has long been devastated, covered with thin sand, and some tornadoes have buried this road every day.
In the sky, the thunder is rolling, and the rain is coming.
I don’t know how long it’s been. The sand beside Zhang Lan suddenly jumped up. At first, it jumped gently, and then it turned into a big thriller.
At this time, the wall 1 km away also felt the vibration.
"Zhang Lan, look ahead …" Nick whispered in the intercom that he had some scalp pins and needles.
Because from the end of the horizon, the black fighters of Wuyang Wuyang are coming hand in hand, and they roll up dust and float to the sky like a huge sandstorm.
50,000, but a million troops of the night clan came to the eternal night city. You Wang didn’t stay behind, except for the researchers in the cave and women and children, the night clan was physically dispatched.
This is a desperate battle. Four years of grievances and four years of entanglements must be separated in this war.
The hatred of the night clan has condensed into a force, and even if the teeth bite, it will tear the wall of the eternal night city.
People in the face of this million-strong army should tremble to move, right? But Zhang LAN is natural. Pull out the reverse blade beside her and face everyone quietly.
"Nick, they are you. Don’t leave your hand. I found one." Zhang Lan woke up in the intercom.
"Fire!" The enemy has entered the range of attack. Nick ordered the city walls to be bright for a moment, and the magnetic barrage was like a torrential rain that washed over the front row of the army. Some soldiers had not yet reacted, and they had already been killed. A man tumbled over the sand and died.
It is good to leave the body, even if the face is covered with the bodies of their companions, they can still easily penetrate and continue to charge.
The barrage quickly consumes the charge crowd, but it is still a drop in the bucket in the face of a million-strong army. Looking at it, it is like the night rushing to the enemy. Who can stop the night arrival?
With a knife, no matter how fierce the guns are around, how many people die in the wailing. Zhang Lan has never started work.
Perhaps it was the murderous look that made the night clan corps dare not move around, and he even bypassed him to advance.
Zhang Lan, and so on, bombarded the Corps with magnetic artillery fire, and then another shot hit the ground. When it landed, a magnetic position appeared 1 km away from the horizontal, which abruptly tore up the magnetic artillery shell.

Silently practicing "The Rhythm of Everything" can be practiced for 50 minutes at a time.

Suddenly, Yang Xiu’s heart moved and hit himself. Suddenly, he found a change in "Nine Changes in the Heart of the Whole Life"
Name Yang Xiu
Life span 16/73
Excellent blood spirit
Life case
The realm is extraordinary and seven times.
Talent sword fanatics die of cunning spirit.
The supernatural powers cover the sky
The achievement method "Nine Transfiguration Strategies for People’s Living and Deciding Their Hearts" (II)
Everything is in the palm of God’s hand (the first part)
"Five Elements of Heaven and Man Heart Lamp Method"
"The Fairy Sword in Nine Clouds" (the first one)
Sword suppression
Judgments unite our minds.
One’s own realm has risen to extraordinary heights. Seven important promotion elites can find grandpa to inherit a large sum of money.
The biggest change is that I have an avatar.
The avatar covers the sky!
This is the fact that the night arrival is his own assassination of blood night’s venerable Gao Yuanyuan, which seems to have absorbed her. blood night has changed and turned into an avatar!
Cover the sky with your hands
When and where Yang Xiuke can make this avatar not have to make Yuan instantly form a dark field.
The area of this field can be changed according to his mind, but it cannot exceed his night range.
Corrosion in this field shields all divine perception.
The biggest change can be three times a day, and the longest change can be maintained at ten interest rates!
Suddenly, Yang Xiubai came over, and the so-called magical power is also in Yinzhou. This is the third-order venerable person and the second-order alien master the law!
Chapter 52 Yuan Ying’s Sword Trial Method
When Yang Xiu felt the magical power here, something happened to Zhang Yue!
Zhang Yue returned to his Tieling boundary when crossing with Gao Yuanyuan’s body.
Back to their own in the chamber of secrets, the soul-attached gourd also shattered the body and exposed it.
Zhang Yue gasped, and he was also mentally injured.
However, he is better than Yang Xiu once, and he will recover soon. It’s no big deal.
Looking at the body in the secret room, Zhang Yue frowned and he quickly recovered his injuries.
The body must be disposed of, but not in the forest farm
Otherwise, the origin of the corpse will lead to various events.
In the past, during a massacre, the Zhang family sent new people while none of them was dead, but there must be spies watching them.
Be careful.
This body must not be exposed!
It’s almost time to recover. Zhang Yueqi carefully shouldered the body and quietly left the forest farm and entered the forest.
The body must be disposed of in the forest, leaving no trace.
Zhang Yue didn’t touch many things in Gao Yuanyuan’s body.
Whatever is left is destroyed by the trouble department.
This hundreds of miles of forest Zhang Yue has been very familiar with several walks.
He has a place to destroy the body in his heart.
There is also a strange place in Jiahe forest. You can’t make a fire in this forest.
The method of raising the flame can only be used to make carbon outside the real forest in Jiahe Forest Farm.
The ground is also a method to dig a foot of sludge as hard as iron.
The root method in the forest incinerates the body, and the method of burying the body can throw the body away.
There is a deep hole in the forest, which is thirty feet deep, similar to a sinkhole. Zhang Yue decided to destroy the body there and throw it into the abyss.
The abyss looks like a canyon, which is very scary, and everyone is far away.
Moreover, Zhang Yue’s pursuit of deception is not only their mountain lords, but also far away from there
There is no problem in destroying the body there.
Soon he got there.
Although Yang Xiufa didn’t have a nightmare bonus, Zhang Yue’s strength is no problem to walk alone at night.
When I got there, I came to the edge of the abyss, and Zhang Yue couldn’t help but feel fear in my heart.
This is a kind of life that can respond from the deepest part of the blood.
Zhang Yue bullet force a throw Gao Yuanyuan’s body into the abyss straight into the deepest place.
He turned and walked away from here in one breath.
But just walked out of the hundred paces, a creepy feeling that he was born in his body.

Oriental Ziyan has also studied the array these days, but it is easy to find the array eye, so he also tried to crack the array.

A strong water aura fluctuates and the jade box is still moving.
However, when Oriental Ziyan tried to free a few silk wood aura from the abdomen, the array method actually shook, but it was still far from being cracked.
Seeing this scene, the Baiyun Tower is clear, because the Oriental martial sister Mu aura contains a hint of weather.
I took the jade box from the younger martial sister of the East, and the Baiyun Tower was transported with a little concentration, and the weather first poured into the eyes of the jade box array.
The circle immediately trembled strongly and became more and more intense. The jade box guardian circle was finally broken.
There is nothing to hesitate about. Baiyun Tower gently hits the jade box, and an unusually delicate jade is lying quietly.
"Jade Jane?" Baiyun tower gently picked up the two-inch length finger thickness jade surprised and said
"What is Jade Jane?" Zhao-yang xia asked doubtfully.
"In ancient times, Chang Yujian recorded some high-order cultivation techniques in the field of cultivation. Fairy caves and heavenly places were more common, and ancient books in the front yard and back hill were illustrated."
"Jade Jian was refined by Yuan Ying’s monk Yuan Ying’s true fire and refining method. This jade Jian’s quiet and beautiful texture is refined into an array symbol, but it seems to be natural."
Say that finish Baiyun Tower will stick a wisp of knowledge between the eyebrows at one end of the jade slips without texture.
Baiyunlou learned from ancient books that the jade bamboo slips method can only be sealed in a wisp of thought if it is repaired in the early childhood.
The higher you fix it, the stronger the thought will be, but a message is a set of skills.
Reading this thread of thought is quite simple, and you can almost read it after a little concise knowledge and a mid-term study of condensed gas.
However, when I found out about the knowledge of Baiyun Tower, I found that I was wrong. This jade bamboo root is not a message or a skill, but it seems to have broken into a fairyland.
Qionglou Yuyu is either hidden in the clouds or floating in the clouds, and the fairy clouds are ethereal and quiet, which is a fairy family atmosphere.
A glass-like hall is now in front of the gods, and the cornices at the four corners of the hall bend to raise colorful glow and fall into the hall from the dome, which is extraordinary.
Baiyun Tower turned to see a slender beautiful figure standing in the clouds with its back to the main hall.
Blue hair dancing with the wind, wearing colorful clothes and cicada-like skirts, dragging clouds lightly, wrist gently holding clouds and gauze, looking into the distant sky, where thunder and fire are flashing.
A moment later, the beautiful image made a movement, and with a wave of his wrist, Hao waved the cloud gauze and disappeared into the void.
In a short time, the cloud gauze was wrapped in two objects, one of which was a six-foot-high Zijin furnace, and the other was actually a ten-foot-long Fiona Fang herbal garden.
A pinch of plain hand reveals a tricolor flame, and a finger gently flicks the tricolor flame into the Zijin furnace.
Raise your hand and make a move. A delicate lotus flower flies in the lotus pond in front of the main hall.
Throw the lotus gently with your hands, and gently flap the two lotus petals to fly to the medicine garden if you have spiritual knowledge.
However, several petals have been closed, and the lotus petals are slightly opened. A five-color glow shines on the medicine garden, and the medicine garden is collected by the lotus flower at the moment.
The beautiful hands made another move. A group of green gourds flew out of the hall and were collected into lotus petals one by one by the lotus.
The girl seemed to have confessed to the Baiyun Tower with Lotus, but did not hear the sound.
A moment later, I saw the lotus petals in the lotus pond flapped and gently turned. The water in the lotus pond flew half around the lotus.
Finally, a water polo floats half a delicate lotus flower, and gradually the lotus petals stop flapping like sleeping.
Chapter 52 Take a picture in Wonderland
The beautiful image that has been turned back suddenly turned around and Baiyun Building felt that it did not disappoint people.
In the sight of this fairy, her temperament is luxurious and beautiful, especially her face seems to be covered with a layer of fog, and when she sees her face, she forgets it.
Seeing the fairy fingers slightly lifting the lotus pond, pieces of bluestone flew out and wrapped the water polo tightly.
Then gently pinch the fairy tactic to cast some magic on this big group of blue stones and also cast some magic on Zijin furnace. This group of blue stones and Zijin furnace have a slight light and colorful glow.
The fairy just thought and dumped a fairy tactic, and the five-color glow of the two immortals dimmed a lot.
After some changes, it can be seen that the former female fairy should protect the magic circle, and then the fairy tactic will be weakened a lot.
Finally, the fairy finally nodded with satisfaction and waved to one side floating in the clouds. The fairy mountain disintegrated into pieces of stars and stones hanging in half.
At this time, the fairy said something to the Baiyun Tower, but the sound fluctuated slightly.
Baiyun Tower secretly recorded these fluctuations, which probably means that Zhongyao Xiyin.
With a wave of his hand, the cloud gauze accompanied a large group of stars and petrified streamers to fall to the world.
In the last scene, the fairy cast a fairy tactic to put her thoughts into the jade slips.
At this scene, the gods of Baiyun Tower were ejected. It is not difficult to imagine that the jade slips were then smashed into a star stone and turned around for thousands of years and finally fell into the hands of several people.
Looking at the Jade Bamboo Slips and Baiyun Tower in the hand, it is difficult to return to the sky. There is a celestial world. I can’t help but sigh and look out of the window.
Seeing Brother Bai taking jade slips from his forehead, Xia Chaoyang was so curious that he couldn’t help but ask, "What’s Brother Bai like? Is there any skill cheats in it for me to see?"
Baiyun Lou heard the words and handed the jade slips to Xia pool.
Xia Chaoyang picked up the jade slips and put them on his forehead. He tried several times to get to the point, and Baiyun Tower explained the method carefully.
Try again. Xia Chaoyang finally saw a scene in wonderland. Some people were dumbfounded. After watching it again, some people were reluctant to say that they wanted to see it again.
"It is estimated that this complicated idea can’t be dropped at will after a few times of observation." Baiyun Tower wanted to think.
Xia Chaoyang was disappointed when he heard from the senior brother, but he turned his head and gladly gave the jade slips to the elder martial sister in the East.
She said excitedly, "Sister Ziyan, you should also take a quick look at the fairy inside. That dress is so beautiful. I don’t know what to do. It’s simply beautiful to the extreme."
Baiyun Lou heard a sigh of relief and asked, "Xia Shimei saw that dress when she closed it?"
"It’s not the cloud yarn that adds a bit of dust." Zhao-yang Xia wanted to think and answered.
I’m too lazy to pay attention to this unreliable school sister, Baiyunlou, saying to the Oriental school sister, "Zi Yan focuses on its details, and the clues in the desert sea may all be here."
Oriental Ziyan nodded slightly and took the jade Jane to set up a wisp of gods and leaned in.

The furthest distance in the world is that you and I are less than ten meters apart, but I stand by you.

Jia Yelian felt that he was simply a hopeful stone. He winked at Zhuang not far away. Naizhuang was not far away and kept chatting with his sisters until he was scolded by Mayor Jia. "Don’t talk! Listen to Taiwan! "
Zhuang looked up and saw Jia Yelian staring at him.
Hey, how dare this guy stare at me? Is it that you have been blackmailed?
Not far from Zhuang, he waved back and called Hu Xiaohu, "Do you remember that spell I told you?"
"That’s the sentence,’ My manor focuses on money?’ "Asked Hu Xiaohu and then listen to the words not far from Zhuang nodding.
Jia Yelian finally got to the end of the meeting and hurriedly ran to the rostrum, and then found a tall and burly guy in front of him.
"You let …" Before I finished, I heard the young man say, "My manor focuses on money!"
"Ah?" Jia Yelian froze and looked around and then at the young man in front of him. "How much … how much?"
Hu Xiaohu is still trembling. Jia Yelian, who is that? Hu Xiaohu is the most important person in Niu Shan Town. He grew up listening to him.
Who thought that saying a word really shocked Jia Yelian?
Hu Xiaohu was stunned when he heard Jia Yelian say "how much"
I really care!
"That … one … one … one thousand?" Hu Xiaohu’s heart says that one hundred is too little. People are also a super local tyrant. Ten thousand is too much. Let dad know. If you don’t break your leg, then … one thousand.
Who thought that the other person was more afraid of "one … one thousand Luo?"
What the hell is a thousand dollars?
"Of course it’s a thousand dollars!"
"Oh, oh, oh …" Jia Yelian quickly took out his wallet and found that he didn’t bring any cash. When he reached out, the assistant had already taken out his wallet.
Jia Yelian pulled a pile and stuffed it directly into Hu Xiaohu, then turned and ran.
Jia Yelian ran to the car and covered his chest. "Oh, my God, you scared me to death!"
I can’t take out a thousand dollars if I lose everything!
"Oh, my God, you scared me to death …" Hu Xiaohu was also scared when he counted a stack of money in his hand.
This spell is really amazing. I gave it several times more!
Chapter 24 Have we met?
Coach Chu, a wood factory in Niu Shan Town, the eastern suburb of Niu Shan Town, pushed the door of the factory director Hu’s office with familiarity, sat down and picked up the table, filled it with tea, and then lay down on the sofa with a sigh. "Or are you so comfortable and air-conditioned here? It’s like our office. It’s like a sick old cow …"
"Isn’t the new teaching building going to be built soon?" Director Hu grumpily took a look at this rude guy and put the glass cabinet in front of the glass cabinet next to it as a dressing mirror to arrange clothes in front of the mirror.
"What do you say I wear this dress? Spirit? " Director Hu changed his usual blue suit, a suit and a tie in front of the mirror.
"Hey, what are you doing? I haven’t seen you wear a tie since you got married. I have to go back and tell sister-in-law. "
"Go, go, say it’s good-looking." Director Hu tied his tie and took a photo in the mirror to boast. "Sure enough, I’m still young and handsome, just like twenty years ago …"
"Just like you?" Coach Chu lay on the sofa and changed his posture. After putting his hands on his pillow, he wondered, "Did you increase the lucky money for Xiaohu?"
"No" Director Hu wondered "How do you say that? Is this small and wasteful? "
"I think he bought a pair of new basketball shoes, and the star’s joint name is two thousand, and this small one invited his classmates to eat and drink at noon for two days, and his belly was up! I punished this trot for ten laps today … "
"It’s strange that I didn’t give him money …" Director Hu adjusted his tie and picked it for another tie. "Then you keep an eye on it and I’ll go back and ask his mother …"
"You are also very strange today. What are you boasting about?"
"Isn’t this the year when Niu Shan Town was strong in fighting floods? The city wants to commend our Niu Shan Town Wood Factory as an advanced body …" Director Hu proudly said, "I didn’t expect our wood factory to have a municipal honor!"
"Just like you?" Coach Chu doesn’t believe it.
Director Hu was discouraged. "Actually, it was for Brother Zhuang Zi, but he was too lazy to give it to me … I commended you in the afternoon. Help me see which tie looks good!"
"Hey, just touch whatever you like. Everyone else is trying to hide your Zhang Chou face and will never see your belly position …" Coach Chu said.

I didn’t notice that the source of this pagoda warship is very strong, but I don’t know what is degenerating into this kind. "

Yang Xiu smiled and said, "It’s really that this pagoda warship is the fortress of Xianqin Empire State, and the blood pagoda is a fortress when the universe is famous and terrible."
Later, it was a coincidence that I fell into my hands and started again. "
Zhu Tianrong said, "I told you, although the pagoda warships are relatively simple now, the function of delivering them is the first-class in the universe."
If we weren’t specially sealed at that time, we could be sent back
I can transform, and then I can use my physical strength to send everyone back.
But the pagoda battleship has to evolve. Can it be finished now, right, bachelor? "
The young man replied, "it’s an adult evolution. It’s half done."
Please continue to look for a magic weapon for me to bless evolution. "
Shen Yuanqi said, "What are you waiting for?"
After that, he immediately returned.
The glances have returned to Yang Xiu and Chen Heliu pagoda warships.
Yang Xiu thought for a moment and asked, "Can the fifth man evolve this hull in disguise?"
"No problem, but adults need you to disguise the hull template."
Yang xiu wanted to think out his assigned to the fifth order swift boat.
The flying boat is like a streamlined hull the size of three feet in Lei Guang. It flies like a thunder. When the hull is finished, it is composed of thunder, shining and beating. The colorful Lei Guang is amazing
"Do you think this will do?"
"No problem at all!"
Shen Yuanqi’s return to Zongmen remained motionless for a long time as if thinking about something.
In front of everyone, Shen Yuanji is still, but he is now in an awkward position in the light magic Sect.
He was a holy disciple, and two Mahayanas found that the core of the clan failed to cross over and counted the hidden dangers of light and magic. Now he has been promoted to Yuan Ying, who should control the interests of light and magic.
However, after Yuan Ying was promoted, Master could not see it, although Shen Yuanqi’s Sect of Light and Magic had a double name.
Actual benefits are very scarce.
Merit protection, law enforcement, supervision, storage of merits, and so on.
On what he does, the other side is blocked by all kinds of obstacles, even if Shen Yuanqi takes a magic weapon to cave in, it is impossible.
It can be said that Shen Yuanqi’s light demon Sect is struggling to move forward.
It seems that the elders are trying to squeeze him away from the light devil clan.
He has always been a master, and both of them are practicing in a closed way. Originally, they were trapped in Yunmengze.
Returning to the clan, Shen Yuanqi silently calculated.
Soon it was early in the morning before I had my own cousin.
This person named Beiyue belongs to the clan, and arranged attendants directly under Shen Yuanqi to assist everything in the clan.
This guy is watching Shen Yuanqi’s keeper.
"Holy Lord, this is the record of today’s Zongmen morning meeting."
"Please watch!"
Say that finish handed me a jade Jane.
He is very arrogant to Shen Yuanqi, and his words are full of contempt.
This jade slip is what happened outside the clan.
But these things have been dealt with in the morning meeting.
To these things, Shen Yuanqi must attend the favorable presiding meeting.

General Zhao did not struggle with this problem.

He looked at the dignified and gentle face and was moved.
While she was unguarded, Zhao thief’s house was gentle, and her rosy lips were printed.
"Didn’t you say you had something to do later?"
Zhao Shangxin’s face is reddish. Don’t overdo it.
She ignored the big villain’s offense to herself.
Now she also feels that kissing is nothing, as long as he doesn’t abandon himself and hasn’t gargled since last night.
"Fifty thousand former troops have been drawn to the southern Xinjiang Wolf Smoke City yesterday and will attack the city today."
Zhao’s fault is that the military plane won’t hide it from her.
"Do you want a battlefield?"
Fearful look suddenly became nervous.
Unconsciously, she raised her jade hand and held the skirt of Xiao Gong Ye.
Zhao thief noticed that she was so confident about herself that she lay across a warm current and he lowered his hand to hold her softly.
"You don’t have to worry that it’s not my turn to take the lead. I’m going to take charge of the overall situation."
He cheerfully put his forehead against the forehead of a great beauty.
Zhao Shangxin feels that face-to-face breathing is also hot.
However, she still maintained her dignity as an adult.
"Siege warfare is not easy to fight."
She didn’t push Zhao wrong after a meal.
She has read the only female brother in Xunshan Academy, but she knows a lot about military affairs.
The most difficult thing to fight is to attack the city. If the enemy is determined to keep a city full of food and grass, it can always keep it there. There are many examples.
"Haven’t you ever heard of the reputation of the Confederate artillery?"
Zhao wrong strut said
Miss Zhao is also in distress situation when she sees that he wants to play tricks again.
Little grandpa is still a little childish occasionally, and likes to show off his guy to close people, but he is calm and collected to outsiders
"Dayu artillery is powerful, but there are no ever-victorious weapons in the world. If the enemy had known you had magic weapons, you wouldn’t be too proud."
What she said is that Zhao thief is also deeply aware of this, but he took out the slings most and it is not big now.
"I have my own clever plan."
Zhao said wrongly and couldn’t help stamping her forehead.
"General Zhao is naturally invincible. If he can bully women and worry about the south?"
Feast refused to kiss him one after another.
"The two do not conflict."
Xiao Gongye put his arm around her waist again.
"Didn’t you say you served me to freshen up? I knew you were trying to sabotage me. "