You can’t just wait for the other side to make a move!

Since Ninjutsu can’t speak, then make a breakthrough in melee physical warfare!
"Come with me!"
Take the lead in pulling out the pain in the glove bag. The more this happens, the more you can’t shrink back. If you don’t find out the details of the enemy as soon as possible, the loss will be limited!
Although he didn’t say a word, as the tall man smiled, his arm was stretched hard again! And after a "carrara" sound that made people numb, a long chain appeared in front of everyone-thorns wrapped around the chain.
This is like a robot. What is the body structure?
The enemy in front of us has completely exceeded the understanding ability of Konoha Ninja. No matter which country is fighting before, there has never been such a situation … They judge the enemy’s ability from the root!
"Cut! Cut! Hey! "
Judging by the law, we can avoid it … before they can react, those spiny "thorns" are separated from the giant Han’s arm and roared at the enemy with a long tail flame!
"Get out of the way!"
But I can’t come!
The explosive power of the detonator is even more amazing than that of the general detonator! Those tiny thorn roots are powerful bombs, and the defense circle of konoha leaves has almost collapsed in the blink of an eye …
Crying and cursing …
Mere endurance is hard to achieve, and just trying melee has not achieved results … so much?
Konoha, who doesn’t claim to be the strongest in the forbearance world, certainly doesn’t just rely on the strength of the peak strong … The fact is that even ordinary ninjas definitely have extraordinary talents-after all, even those terrible strong people have become stronger step by step from ordinary ninjas, and that’s the secret of Konoha’s enduring …
If simple ninja or physical attack can’t work …
So what about mixing them up?

"Fire dun Hao fireball!"
"Tudun Ground Fist!"
Gravel rises, blazing flames come out with the jet, and those flaming gravel streams roar towards Payne with terrible power, which is as terrible as a meteor shower, bringing the power of United Ninjutsu to the extreme!
If a man is not strong enough to defeat the enemy, he will unite his comrades-in-arms strength … if there is still a chance, then never give up!
This is Konoha’s determination!
There is no doubt that it is because of these precious strong hearts and leaves that they are so powerful …
But unfortunately, I can’t today …
In the face of absolute power, all efforts are meaningless …

"God Luo Tianzheng!"
Terrible and absolute power makes all efforts, and the absolute power of God destroys everything and makes it disappear …
So … in this battlefield, there are six solitary figures left again, who are marching forward firmly and seem to have no eyes …
"Tu Dun Tu Long Bullet!"
The old and firm voice finally remembered that ninja who had supported Konoha for decades finally appeared on the battlefield, and that terrible earth-hiding ninja finally stopped Payne’s footsteps temporarily.
"I won’t let you go any further!"
Dressed in battle, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally came to the front line, and at his side, he symbolized the strongest summoner, the ape king, and he was already ready to go.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen …"
Heaven’s voice is still indifferent, and his eyes are hesitant to stare at the old man in front of him … Maybe ten years ago he was enough to pose a threat to Liudao, but today … the old man has no way to stop him.
Although for Heaven, he didn’t take a stand of fighting to the death with this old man … as it was said at the beginning, it was all a plan.
"What can you do now?"

"Times belong to young people, yes."
Behind the ape fly, another figure gradually became clear … He seemed to grow directly from the soil, but he didn’t give off the so-called strong breath …
But the appearance of this figure made Payne nervous almost at the same time …
"But don’t you think you are too young?"
Konoha’s thousand hands are really brave-immortal human body
Xiao organized six Payne-immortal eyes …
They are silently in different positions. Perhaps today, the Immortal War will explode Chapter 199, with a sense of disobedience …
Konoha’s thousand hands are really brave-immortal human body
Xiao organized six Payne-immortal eyes …
They are silently in different positions. Maybe today the fairy war will break out!

Payne …
Zhen Yong’s eyes are a little complicated.
Although he admits that he didn’t intend to really change anything from the beginning-otherwise, he wouldn’t have let these three kids disappear for so long, but those short years of life still have some wonderful feelings for them …
If you are friends, you will always be worried about each other’s safety.
He still remembers how he taught them the skills of survival bit by bit, how he went to the market with them to steal some necessary food, and even remembered that he finally talked to Yahiko … that time he was relaxed and didn’t worry about the future or the past days-he lived like a poet but he was not a poet after all …
Maybe we should have expected this situation from the day we parted …
For the prophet, he had guessed when he learned that the swim bladder had come to Konoha, when he realized that Spot had started to make moves …
But when Yahiko’s corpse-making heaven really appeared in front of Zhenyong, he still couldn’t help sighing …
Gently close your eyes and then slowly open them …
Feelings stop here!
Konoha’s enemy … is also a brave enemy with thousands of hands. He doesn’t have to leave his hand! Shuo Mao’s death has made Zhenyong grow up. He may start to look more like Zeng Jin, and he is beginning to understand that in this cruel world, if you want to live and live better … you must be more cruel than others!
Zhenyong didn’t deliberately observe the surrounding situation, and he has entered a state of war. He has already ruled out all distractions and even the slightest change in the battlefield can escape his perception!
The first is the summoning animals.
As soon as a big bird flies in the sky, a huge bison … and will the puppy keep splitting when attacked?
He raised a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth
-how can you break konoha with these things alone?